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PB Minutes, 2/7/11, Approved
FEBRUARY 7, 2011

1.      CALL TO  ORDER                  4:35 p.m. by Mr. Caggiano
ROLL CALL                               Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Walsh, Mr. Doggett and Parking Director James Hacker.    


Mr. Doggett made a motion to approve the minutes of November 22, 2010.  Mr. Walsh seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Norman Street Condos Parking Fees

Nate Gravel of the 24 Norman Street condos was present regarding the potential reduction of the condo association’s annual fee for parking at Riley Plaza as per the letter from the condo associations trustees dated October 19, 2010.  The request is to go from $500 per unit per year to $300 per unit per year.  He stated that the amount is based on the recommendations of the Nelson Nygaard study which identifies a recommendation of $25 monthly rate for parking in Riley Plaza.  They are requesting that the Parking Board recommend the reduction to the City Council.

George Courage, 24 Norman Street, stated that is something that the condo association has been talking about for a while.  He noted that parking is difficult in the area, but feels they are being charged a premium for a public space.

Deena Capano, 24 Norman Street, stated that she also supports the request.

Mr. Doggett asked the Board’s authority.  He stated that it seems it was negotiated between the owner and another city board.

Mr. Hacker stated that it was negotiated between the developer and the ZBA as a condition of the variance.  

Mr. Gravel stated that a fee is a condition of occupancy, but the amount of the fee is not stated.

Mr. Caggiano stated that it the fee is reduced, then every other condo association could request a rate reduction.  He asked if the condo association can park in the garage.

Mr. Gravel stated that the variance specifies Riley Plaza.

Mr. Caggiano asked if they have spoken to their City Councillor.  

Mr. Gravel replied in the negative and stated that he wanted to see what happened with the Parking Board.

Mr. Caggiano asked under what circumstances is parking not available.

Mr. Gravel stated that availability is not the largest issue, but noted that in October and during snow emergencies parking is scarce.   

Mr. Walsh asked it was being brought before because some residents have no cars, while others have one car and others have two cars.

Mr. Gravel replied in the negative, and stated that the parking fee makes up 25% of their condo fees while most people can park in Riley Plaza for free.  He stated that he understands that there is an obligation to pay, but felt it is unjust to pay the same rate as the garage.  He noted that the downtown has changed since the variance was written.  

Mr. Caggiano agreed that there are some spaces that are free during the day, while others are metered.  

Mr. Doggett stated that the condition was placed in order for the developer to create the units and that parking is a value to the unit, whether to the original developer or the current owners.  The value may not be where you park the car, but the value of the residential units on the marketplace.  Mr. Doggett asked if it was always $500.

Mr. Hacker replied in the negative and stated that it went up a few years ago.

Mr. Doggett stated that he felt the request should go to the ZBA.

Mr. Gravel stated that the language states that the fee is specified by the Parking Board.

Mr. Hacker suggested tabling for later discussion and that the condo association talk to the Ward Councillor.  He stated that he would be happy to set up a meeting between the Ward Councillor, Mr. Gravel and himself.  Mr. Hacker added that the rates have to be approved by the City Councillor and Mayor.

Mr. Caggiano asked if Derby Lofts is required to pay for parking.

Mr. Hacker replied in the affirmative and noted that they can currently park at either garage.

Mr. Courage asked if there is a link between the assessed value and the parking fee.

Mr. Doggett replied in the negative and stated that to find a way to develop the building, this was a mechanism to develop it to meet the condition to have parking.

There were no reports from board members.

Mr. Hacker stated that the North Shore Medical Center will hold the Cancer Walk on June 26th and they are requesting free parking in the South Harbor Garage from 6:30am to 12:30pm.  Mr. Doggett made motion to allow free parking in the South Harbor Garage on June 26th from 6:30 am to 12:30 pm.  For the North Shore Medical Center Cancer Walk.  Mr. Walsh seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Mr. Hacker stated that he did not have the January revenue report ready as yet.

Mr. Hacker stated that it was estimated that over one million pounds of snow was removed from the roof of the Museum Place garage.  At South Harbor garage there were no particular problems.

Mr. Hacker stated that the police freed up 5 officers from dispatching, of which 4 have been assigned to traffic.  They have been making a lot of efforts to drive through the garage, including unmarked cars.  There has been a rash of vandalism and car break-ins throughout the city.

Mr. Caggiano asked who is responsible for plowing the parking lots.

Mr. Hacker replied that it is the Department of Public Services.

Mr. Caggiano asked if at the time that the snow emergency is over, if the lots could be blocked off so that as cars leave, it could be emptied for the DPS to do a full clearing out.

Mr. Hacker noted that a snow emergency takes 2200 spaces out of the downtown.

Mr. Hacker stated that the parking survey did not take into consideration where the snow emergency parking locations should be and what the rates should be.  We allow people to park in the metered lots and don’t enforce the meters.  The Church Street lot is not a snow emergency lot.


        There was no unfinished business.

The next meeting will be March 7, 2011.

Ms. Guy stated that the July and September meetings fall on a Monday holidays and that City offices are closed.  She asked if the Board wanted to push the meetings out by one week or cancel them.  She also asked if the Board would be having an October meeting, noting that they have not in the last several years.

Mr. Doggett made a motion to change July 4 meeting to July 11 and September 5 meeting to September 12th.  Mr. Walsh seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.


There being no further business, Mr. Doggett made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Walsh seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.   The meeting was adjourned at 5:24pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy