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August 3, 2010
No Place for Hate Committee
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
5:30 p.m.
Present: Meghann Ackerman, Pat Liberti, Joanne McCrea, Scott Weisberg (chair)

Introductions: Everyone in attendance introduced themselves.

Event in conjunction with the Mayor’s Office: Scott Weisberg explained that the event would be to introduce the leaders of religious, cultural and other groups to No Place for Hate. Some of those groups had previous been group members.

Memorial: Scott Weisberg updated the group on the memorial statue: A smaller group would be looking for positive verbiage to put on the plaque and he was talking with some memorial companies about donating or giving a discount for the memorial.

Anti-bullying: Pat Liberti pointed out that the schools had recently received a grant for an anti-bullying curriculum.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m.