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PB Minutes 1/7/08 Approved
JANUARY 7, 2008

1.      CALL TO ORDER                   4:33 p.m. by Mr. Spatafore
2.      ROLL CALL                               Mr. Spatafore, Mr. Walsh, Mr. Needham, and Ms. Hensely and Parking Director James Hacker.  


Ms. Guy stated that she notice a typo in the minutes of September 10, 2007 and that on page 1, item #5, first paragraph, last sentence, the “8&” should be changed to “$83,000”.  Ms. Hensley made a motion to approve the minutes of September 10, 2007 as amended and to approve the minutes of November 5, 2007.  Mr. Walsh seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.


There were no reports of board members.


Mr. Hacker distributed a revenue spreadsheet for the Salem Willows meters, noting that the Parking Department does not get the funds and that the funds go to the Park Department for the Salem Willows.  He noted that one meter pick-up from September was credited to November.  $16,041.43 was collected from July through November in FY08.

Mr. Hacker distributed the revenue spreadsheets for the garages/offices and lots/meters for period through December.  He stated that November is down, noting that is was not busy on the weekends.  He added that December was down in the garages due to one condo paying their fees in January instead of December, snow emergencies, the city providing one extra shopping day of free parking this year, and downtown employee vacations/holidays.

Mr. Hacker stated that he was informed by the Police Department that parking fines were up during the last month.


Mr. Hacker stated that the bike racks have all been installed.

Mr. Hacker stated that the elevators are all set and have passed inspection.


Mr. Hacker stated that he would like a vote concerning parking for construction workers during the new courthouse project.  He noted that there were difficulties with parking when Derby Lofts was built and that he would like workers to be restricted to areas, so they are not using metered spaces or parking in neighborhoods.

Mr. Hacker suggested temporarily using the 123 city spaces at the MBTA lot, which is relatively close by, whereby workers would pay $50 per month for a parking sticker tied to a numbered space.  The stickers could be transferable.  He added that whatever spaces are not used by construction workers could be sold to the general public.  The stickers would be colored coded for each month.

Mr. Walsh made a motion to recommend to the administration to look into the feasibility of providing parking at the Bridge Street lot during construction of the courthouse.  Mr. Needham seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Barry Neeley, of Lynde Street, stated that projects that go through the Planning Board, such as the RCG building at the former Salem News building, have to submit a pre-construction plan.  He stated that the project is already having parking problems and suggested the Board look at the plan.  Mr. Neeley stated that there is still a huge problem with employees parking in 2 hour spaces and noted that he never sees more than one ticket on a vehicle, even though stacking is allowed.  He stated that the Board can’t come down just on construction workers when violators are being ignored such as unemployment office employees.  He recommended the RCG project construction workers know from the first day that they should park at the South Harbor garage.  He also recommended, for vehicles that don’t fit in the garage, that they use the MBTA lot, adding that, in this way, not as many spaces are taken from Salem commuters.  Mr. Neeley stated that the Salem Trolley wants no part of a system to transport workers, as was previously discussed by the Board.

Mr. Hacker stated that the Board can’t dictate where a worker parks, but can only ticket if in violation.  He stated that if a convenient spot is made available, it helps the construction workers.  He added that the Parking Department cannot measure vehicles to see which can or cannot fit in the garage.

Mr. Neeley stated that Newburyport has a construction pass program for vehicles that absolutely need to be at the job site.

Mr. Hacker stated that if there is a bucket truck installing windows, it clearly needs to be at the job site, but when it is just a worker with a tool box, they do not.  He noted that some workers have abused or mis-represented to the Police Department, who is responsible for issuing passes to park on the street near the job site.  Mr. Hacker noted that he previously asked to have the spaces earn a daily fee, but no action was taken by the City Council.

Mr. Neeley stated that some cities don’t have a 5-ticket rule and will tow after 1 ticket, if the vehicle is still there after two hours.  He noted that the Board has the Planning Department to assert conditions.

Ms. Guy suggested that Mr. Hacker speak to Lynn Duncan about addressing parking in the downtown for projects they review.  They can put conditions in the Planning Board decisions.  She noted that the Parking Board has no authority to review projects, but the Planning Board does and that conditions in the decision give the Building Inspector the tools for enforcement.

Mr. Neeley stated that the Board needs to make sure that when the Planning Board sets a condition where workers are to park that there is sufficient space to do so.

Mr. Walsh stated that the meter maids should stack tickets whenever possible, regardless of who is parking there.

Mr. Hacker noted that the meter maids tend to stack the most flagrant violators.

The next meeting is scheduled for February 4, 2008.

Mr. Hacker stated that tonight’s meeting is probably Mr. Needham’s last meeting as he is moving out of town.  He and the Board members thanked Mr. Needham for his dedicated service.

There being no further business, Mr. Needham made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Walsh seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.  

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy