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PB Minutes 5/19/08 Approved
MAY 19, 2008

1.      CALL TO ORDER                   4:32 p.m. by Mr. Spatafore
2.      ROLL CALL                               Mr. Spatafore, Mr. Walsh, Mr. Doggett and Parking Director James Hacker.  Ms. Hensley arrived later in the meeting.


Mr. Doggett made a motion to approve the minutes of May 5, 2008.  Mr. Walsh seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.


Tom Daniel, Economic Development Manager for the City of Salem, was present.

Mr. Daniel stated that since the last meeting, there have been a couple of modifications made to the signage proposed.  Specifically, some existing signs were missing from the map and there are some new sign recommendations.  He stated that he heard that there is a desire for a distinction between short and long-term parking.  He explained that a driver coming into Salem’s downtown from North Street will see signs for “public parking”.  When the driver gets to Essex and North they will be directed to take a left on Essex and there will be signs for short term parking with a left arrow and long term parking with an up arrow directing the driver to Church Street.  On Church Street the driver will also be given a choice.  He stated that the concept throughout will be to see “public parking” heading toward the downtown and as the driver gets closer, they will see long term and short term signage.  

Ms. Hensley joined the meeting at this time.

        Mr. Doggett asked if there will be a sign for the Crombie Street lot.  

Mr. Daniel stated that the committee decided not to identify that lot.  They also decided not to identify Riley Plaza, which is typically filled up early in the morning.  He noted that the signage is geared toward tourists and that they don’t want to direct drivers to lots that are unlikely to have available spaces, resulting in a negative first impression of Salem.

Mr. Doggett stated that for Sign #11 A and B, only B is described.

Mr. Daniel stated that it was an error on the consultant’s part and that it is just a one-sided sign.

Mr. Doggett asked about Sign #14 A and B.

Mr. Daniel stated that this was an error, as well and that this sign will have 2 faces directing drivers to the parking garage.
Mr. Doggett stated that Sign #24 on Church Street does not mention the parking garage.

Mr. Daniel stated that originally it was for short term parking, but it is now recommended to make a clearer distinction by have “short term parking” with a left arrow and “long term parking” with an up arrow toward the garage.

Mr. Doggett stated that he would want to be sure that the driver understands the arrow is to the garage so that they do not continue down Brown Street.

Mr. Walsh suggested that for those coming down Winter Street, the sign that directs to the Museum Place Garage, also direct them to the South Harbor garage.

Mr. Hacker was in agreement, noting that if we are looking to guide tourists, it should include the two long term parking facilities.

City Councillor Michael Sosnowski asked if the signs will have any ornamental scrolling, etc.  He stated that he felt that the Salem Common Neighborhood Association will want the signs less plain.

Mr. Daniel stated that the original style had a finial and decorative bracket, but it was too expensive.  The Committee felt that communicating where parking is was more important and they wanted to make the most of a limited budget.  He stated that the proposed is a happy medium between the decorative signs and the basic “P” signs.   The signs will still use the color and font of the more decorative signs.  He noted that the sign is half the price of the decorative signs.

Mr. Walsh made a motion to support the installation of the directional parking signs with a change to sign #15 to include direction to the South Harbor Garage.  Mr. Doggett seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Mr. Doggett stated that the cost estimates are from the city’s consultants and that the project will be going out for competitive bid.  

Councillor Sosnowski asked who will install the signs.

Mr. Daniel stated that the winning bidder will install because the DPW could not meet the timeliness needed for the installation.  We will also be bidding on the 4 kiosk signs.


Mr. Doggett suggested having a motion to recommend the moving of the program from the City Clerk’s office to the Parking Department, before the Board gets into the details.

Mr. Doggett made a motion recommending that the Resident Sticker Parking Program be transferred from the City Clerk’s Office to the Parking Department.

Mr. Walsh seconded the motion.

Mr. Hacker suggested an amendment that says the recommendation “is made with the following conditions…”, so that the program is not moved and the current problems just continue in a different location, but rather the Parking Department is given the resources needed to make the program successful.

Mr. Doggett so amended his motion.  Mr. Walsh seconded the amendment.  

Ms. Hensley questions if anyone was in favor of moving the program to the Police Department.

Mr. Spatafore stated that they will state that there are no funds or personnel available to run the program.

Ms. Hensley stated that she felt that people would be less confrontational if the program was a t the Police Department.

The motion was voted upon.  All were in favor and the motion so carried.

Mr. Hacker stated that in order to be successful, the Parking Department will need to have funding for a person to administer the program.  The City Council would need to provide enough funds to cover the hours that they want a person available.

Ms. Hensley asked if the date in the City Clerk’s computers can be transferred.

Mr. Hacker stated that he did not know, but noted that he will need computers.  He stated that there may be better software available.  Mr. Hacker stated that if the Board agrees with relocation success factors he outlined, he will write a narrative.

Mr. Doggett suggested that in the vehicle excise tax bills, something be included that the vehicle owner can return with payment to apply for a resident sticker and that the sticker be mailed to them.  He stated that it would get rid of a large portion that won’t have to come into the office.

Mr. Hacker stated that he will talk to the Assessor and the Collector.

Mr. Doggett suggested utilizing the city website as much as possible to make residents aware of the program.

Mr. Hacker stated that the website can be set up to allow people to apply for stickers on line.

Mr. Hacker distributed copies of several ordinances from other communities.

Mr. Walsh stated that he would like to see that only those residents who are current with their excise tax get a sticker.

Mr. Hacker stated that he would have to have access to the Collector’s computer records.

Discussion on A. Eligibility of the Ordinance was reviewed and it was determined that a person must live at the address within a zone, must have the car garaged at the address and the car must be registered for that address.

Ms. Guy suggested that Mr. Hacker and the Board members review the samples provided and that Mr. Hacker draft an outline of recommendations for the next meeting, making note where he would like Board discussion.

Mr. Hacker was in agreement and stated that he will draft a list of items required for the ordinance.  One the Board approved the requirements, he can give the list to the City Solicitor to incorporate into a draft Ordinance.

Mr. Doggett stated that he felt there should be an appeal process.

Mr. Hacker stated that the Ordinance should give relief to visiting nurses and military personnel.  He stated that he did not feel a person should get a sticker if they choose to register their car in New Hampshire to save taxes.

Mr. Spatafore stated that he felt the fee for a resident sticker should be $25 for a two year sticker and $25 for a Visitor Pass.

Mr. Hacker noted that if the Parking Department cannot hire a person to run it, they will not be able to handle the program.

The next meeting is scheduled for June 9, 2008.

There being no further business, Ms. Hensley made a motion to adjourn.   Mr. Doggett seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.  The meeting adjourned at 5:58.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy