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PB Minutes 12/1/08 Approved
DECEMBER 1, 2008

1.      CALL TO ORDER                   4:30 p.m. by Mr. Spatafore
2.      ROLL CALL                               Mr. Spatafore, Mr. Doggett and Mr. Caggiano and Parking Director James Hacker.  Mr. Walsh arrived later in the meeting.


Mr. Caggiano made a motion to approve the minutes of September 8, 2008.  Mr. Doggett seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Mr. Caggiano made a motion to approve the minutes of November 17, 2008.  Mr. Doggett seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.


Mr. Spatafore stated that Ms. Hensley no longer has her restaurant downtown due to the lease not being renewed.  

Mr. Hacker stated that Ms. Hensley is the Board’s Chamber of Commerce representative and that he believed she will be resigning.  He stated that the Mayor’s Office will talk with the Chamber to see who they would like to see on the Board in her place.

Mr. Spatafore asked the status of the Board’s recommendations before the City Council.  

Mr. Caggiano stated that no one from the Parking Board was present at the first Council meeting and that he arrived too late for the second meeting.  He stated that he spoke to one of the Councillors, who understood that Board members are not always available to attend Council meetings.  He noted that the Council will probably not take any action until they hear from the Board.

Mr. Walsh joined the meeting at this time.

Mr. Hacker stated that the items in City Council committee are $.50/hour for parking meters, 2 hour limit per space and guaranteed spaces for a fee at the South Harbor garage.

Mr. Doggett stated that the South Harbor garage spaces came up at the last City Council meeting, where one councillor questioned if the city could reserve spaces because the garage was funded with funds as part of the Riley Plaza replacement project.

Mr. Hacker noted that placing the Visitor Parking sticker program in the Collector’s Office is being considered.


Mr. Hacker provided the revenue figures for the parking garages, parking lots, meters and office from July FY04 through October FY09.  He attributed the October increase to good weather and to there being 5 weekends.  He noted that the Visitor Center had a 10% decrease, but if added to the visitors to the booth placed at Washington Street, there was a 10% increase in visitors.  He stated that there was also a 7% increased in MBTA ridership.  Mr. Hacker stated that during the work week numbers are down which may be due to the Registry of Deeds move.

Mr. Doggett asked if the metered parking lots are near saturation.

Mr. Hacker stated that he did not believe they are as busy as a year ago.

Mr. Caggiano asked how the Octoberfest went.

Mr. Hacker stated that as far as he knew it was pretty busy, but did not feel there was an effect on parking revenue.

Mr. Spatafore asked if there have been any problems with the courthouse project.  

Mr. Hacker replied in the negative, noting that contractors are currently parking on the grassy strip.

Mr. Doggett noted that some spaces were removed from North Street.

Mr. Hacker stated that they were removed to ease traffic flow at the new lights at North Street at the ramp onto Bridge Street.


There was no unfinished business.


Mr. Hacker stated that the MBTA has put in a new rate structure of $4.00 for all surface lots effective in November.  The City’s 123 space lot adjacent to the MBTA lot is currently $2.00 and he asked the Board to consider increasing it to $4.00 to match the MBTA lot and to earmark the extra $2.00 to an enterprise fund that will help maintain the lot.  He noted that the Board’s recommendation will need to go to the Mayor and the City Council.  He stated that, if recommended, the Board would also need to authorize the purchase of a new money collection system, because $4.00 will not fit in the existing honor board.  Mr.  Hacker provided catalog cut of the Parkeon Stelio solar-powered unit as an example.  He stated that it will provide a receipt for the user to put on their dashboard.  It can be adapted for coins, bills, credit cards and smart cards.  He noted that he is still exploring the capabilities with the bank.  The unit is $8-10,000.

Mr. Caggiano stated that it would pay for itself within a month.  He asked if the MBTA spots fill before or after the City’s spots.

Mr. Hacker stated that the MBTA spots fill first; therefore people have been willing to pay to park closer.

Mr. Caggiano stated that vehicles can park all day in the garage for $3.00 and asked if $3.00 few was considered for the lot.

Mr. Hacker stated that he believed it would be less confusing if the city matched the MBTA rate, since most parkers are there to use the train.

Mr. Walsh asked when the increase would start.

Mr. Hacker stated that it would start as soon as the new collection system can be installed.

Mr. Doggett asked how much was needed to repair the lot.

Mr. Hacker stated that it would be 6 figures to resurface, but he would be happy to just put in linpac and level it.

Mr. Doggett suggested that the enterprise fund not be limited to this one lot, but be used for any repairs needed – which could also help reduce the city budget.  He agreed there was no sense in having two rates for essentially the same lot.

Mr. Caggiano asked if the city’s lot will be used for the proposed MBTA parking garage.

Mr. Hacker stated that he did not know the status of the proposed garage.

Mr. Doggett made a motion to recommend that the fee for the city lot next to the MBTA be raised to $4.00 to be compatible with the MBTA rate and for the additional $2.00 to go into an enterprise fund for equipment, maintenance and repairs to parking facilities within the city.  

Mr. Walsh seconded the motion.

Mr. Caggiano stated that when the MBTA raised their rate, he heard that there was quite a lot of backlash and people clamoring for the spaces along Bridge Street.  He stated that he was a little torn.

The motion was voted upon, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Mr. Caggiano made a motion to recommend the purchase of a new pay and display unit for the city lot.  Mr. Walsh seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Mr. Hacker requested a motion to help merchants downtown by offering free parking in the garages and Church Street lot on December 24, 26 and 31 and January 2.  

Mr. Caggiano suggested adding Saturdays in December.

Mr. Hacker stated that the Winter schedule is already free parking on weekends and free at the South Harbor garage for all hours it is open.

Mr. Caggiano made a motion to have free parking in the garages and Church Street lot on December 24, 26 and 31 and January 2.  Mr. Doggett seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

The next meeting is scheduled for January 5, 2009.

There being no further business, Mr. Caggiano made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Walsh seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.  

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy