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April 7, 2011
Neighborhood Improvement Advisory Council
Thursday, April 7, 2011
7 p.m.
120 Washington Street, 3rd~Floor

Present: Meghann Ackerman, Liz Cronin, Michael Coleman, Jeff Cox, Pat Liberti, Tony Liberti, Leslie Limon, Jim Moskovis (chair), Teasie Riley-Goggin, Jim Rose, Julie Rose, Jason Silva, Susan Yochelson, Patricia Zaido

Introductions: Everyone introduced themselves.

SalemRecycles: Julie Rose and Susan Yochelson showed a video about SalemRecycles and talked about some of the programs the volunteer groups participates in including the Perfect Pick-Up contest, the book swap, Clean Salem Green Salem and the Green Business Challenge.

Julie Rose explained that three years ago the City entered into a new recycling contract, in which Salem gets money for the paper that is recycled. Between that and the reducing garbage tonnage, she said the new contract has saved the City money.

With information that Julie and Susan presented, NIAC members participated in a recycling game. Most people learned some new information about what could be recycled and what couldn’t.

The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.