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September 9, 2009
City of Salem
No Place for Hate Committee
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
5:00 pm

In Attendance: ~Scott Weisberg (Chair), Jerrie Hildebrand (Co-Chair), Jim Moskovis, Conrad Prosnewski, Bonnie Weiss, Pat Libertie, Jean Rockett, Shirley Walker, Tom Watson, Lucy Corchado

Introduction & Hate Crime Reporting
The group introduced themselves to all present. ~

Scott gave a brief recap of the group’s last meeting and discussed the goals and ideas the group would like to focus on for the coming year. ~

The group had a discussion on pending House Bill 483 An Act Relative to the Prevention of Bullying. It was discuss that if this bill became law and the schools were mandated into a program that this would be a good opportunity for this group to be a resource to the school department. The group asked that a letter be written to Representative Keenan to discuss the bill and find out the facts so we could be educated on the contents of the bill. See the attached letter to Representative Keenan and attachment of House Bill 483.

Discussion was held to attend the Mayor’s Night Out on October 2nd, 2009 by displaying  the No Place for Hate banner and information  education purposes. It was voted by the group to attend this event and the paperwork was filed with the ADL.

Scott and Jerrie spoke at length about the three (3) sub-committees first meetings and how they were to proceed. Dates were pick for the upcoming. All three groups would report back to the main group with there suggestions and the group would make recommendations on how they were to proceed.
Further discussion was held on the group’s Mission Statement. It was suggested that language may be change to update and modify the Mission Statement to not sound like we were a resource for victims but for the entire community at a whole.
Jerrie Hildebrand was to get us some advertisement space in the Visitors Guide.

Discussions were held where the No Place for Hate Banner could be place. Suggestions were the Salem Commons Gazebo. I secured October 1 – 11 on Essex Street, but after reviewing the banner it was not able to be place without a safety factor due to the construction of the banner in that location.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, October 6th at 5:30 pm ~

Meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm. ~
Minutes recorded by Scott Weisberg