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PB MInutes 1/8/07
JANUARY 8, 2007

1.      CALL TO ORDER                   4:31 p.m. by Mr. Spatafore
2.      ROLL CALL                               Mr. Spatafore, Mr. Caggiano, and Mr. Walsh and Parking Director James Hacker.  Ms. Hensley joined later in the meeting.


Mr. Caggiano made a motion to approve the minutes of December 4, 2006.  Mr. Walsh seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Ms. Hensley jointed the meeting at this time.


Mr. Caggiano reported that he met with Salem Police Department Lt. Prosniewski regarding parking issues and stated that Lt. Prosniewski is n favor of forming a liaison committee regarding city traffic and parking matters.  Mr. Caggiano stated that he felt that a member of the Parking Board should be on that committee.  Mr. Hacker stated that he spoke to the Mayor several months ago and she is interested in having some overlap.

Ms. Hensley stated that she talked to the Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce, who has some concerns, including:
·       Signage to parking, such as the garages
·       Educating store owners so employees don’t park on the on-street spaces, but park in the garage
·       Church Street lot garage plans – would like to see a copy.

Mr. Hacker replied that signage recommendations are one of the 14 items provided to the City Council.  He added that he has offered to go to a Chamber meeting and explain the discount parking, but has not been invited to date.  He also stated that a feasibility study has been done and that the Executive Director is welcome to stop by the office and review.  He noted that the garage is still in the conceptual stage.

City Councillor Sosnowski was present and stated that he introduced the 14 points on various parking issues to the City Council in August, 2005 for consideration.  Due primarily to the change in administration, the recommendations were put off by the City Council.  He stated that he would like to request that the Parking Board review the points again at their convenience.  He added that he has also asked for a study on Riley Plaza, Klop Alley and the MBTA lot.  He also suggested that the Board members to go the 6:00 meeting at the Carlton School on January 9th regarding the courthouse complex.  

Councillor Sosnowski asked if the Board has been asked to comment on the multi-level parking at 10 Federal Street which is private property.  Mr. Hacker replied that they are typically not requested and that it is not required by regulations.

Councillor Sosnowski stated that the Dalton and Morency buildings’ parking is not sufficient and that he has previously tried to get 10 spaces at the jail building for their use.  He added that he is hoping to get 5 spaces at 10 Federal Street.  In addition, he stated that he previously asked for consideration to put aside some spaces at the city’s metered lot on Church Street for free.

Mr. Hacker stated that it should be noted that if any spaces are designated as handicapped, by law they cannot be reserved.  He stated that he has several people who rent spaces in the garage at $1.80/day.

Councillor Sosnowski stated that he would like to see some reserved spaces for these buildings and that he will probably file these orders again.

Mr. Hacker asked if the church uses its lot.

Councillor Sosnowski stated that St. John’s does use its lot.

Mr. Hacker stated that the Church Street low (not the metered lot) is not available during snow storms so that it can be the first lot to be plowed.  He stated that the Blaney Street lot should help.

Barry Neeley, 15 Lynde Street was present and asked if the 14 points need to be resubmitted.  

Councillor Sosnowski replied in the affirmative.

Mr. Neeley stated that the parking problems improved for a little while with the couple changes that were made, but now it is worse than ever with employee parking in metered spots.  He stated that there needs to be something put through the City Council.. He noted that when the courthouse complex begins he would like to see the Board or Economic Development sit with Traffic and put a plan together.  He is concerned that those parkers with Visitor passes will be forced to move from Federal to Lynde Street.  He stated that the City needs to be proactive.

Mr. Caggiano stated that it was concluded that to try to get all 14 changes implemented at once would be impossible, but that getting a few things done, such as visitor passes and Riley Plaza, would be beneficial.  He stated that enforcement is needed in areas such as back alleys where people feel they own the spaces.  He noted that the police will also be responsible for the parking on Federal Street.

Mr. Neeley stated that there should be a fee for general contractor parking spaces, so the Police Department does not temporarily change the area to laoding zone parking, which they don’t have the authorization to do.  He stated that during construction on Federal, there could be 150 vehicles, in addition to the lost spaces.

Mr. Caggiano suggested that dialogue continue with the Police Department and the City Council.  He stated that some of the 14 items need to get pushed through.

Mr. Neeley was in agreement and felt that the liaison committee is a good idea.

Councillor Sosnowski stated that of the 14 items, some were not recommended for change, so there is only 7 or 8 to take action on.  He noted that State law supercedes the City and that the State is not bound by parking restrictions.

Mr. Hacker suggested that the Board review each item in detail.  He suggested that Councillor Sosnowski include in his Order a request for other comments from the Parking Board.

Mr. Caggiano stated that the only way to fix the problem may be to double fines or other drastic measures.

Mr. Spatafore stated that the Board tried to increase fines significantly in the past and they were always cut.

Mr. Hacker stated that if the Board recommends too large an increase, it will fall on deaf ears.

Ms. Hensley stated that there is a need to explain the reasoning.

Councillor Sosnowski stated that merchants were the ones who asked for changes, yet the same merchants complained of the changes made.

Mr. Hacker stated that the Chamber asked for increases but would not officially take a position, due to internal membership differences of opinion.

Mr. Caggiano stated that some changes will have the secondary effect of increasing revenue.

Councillor Sosnowski stated that he did not agree with the Willows meter installation.

Mr. Hacker stated that it was not a recommendation provided by the Parking Board, but noted that the revenue has been significant.

Ms. Hensley stated that the Chamber’s Executive Director has concerns with parking on New Liberty Street.

Mr. Hacker stated that people stop on New Liberty for the Visitor’s Center or to pay parking tickets, but noted that there are no real spaces.  He stated that by the time the meter maid is called, they are gone.  He noted that it is currently less expensive to get a parking ticket than to pay the current all day rate at the parking garage.

Ms. Hensley suggested reminder letters to owners.

Mr. Hacker felt it should be done by the Chamber of Commerce.


Mr. Hacker provided the revenue figures for November and December, 2006.  He stated that November’s higher garage/office figure was due to there being no snow and warm weather visitors. December’s higher figure was due to a condo association paying on time.  For the lots and meters, November had three meter collections.  December had 2 meter collections, but one was not credited until January.

Mr. Caggiano asked how the meter revenue is counted.

Mr. Hacker stated that it used to be counted in the office, but that they now have Wells Fargo pick it up and deliver it to the bank where they count it at no fee to the city.

Mr. Spatafore stated that since there is now a full membership, the Board should review the positions of Chair and Vice Chiar.

Mr. Caggiao nominated Mr. Spatafore as Chair.  Ms. Hensley seconded the nomination and all were in favor.

Mr. Spatafore nominated Ms. Hensely as Vice Chair.  Mr. Caggiano seconded the nomination and all were in favor.


        There was no unfinished business.

The next meeting will be February 5, 2007.

There being no further business, Mr. Caggiano made a motion to adjourn.  Ms. Hensley seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.  The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy