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PB Minutes, 11/22/10, Approved
NOVEMBER 22, 2010

1.      CALL TO  ORDER                  4:32 p.m. by Mr. Spatafore
        ROLL CALL                               Mr. Spatafore, Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Bouchard and Parking Director James Hacker.    Mr. Walsh arrived later in the meeting.


Mr. Caggiano made a motion to approve the minutes of September 13, 2010.  Mr. Bouchard seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Parking Study

Tom Daniel of the City of Salem Department of Planning and Community Development was present to give an update of the Parking Study project, for which the City Council agreed to adopt the operating objective recommended by the Parking Board.  The Council is looking for recommendations in march.  A subgroup of the Parking Study Committee, which includes Mr. Bouchard and Mr. Hacker, has been formed as an implementation team, which will look at relative pricing based on parking demand and off-street parking as a less expensive alternative to on-street parking.  They will also look at a monthly permit program, targeted to employees, but available to anyone, which will also look at specific areas, such as Riley Plaza, to provide lower cost options.  The group will also look at housekeeping items, such as the lack of shoveling done by the city around parking lots and other accessibility improvements.  Mr. Daniel stated that he will come back at the Board’s February meeting with more specifics.

Norman Street Condos

With regard to the request from the last meeting by the Norman Street Condo owners, Mr. Hacker stated that he did not believe the Board as the authority to reduce the rate.  His opinion was that the Board makes a recommendation to the Mayor and the rates are set by the City Council.  He suggested that the owners direct the inquiry to the Mayor and City Council and that the Board inform the Mayor and City Council, in writing, that if they change one rate, they will have to change the others.

Mr. Caggiano asked if Mr. Hacker received a request in writing from the condo owners, as was recommended by the Board at the last meeting.  

Mr. Hacker replied in the negative.

Mr. Bouchard preferred not to take any action until a formal request is received in writing.

Ms. Guy suggested that any request or determination of authority be reviewed by the City Solicitor.

Mr. Walsh joined the meeting at this time.

Mr. Bouchard stated that he was asked by one of the Chamber of Commerce members to inquire about how long and for what reason the flat rate for parking at Halloween was implemented.

Mr. Hacker stated that the City has been doing it for about 8 or 9 years.  It was started because lines leaving the garage were backed up to the roof.  The flat rate in made it faster to get out.  The concession was made that Salem residents could park for free on the weekends at the Church Street lot.

Mr. Bouchard asked if it was still free, even with the new kiosks.

Mr. Hacker replied in the affirmative.

Mr. Hacker provided the revenue spreadsheets for Fiscal Years 04 thru 10.   He stated that the Parking Lots and Meter Revenue shows a 12.7% decrease in September and a 6.9% increase in October.  He noted that some of the revenue shown in the 171.2% increase in August should likely have been posted in September.  He added that the total Parking Garage and Office Revenues for October had a 9% increase.

Mr. Hacker noted that the Visitor Center was up 9.75% in people coming in during September and 17.84% in October.  He explained that for the garage, one car full of people is counted as one, while a car full going into the Visitor’s Center could be 2 or more.  He also noted that their numbers reflect bus, train and ferry riders.  He added that the Chamber of Commerce booth at Essex and Washington Streets saw approximately 16,000 last year and approximately 25,000 this year.

Mr. Hacker stated that there was about $600 worth of damage for broken windows in the parking garage.

Mr. Hacker stated that the St. Joseph’s redevelopment project is proceeding and that some of the surrounding streets will be configured.  There will likely be 3 on street parking spaces lost.

Mr. Hacker stated that there has been some recent meter vandalism and that the police are involved.

Mr. Hacker stated that two Parking Department supervisors have been replaced – one was let go and the other moved to Seattle, WA.

Mr. Hacker asked for a motion to allow free parking on the Saturday and Sunday after Thanksgiving in both garages and the Church Street lot.

Mr. Bouchard made a motion to allow free parking on the Saturday and Sunday after Thanksgiving in both garages and the Church Street lot in perpetuity.  Mr. Caggiano seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

The next meeting will be January 3, 2011.


There being no further business, Mr. Caggiano made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Bouchard seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.   

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy