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PM MInutes, 6/1/09 Approved
JUNE 1, 2009

1.      CALL TO  ORDER                  4:30 p.m. by Mr. Spatafore
        ROLL CALL                               Mr. Spatafore, Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Doggett, Mr. Walsh and Mr. Bouchard and Parking Director James Hacker.   


Mr. Caggiano made a motion to approve the minutes of May 4, 2009 with the change from “inside” to “outside” page 2, item 5, 4th paragraph, 2nd sentence.  Mr. Doggett seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.


There were no reports from Board members.

Mr. Hacker provided the revenue figures through April, 2009.  He noted that District Attorney’s Office will not be purchasing passes, which will amount to approximately $20,000 reduction, likely in June.  He added that the numbers this year reflect that the Registry of Deeds left in July and that the courts have shifted a lot of jury trials to Peabody.  He expects a 5% reduction in the office and garages from the year before.  He noted that the lots and meters are pretty much the same and that he expects a 2% reduction from last year.


Mr. Hacker stated that the pay by space contract will be awarded this week.

Mr. Hacker stated that he was able to get camera’s for the two garages through the CIP fund, but they will not be tied into the Salem Police Department due to cost.  The $9800 camera cost is through Security Alert of Peabody.  It will record individuals and/or licenses plates.  This will also help with labor.

Mr. Hacker stated that the resident sticker parking program is progressing.  Zone F got warnings last month and will be ticketed this month.   He noted that there have only been 3 tickets so far, mostly in the Franklin Street area.   Zones A & B get warnings this month.  He noted that the city is getting complaints of people who don’t want to pay for the stickers, mostly from the college area.  He stated that people are complaining that students can get resident parking stickers.


Mr. Hacker stated he attended a meeting regarding the courthouse project where he recommended that the contractors park in the garage or rent space at either the former Sylvania lot or the St. James lot and that the workers be bused to the job site.  He stated that the State is reluctant, will be setting up another meeting with Jason Silva and that nothing is resolved.  He was informed by the steward for the ironworkers that they will be parking in the garage.

Mr. Walsh suggested they use the Universal Steel lot.

Visitor Barry Neeley stated that the courthouse project is already creating parking problems and noted that the project is not even 20% manned yet.  He stated that there will be 5 times more people on the job site in the next month.  He suggested going directly to O’Connell (the contractor) and getting the workers to park in the garage.  He questioned letting workers park under the bridge, because that area will not be available to the public to park when the project is done.

Mr. Neely stated that the visitor parking sticker program is worse, because the address was taken off the sticker, which was used to verify that the vehicle was in the vicinity of the residence it was issued for.  He stated that he believed the address on the sticker was required by ordinance.  He stated that now there is no way for meter maids of the police to check and that the police do not have a copy of the list of sticker numbers.  He suggested that the issuance of visitor passes should be stopped until it is resolved.  Under the new program, courthouse contractors could buy visitor passes from residents.

Mr. Spatafore stated that the program is out of the Parking Board’s hands.

Mr. Neeley stated that there is a flaw in the system, which he brought to the Assistant City Clerk’s attention, who then met with the Collector, Councillor Pelletier and two other Councillors.  He stated that it is supposed to go to the meeting of the whole.  Mr. Neeley stated that he owns 40 housing units which adds up to 80 visitor passes in Zone C, which means that now these vehicles can park anywhere in the zone, not just the vicinity of the residence.  He stated that lawyers in the zone are using visitor passes for visiting lawyers going to court, when the requirement is that the visitor be on the visiting property.  He suggested that the Parking Board send a letter recommending that the corresponding address be put back on the stickers.

Mr. Hacker suggested that the ordinance first be reviewed.

Mr. Neeley suggested that Mr. Hacker attend the courthouse project’s monthly safety meeting and tell the workers to park on the garage roof.  He stated that if they park in the MBTA, they arrive at the lot by 6:00 am and take spots from the commuters.

Mr. Hacker stated he will suggest that the stewards and/or O’Connell representatives attend the next meeting with Jason Silva and the State.

Mr. Caggiano stated that the Parking Board discussed this issue a couple years ago and made recommendations to the City Council.  He stated that he felt it is now up to the City Council to address and for the police to enforce.  He suggested that meter readers do a sample count of visitor passes on cars in the downtown.

Mr. Hacker asked if the board really wants to ticket someone who can’t find a space on their street and has to park on the next street over.

Mr. Caggiano stated that he did not feel the resident and visitor should be required to stay in the home, but should be able to leave to walk somewhere to go to dinner or go walking in the downtown.

Mr. Doggett made a motion to have Mr. Hacker confirm that the previous ordinance called for the address to be placed on the visitor’s sticker and, if so, and the new ordinance did not change the requirement, to bring it to the attention of the Collector, City Council and Mayor in writing.  Mr. Bouchard seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Mr. Hacker noted that at the recent courthouse meeting to discuss parking, present was Alan Howard of O’Connell and James Tanin of DCAM.

Mr. Hacker suggested that there be no meetings in July or August.

Mr. Caggiano suggested no July meeting and shifting the August meeting tentatively to 8/17/09 and if there are no agenda items, to cancel the August meeting.

Mr. Hacker stated that he would call the Chair by 8/10/09.

Mr. Doggett made a motion to cancel the July meeting and to move the August meeting tentatively to 8/17/09.  Mr. Caggiano seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

The next meeting is scheduled for August 17, 2009.


There being no further business, Mr. Caggiano made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Walsh seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.  

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy