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June 1, 2010
City of Salem

No Place for Hate Committee
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
5:30 p.m.

In attendance: Meghann Ackerman, Pat Liberti, Jim Moskovis, Gypsy Ravish, Jean Rockett, Scott Weisberg (Chair), Bonnie Weiss

Everyone in attendance introduced themselves.

Holocaust Memorial
Jim showed one possible design for the memorial – a statue of Rebecca Nurse, Mary Esty and Sarah Cloyse who were killed during the witch trials. The group also discussed what message or quote should accompany the memorial.

Bonnie suggested quotes by Franklin D. Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln and the possibility of having a contest for high school students to find a good quote. She also asked what other members of the group thought the message of the memorial should be.

Jean said the message should link the past and present and emphasize civil rights. Jim said it should give a voice to those not heard and focus on forgiveness and peace. Scott said the memorial should have a positive focus and emphasize peace and freedom.

The memorial location was also discussed. Scott said the location on the wharf might not work out, but that Jason Silva, the Mayor’s Chief Administrative Aide, told him there would be a spot somewhere on the walkway.

Other designs were also discussed. Gypsy suggested an archway, which would be interactive. Other memorials, like the Holocaust Memorial in Boston and the Vietnam War memorial in Washington, were also brought up. Everyone agreed they wanted visitors to take something away from visiting the memorial.

Scott said he would ask the Holocaust Memorial sub-committee to submit a few ideas of designs and quotes for the entire committee to consider.

Scott said about 100 people attended a recent anti-bullying event hosted by the School Department. He said he went to a similar event in Gloucester, which was “exceptional” and that he had requested some of the materials used at that meeting.

The group talked about different events it could participate in and ways to get its name out.

Scott said there were several upcoming events at Salem State College that the committee could participate in.

Gypsy invited the group to a mid-summer event and blessing of the waters at Winter Island at noon on June 20. Pat made a motion that the committee sign on as a sponsor of the event and Jean seconded the motion.

Bonnie asked if there were upcoming events, like Halloween, that the committee should be planning on taking part in. Gypsy suggested participating in Mamadou Diop’s festival. Scott said he would talk to the Anti-Defamation League about getting materials to hand out at events.

Meghann said she would put together a list of upcoming City events.

The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.

Minutes recorded by Meghann Ackerman