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PB Minutes, 9/14/09 Approved
SEPTEMBER 14, 2009

1.      CALL TO  ORDER                  4:31 p.m. by Mr. Spatafore
        ROLL CALL                               Mr. Spatafore, Mr. Doggett and Mr. Caggiano and Parking Director James Hacker.   Mr. Walsh arrived later in the meeting.


Mr. Caggiano made a motion to approve the minutes of August 10, 2009.  Mr. Doggett seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.


Mr. Caggiano stated that several Front Street business owners spoke to him about the carnival proposed for the Klop Alley lot and stated that they are against it.

Mr. Hacker stated that he does not believe it is moving forward.

Mr. Caggiano stated that he participated in a working group meeting with the representatives of the Planning Department, Salem Redevelopment Authority, Salem Chamber of Commerce, Destination Salem, Salem Partnership and downtown business and resident representatives regarding the parking study underway.  The working group was introduced to the consultant Nelson/Nygaard, asked to identify key issues regarding parking, given an overview of the data collection and the tasked that the working group will be asked to undertake, and identified upcoming working group and public meetings.

Mr. Walsh joined the meeting at this time.

Mr. Hacker stated that the study is to look at the entire parking situation in the downtown, rather than piecemeal.  It will include counting cars and having two to three public meetings to get input from downtown residents and businesses.  The consultants will develop recommendations on parking needs and requirements.

Mr. Walsh stated that all Parking Board members should be notified when there are meetings.

Mr. Hacker stated that he could get invitations extended to everyone.

Mr. Caggiano noted that each group had a representative and that the group is serving as a sort of advisory board.

Mr. Spatafore stated that he was unable to attend as the Parking Board representative and that he had appointed Mr. Caggiano.

  • Mr. Hacker stated that he put the priests at St. James in touch with the State agency representatives who are overseeing construction of the courthouse.  St. James is interested in entering into an agreement for parking of construction workers vehicles at their site.  Mr. Hacker stated that they have the ability to park enough cars to relieve congestion.  He noted that as of last Tuesday, the State has not acted.  He added that the Mayor’s Office has expressed to the State that they need to do something quickly.  Mr. Hacker stated that construction worker vehicles have been getting tagged when they park on the sidewalk and that it doesn’t seem to be happening anymore.  He stated that the idea is to get those vehicles out of the neighborhoods.
  • Mr. Hacker stated that revenue numbers were going down, so they tried keeping the garages open Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights and hired a part time supervisor for those hours, as well as extended the hours for some part time staff.  The cost for the first trial weekend was $750 and they collected approximately $3000 in each of the first two weekends.  He noted that as a result, there needs to be a request for funding from the City Council to cover the extra salary costs.
Mr. Caggiano made a motion to request funding approval from the City Council to cover salary costs needed to kept the garages open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights.  Mr. Walsh seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

  • Mr. Hacker stated that the pay by space contract has been awarded.  An agreement will be executed this week with the company that will make the signs, as will with the company that will pour the foundations.  He stated that the hope is that they will be installed by the end of October.  There will be 7 solar powered machines and each machine covers 10-12 on-street parking spaces.  He noted that the Mayor would like to install them in the parking lots first (i.e. 2 at the Bridge Street lot and 5 at the Almy’s lot on Church Street).  Parking will be $1.50 per hour and the units can accept coins, bills and credit cards.
Mr. Caggiano asked if the units will eliminate the need for a gate at Church Street.  Mr. Hacker replied in the affirmative.

Mr. Hacker stated that if a machine malfunctions, it will send a message to the office.  It keeps track of the money in the coin box.  The 1800 lb base is too heavy for vandals to pull out.  They may be alarmed.

Mr. Cagginao asked where the numbers will be on the spaces.  

Mr. Hacker replied that they will be on the meter pole and probably on the ground as well.  The unit will give a receipt.

Mr. Hacker stated that in the current budget, they did not budget for the cashier, in hopes that the units would have been installed sooner.  He stated that they need to cover salary for the cashier from July 2009 to whenever the units are up and running.  He stated that there needs to be a request for funding from the City Council to cover the extra salary costs.

Mr. Doggett made a motion to request funding approval from the City Council to cover salary costs needed for the cashier at the Church Street lot.  Mr. Caggiano seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

        D.      Mr. Hacker distributed the revenue spreadsheets for FY09 and July and August of FY10.  He stated that some of the August deposits for the meters will show up in September due to bank delays in counting the deposits.

There was no unfinished business.


There were no visitors.

Mr. Hacker stated that the city is getting ready for Halloween, which falls on a Saturday this year.  He noted that Halloween day is one of the lower volume days because many of the streets are closed and visitors are sent home at 10:00pm.  He stated that his concern is Friday night when the streets are open and establishments stay open later.

There will be no October meeting.  The next meeting will be November 16, 2009.  There will be no December meeting unless an emergency situation arises.  The following meeting will be January 4, 2010.


There being no further business, Mr. Caggiano  made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Walsh seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy