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PB Minutes 9/10/07
SEPTEMBER 10, 2007

1.      CALL TO ORDER                   4:30 p.m. by Mr. Spatafore
2.      ROLL CALL                               Mr. Spatafore, Mr. Walsh, Mr. Caggiano and Mr. Needham, and Parking Director James Hacker.  Ms. Hensley arrived later in the meeting.


Mr. Needham made a motion to approve the minutes of July 9, 2007.  Mr. Caggiano seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.


There were no reports of board members.


Mr. Hacker distributed the revenue spreadsheets for FY07, complete through the end of the fiscal year.  He stated that they cracked the million dollar mark for the garages.  He believed the numbers were down for May and June from the year before due to gas pricing and that last year the Peabody Essex Museum had an award winning exhibit which attracted high numbers.  In all, the garages were $83,000 over the year before.  

Mr. Caggiano asked if the figures included Winter Island.

Mr. Hacker replied in the negative and stated that they also do not include the meters at the Salem Willows.  He stated that the meters brought in approximately $23,000 from September 2006 to August 2008, noting that the meters are not used in Winter.  The funds go to a special account for Park & Recreation.

Mr. Hacker distributed the revenue spreadsheets for July and August, FY08.

Ms. Hensley joined the meeting at this time.

        Mr. Hacker noted that parking fines generated $844,980.50 in FY07.

Mr. Hacker stated that he received a copy of an e-mail from City Councillor Sosnowski to Ward 1 and Ward 3 Councillors to do a walk-through of the downtown parking.  Mr. Hacker stated that he has not heard from either and did not expect to hear from them for a couple months due to the upcoming Haunted Happenings and election.

Mr. Hacker stated that the Museum Place elevator is safe, but did not pass State inspection because of the new regulations for smoke detectors.  There had been an issue with the Mall owners regarding tying into the system.  Heat detectors have since been attached in the elevator, but are now needed on each floor of the garage.

Mr. Hacker stated that 4 new banners have been hung at the Museum Place garage.


There was no unfinished business.


Frank Taormina of the Department of Planning & Community Development presented the City’s proposal for the installation of bike racks throughout the downtown.  Mr. Taormina explained that the Mayor formed a Bike Path Committee and through a regional planning agency, the Committee accepted the State’s offer to fund bike parking.  It is a 100% reimbursement for the purchase of the racks.  The City pays the installation and shipping.   He provided photographs illustrating the 3 styles of bike racks, a map indicating each location and a copy of the installation instructions.   He stated that one style will be placed on existing parking meters, by lifting off the meter head and sliding over a sleeve, which is fastened to the meter.  The Salem Redevelopment Authority (SRA) has already approved the styles and locations.

Mr. Spatafore asked how safe it will be for cars if the meters are not set that far back from the curb.

Mr. Hacker stated that most meters are 8-10 inches back from the curb.  He noted that he went on a walking tour with Frank and is convinced that due diligence has been done in choosing the designs and locations.

Mr. Taormina stated that they measured every meter to make sure the sleeve will fit.  They will all be painted black.

Mr. Walsh noted that none are on the Salem Common.

Mr. Taormina stated that the grant has several requirements, including that the racks must be installed by December 1st in order to receive reimbursement.  He noted that the State will offer the program again next year and that the City could make a case for getting more racks.  He stated that this year the focus was on the downtown and getting the approvals from the SRA, as recommended by the Bike Path Committee in order to encourage an alternative mode of transportation into downtown Salem.

Mr. Walsh stated that racks could also be useful in the College neighborhoods.

Mr. Taormina stated that next year, he can look outside of the downtown, including parks, schools, MBTA, etc.  He stated that initially they are trying to make a connection from the bike paths to the downtown.

Mr. Caggiano asked who will field phone calls of complaints, citing, for example, if Strega doesn’t want a rack in front of their restaurant.

Mr. Taormina stated that he will field the calls.  He intends to contact businesses that are in front of where they will installing meters in the ground.  He noted that the meter type racks will have a decal of a bike and a “P” on them.

Mr. Caggiano stated that he felt the bike racks will be safer than bikes that are locked onto telephone poles, etc., because the bikes won’t slide down.

Mr. Taormina stated that the racks are arriving at the end of September.  The Parking Department and DPW will help install the meter sleeves.  He is getting quotes from contractors for the installation of the other racks into the ground.

Mr. Walsh asked if they are steel.

Mr. Taormina replied in the affirmative and stated that the u-racks are stainless and power coated.

Mr. Spatafore suggested having a program to educate people how to use them.

Mr. Taormina stated that there will be money available to fix any racks that are vandalized later.

Ms. Hensley made a motion to approve the bike rack installation on the parking meters as presented.  Mr. Caggiano seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Mr. Hacker provided a photograph of “pay & display” units, suggested that they be used to replace meters, such as at the MBTA station.  He stated that they look like an ATM machine, are solar and can use the Smart Card.  He stated that he is looking for a vote of the Board to pursue looking into these units.  He would like to get a couple of companies to give a demonstration  and to set up a test somewhere in the city.  He stated that the idea behind the replacement is to reduce the number of meters and reduce the labor of emptying and counting money from the meters.  Mr. Walsh made a motion to recommend that Mr. Hacker look into the pay and display units.

Ms. Hensley asked the cost of the units.

Mr. Hacker stated that they cost approximately $15,000 per unit. Ms. Hensley stated that she did not think that the units would be a great thing.

Mr. Caggiano seconded the motion.  Messrs. Spatafore, Walsh, Needham and Caggiano voted in favor.  Ms. Hensley voted in opposition.  The motion so carried.

Mr. Hacker stated that last year, the city offered free parking the day before, day of and day after Thanksgiving at the garages and Church St. lot.

Mr. Walsh suggested having an Ordinance, so it does not have to be voted on every year.

Mr. Caggiano made a motion to allow free parking at the garages and Church St. lot. On the day before, day of and day after Thanksgiving in perpetuity.  Ms. Hensley seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Mr. Hacker suggested that there also be free parking on the 24th and 31st of December, annually.  Ms. Hensley seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Mr. Hacker stated that there will be no meeting in October.

The next meeting will be November 5, 2007.

There being no further business, Mr. Caggiano made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Needham seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.  

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy