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PB Minutes 9/8/08 Approved

1.      CALL TO ORDER                   4:31 p.m. by Mr. Spatafore
2.      ROLL CALL                               Mr. Spatafore, Mr. Doggett and Mr. Caggiano and Parking Director James Hacker.  Mr. Walsh arrived later in the meeting.


Mr. Doggett made a motion to approve the minutes of August 4, 2008.  Mr. Caggiano seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.


There were no reports from Board members.


Mr. Hacker provided the revenue figures for the parking garages, parking lots, meters and office from July FY04 through July FY09.  He stated that the year end garage/office revenues were down approximately 4% from the prior year, likely due to the economy, gas prices and the discontinuation of the $5 after 5:00.

Mr. Walsh joined the meeting at this time.

Mr. Hacker stated that lots/meters were approximately $15,000 less than last year, also likely due to the economy and gas prices.

Mr. Hacker stated that Visitor Center statistics show a 12% decrease in tourists in June, 2008 and a 15% decrease in July, 2008.


Mr. Hacker stated that he spoke with the Mayor and that the Parking Board’s recommendations regarding rates and meters is slated to be submitted to the next City Council meeting.  

Mr. Hacker stated that the Resident Sticker Program memo was provide to Councillor O’Keefe last week.


Diane Mannehan and Gerry Hildebrand were present to propose an event for October 24-26, 2009 and request permission to use the Front Street parking lot during that period.  The event is an Octoberfest sponsored by Ipswich Ale, with food, beer and entertainment under a tent.  Trained employees will be handling verification of IDs, and affixing of wristbands to appropriate participants and the dispensing of beer.  Alcohol consumption will be limited by a ticket purchase for beer.  No hard alcohol will be served.  A $1 million Liquor Liability policy will be purchased naming the City of Salem and the Salem Redevelopment Authority as additional insured.  On October 24th, a variety act will perform and there will be a $25 ticket charge with the tent open from 7-10pm.  Saturday and Sunday will be open events featuring German style music from noon to 9pm on Saturday and noon to 6pm on Sunday.  Funding will help support Destination Salem and some of the city related costs of running Haunted Happenings.

Mr. Caggiano asked if they looked into Derby Square.

Ms. Hildebrand stated that it is a safety issue with the steps and ramps and that the tent would be too costly to fit in that area.  She added that their entertainment may conflict with Cry Innocent’s performances in Old Town Hall.

Mr. Walsh asked if the nearby merchants were on board with the proposal.

Ms. Mannehan stated that Goodstitch was not happy, but that the Lobster Shanty was fine with it. She did not know about the others.

Mr. Walsh stated that he did not want the merchants coming out at the Board because they weren’t involved.  He asked if the Chamber of Commerce was consulted.

Ms. Hildebrand replied in the affirmative.

Mr. Doggett asked how they will get cars out of the lot.

Mr. Hacker stated that the event handlers would be responsible for arranging for the police to block off the lot on Friday morning and to post notices a few days before that the lot will be closed.

Ms. Hildebrand stated that they could also put a notice in the Chamber newsletter.

Mr. Walsh suggested it be blocked off Thursday night.

Mr. Caggiano asked how liquor will be controlled.

Ms. Mannehan stated that there will be two detail police officers and tips trained staff.

Mr.. Caggiano stated that he spoke to Chris at Front Street Coffee Shop, who did not feel it would have a huge impact on anyone’s business – positively or negatively.

Mr. Caggiano made a motion to approve the request to close off the Front Street parking lot for the 3-day event.  Mr. Walsh seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

October 2nd & 3rd
Mr. Hacker stated that the Haunted Happenings parade is October 2nd and Mayor’s Night Out is October 3rd.  He requested that the Board allow free parking at the two garages and the Church Street lot from 6:30 on for both nights.

Mr. Walsh made a motion to allow free parking at the two garages and the Church Street lot from 6:30 on for both nights.  Mr. Caggiano seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Scoot-Tours Unlimited
David Holland presented a proposal for a scooter rental business and to lease dead space in the Museum Place garage for the storage of up to 20 scooters.  The business will be the first on the north shore and will use gas powered scooters.  They will have a storefront in Museum Place Mall (former location of Signatures).  He proposes to construct a non-permanent storage area on the second floor, corner area. The scooter engines will not exceed 50cc’s and each will be registered with the state.  There will be no servicing nor repairs of the vehicles within the storage space.  There will be not storage of gas beyond what is in the gas tanks of the scooters, which are 1.25 galloons each.  The storage area will be enclosed by a non-impact/nonpermanent aluminum fence with privacy slats, a gate opening inward and electronic security.  There will be a secured lockbox with key for the fire department.  Only authorized employees, with picture ID on their uniform, will be allowed to retrieve vehicles to bring to renters on Church Street.  Scooters have bright fluorescent green paint on each side and a green flag attached to the back for safety and identification.  The business has a police officer on its Board of Directors.  Photos of the proposed area and an outline of the fence location was provided.

Mr. Holland stated that he is going to the City Council on September 16th.  He stated that the scooters are 2 seaters and that renters must be at least 18 and riders must be at least 12 years of age.  Renters must take a breathalyzer test and be at 0% to rent.  He stated that drivers will get a 15 minute safety lesson.  The scooters do not go over 30 mph and will not be allowed on the Essex Street pedestrian mall, although they may display one scooter on the mall.

Mr. Doggett asked how the fence will be secured.

Mr. Holland stated that there will be cement donuts on the bottom.

Mr. Hacker stated that he had no problem attaching the fence to the walls, but was concerned about attaching it to the floor of ceiling which could cause leaks.

Mr. Hacker recommended a lease cost of $6,250 annually.

Mr. Walsh asked if the city would be liable if someone steals a scooter or if a tank explodes next to a vehicle parked in the garage.

Mr. Hacker sated that the City Solicitor will draft a written agreement.

Mr. Holland stated that he has a letter of support from the Licensing Board, which asked that a presentation be provided to the City Council.

Mr. Walsh stated that he assumed approval is needed from the City Council subcommittee on Ordinances, Licenses and Legal Affairs.

Mr. Caggiano questioned why a fee would be paid annually, when the city does not charge Artist Row.  He suggested a gradual step up in the rate, since it is a new business.

Mr. Hacker stated that if it was being suggested that anyone be allowed to store things in the garage for free, it could run into trouble.

Mr. Holland stated that he would like the city to consider allowing quarterly payments.

Mr. Hacker suggested a 1-year lease with two, 1-year options and proposed the following conditions of approval:

o       Comply with all city and state codes and regulations
o       Storage not to exceed 20 scooters with less than 60 cc engines.  Storage for scooters only.
o       Fencing and security of vehicles as presented
o       Lock box for fire security
o       Fencing not to be attached to ceiling or floor – installed with gate opening inward.  Fence not to restrict access to fire stand
o       Installation and maintenance of fence is the sole responsibility of David R. Holland.
o       No advertisements on fence.
o       At end of lease, fence becomes property of the City of Salem.
o       Only attendants may retrieve and drop off scooters
o       Scooters can not be placed in the elevators
o       Liability insurance be maintained
o       City of Salem assumes no responsibility for loss for any reason

Mr. Spatafore asked how they would enter/exist the garage.  

Mr. Hacker stated that they would be given a passcard.

Mr. Caggiano made a motion to approve the request with the conditions recommended by Mr. Hacker and any others that the City Solicitor deems necessary.  Mr. Walsh seconded the motion.

Mr. Doggett asked if the Board should require City Solicitor, Police and/or Fire Department approval prior to voting.

Mr. Hacker stated that the most expedient way would be to approve it now.  He stated that Fire cannot rule until they have the Parking Board’s approval.  He noted that if an agreement can’t be reached with the City Solicitor, then the project won’t happen.

The motion was voted upon, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

The next meeting is scheduled for November 17, 2008.

There being no further business, Mr. Doggett made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Caggiano seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.  

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy