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August 5th, 2008
City of Salem
No Place for Hate Committee
Meeting Minutes
August 5th, 2008
4:30 pm

In Attendance:  Larry Keegan, Shirley Walker, Shawn Newton, Tom Watkins, Lucy Corchado, Jim Rose, Polly Wilbert, and Joanne McCrea

The Point
Does Peabody Park have a mural incorporated into its design?  Change people’s perceptions of who lives in the point?  Can NPFH work to change this image?  Shawn mentioned of the negative Salem News blog on articles relating to diversifying the Police Department, etc.  He led a workshop with students on talking about this.  Shirley said there is so much hate and fear out there.  Shawn suggested talking to Lucy C. to collaborate w/the PNA on a project.  Tom will drop Lucy an email about doing this.

Shawn also asks how does one get prepare to own a home?  Home ownership seminars?  Shirley said the CDC is supposed to be doing this.  

Need money for getting speakers here and for forums in general, also for advertising in the Salem News.  Shawn asks if we can collaborate with PNA?  Lucy states that the PNA deals with more neighborhood concerns, but more should be done about Point’s perception in the public eye.  Suggestions include a Community Service oriented program within the Point neighborhood to clean up the park, “our perception is a reflection of Salem” in general, should have a facilitator.  How about a movie night at Palmer Cove?  Create a draft letter that asks “x” organization to donate money.
Shawn says we need to continue brainstorming.  

Latino Month is September 15th through October 15th.  Shawn asks if we can piggyback with an event at the college during Latino Month with the Hispanic American Society.  There is a speaker on Oct. 8th at SSC.  Shawn suggested issuing a Proclamation on Latino Month, get something in the Salem News, announce the HIS walk on Sunday, September 28th, this is their third walk.  Show the Latino Movie.  Tom will work on the Proclamation.  Lucy will work on a letter to organizations asking for donations, will mail out to the Landlord Assoc., local lawyers, Salem Harbor CDC, PNA
Our event will be at Salem Charter School (Lucy will talk to Rachel Hunt), very informal with displayers and Latino food/refreshments served.  Will communicate through email.

Meeting adjourned at 6:15 pm.  
Minutes recorded by Tom Watkins