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September 7, 2010
No Place for Hate Committee
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
5:30 p.m.

Present: Meghann Ackerman, Lucy Corchado, Pat Liberti, Jim Moskovis, Shawn Newton, Jean Rockett, Scott Weisberg (chair)

Public Comment: Salem resident Jeff Cohen talked about some anti-Semitic text messages he has received from a former tenant he was having some problems with. Cohen has reported the incident to police and had gotten a harassment order from the court.

Saltonstall Playground: Scott Weisberg said the play structure at Saltonstall School had recently been burned. He said it did not appear to be a hate crime.

NYC Cordoba Center: The group agreed that they did not want to give an opinion on the proposed cultural center.

Memorial: The first choice for the location is the South River Harborwalk. Meghann Ackerman said because of space it may not work out, but that having an idea of what the memorial would look like may help in securing a location.

Several Elie Wiesel quotes were presented for the group to vote on. “The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference” was picked as the quote for the memorial.

The meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.