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May 6th, 2008

City of Salem
No Place for Hate Committee
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, May 6th, 2008
4:30 pm

In Attendance:  Jerrie Hildebrand, Joanne McCrea, Myriam Zuber, Harryette Kaplan-Katzen, Tom Watkins

The group introduced themselves to all in attendance and also welcomed the Anti-Defamation League’s new North Shore Community Coordinator for the No Place for Hate Program, Harryette Kaplan-Katzen.  She has replaced Wendy Roizen.  

Wiccan Panel Discussion Event Follow-Up
The group discussed the pros/cons of the Wiccan Panel event held at Old Town Hall during the evening of Saturday, April 12th, 2008.  The group believed the event to be a great success given the quantity of people in attendance (estimated 80-90 people) and the fact that the event clearly served its purpose in issuing the facts of the Wiccan religion and customs.  Both panel speakers, Jerrie Hildebrand and Margot Adler, did a great job as well as moderator SSC Prof. Elizabeth Duclos-Orsillo in helping to moderate the question and answer session.  Many good questions were raised during the q & a session.  It was also noted that the songs performed by Gypsy Ravish provided a nice ending to the evening.  

The group believed that the promotion of the event could have been better organized.  It would have been better if the word had gotten out earlier and if there was better communication with the churches.  Jerrie mentioned that there is now a strong Interfaith Council located in Salem and that the group should outreach to them.  Tom will also work on a contact for the North Shore Sunday newspaper.  Also, there was no e-blast sent out from the Chamber of Commerce even though Tom had submitted to the information.  This would have helped spread the word amongst businesses who could have posted the flyer in their storefronts.  

Another negative was that there were some negative comments made on the Salem Evening News blog.  

The event was successful due to the help of the Salem Witch Museum and Pastor Phil Wyman, who donated his time and audio equipment.  Tom will work on thank you letters for the speakers, moderator, sponsors and Pastor Wyman.  

Salem State College Peace Concert
The group was given a presentation by SSC student Sarah Lopez who is planning a peace concert on September 21st, the International Day of Peace.  After hearing Sarah’s plans, the group offered to help support and sponsor her event.  They also provided Sarah a number of contacts for people who may be able to help her out.  Jerrie thought it important that the word be spread that the event is about “peace” and is not some anti-war event.  Tom said he will stay in contact with Sarah and help her going forward on behalf of the NPFH committee.  

Upcoming Events
Tom mentioned that NPFH member Mickey Northcutt wanted the group to know that there is a gay and lesbian cruise planned for the month of June.  Mickey is helping to organize the event along with Eric Fraize.  Mickey thought this might be of interest for the NPFH Committee.  Tom will let the group know more details about the event in the near future.  

Matching Grants
Tom had asked Myriam how to obtain matching grants from the Blue Cross/Blue Shield program.  She said the matching grant comes at a minimum of $1,000 and can be matched by either the municipality or a local business.  The grant cycle begins in the fall.  The grant is used to help promote longer term projects.  Such a project in Salem that would be applicable would be a painting of a neighborhood mural at the new Peabody Park.  Myriam will get Tom more details.  

NPFH Conference and Awards Ceremony
This year’s NPFH Conference and Awards ceremony will be held on June 26th.  The theme of this year’s conference will be anti-bias training.  The group was informed by Myriam that Salem will be re-certified as a NPFH community for their work with both the Muslim and Wiccan Panel events.  Tom will fill out the application and paperwork and mail it back to Myriam.  

Other Business
Tom will send out reminders to the group about meetings a week in advance.  He will also resend out the meeting dates for the year to everyone on his email list.    
Meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm.  

Minutes recorded by Tom Watkins