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March 4th, 2008
City of Salem
No Place for Hate Committee
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, March 4th, 2008
4:30 pm

In Attendance:  Larry Keegan, Myriam Zuber, Lt. Conrad Prosniewski, Gypsy Ravish, Jerrie Hildebrand, Shawn Newton, Tom Watkins

Meeting minutes from the January and February meetings were reviewed and approved

Wiccan Panel Discussion Event
Jerrie talked to Biff Michaud of the Salem Witch Museum and he has agreed to fund Margot’s trip to Salem.  Margot, who has been a Wiccan priestess for 35 years, has agreed to partake in our panel discussion.  She will spend the night at Jerrie’s house.  Discussion about the focus of the event then ensued.  Larry would like this to remain an educational panel on the Wiccan faith.  Jerrie agreed, but also would like to briefly discuss the commercial aspects and local flavor of witchcraft and paganism here in Salem.  Jerrie mentioned that Wicca is now the fastest growing faith movement.  

Tom will ensure that the venue will be set up for 200 people and that there is a table with information about the No Place for Hate program.  Tom will also spread the word amongst the neighborhood groups and will do an e-blast through the City website.  Shawn had stated that there is no Wiccan association at Salem State College but will help spread the word through the college community.  Jerrie will work on creating a flyer and will touch base with Danielle for help.  

Shawn will talk to Professor Elizabeth Duclos-Orsello about moderating the panel.  Gypsy will close the event with a song.  Tom will invite SATV to film the event.  

Other Business
Conrad had reported to the group a possible sign of racial discrimination in North Salem.  A couple was denied access to an apartment for possible racial discrimination.  The couple did report this incident to the Police.  The Committee would like to send a letter to the couple explaining that Salem is a community devoted to respect and diversity.  It was stated that the committee has a responsibility to address such situations.  Conrad will get the couple’s contact information and the committee will work on drafting a letter.   

Meeting adjourned at 6:00 pm.  

Minutes recorded by Tom Watkins