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April 1, 2010
Neighborhood Improvement Advisory Council

Draft Meeting Minutes
Thursday, April 1, 2010
7:00 p.m.
120 Washington Street, 3rd Floor

Members in attendance: Jim Moskovis (Chair), Jim Rose, Jeff Cox, RoseMary O’Connor, Leslie Limon, Patricia Zaido

Members not in attendance: Michael Coleman (V. Chair), Lucy Corchado, Ana Gordon

City staff in attendance: Jason Silva, Chief Administrative Aide to the Mayor

NIAC members introduced themselves and which neighborhood group they represent.

Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes (March 2010)
The board reviewed and approved draft minutes from the March 2010 NIAC meeting.

Public Comment Period
Leslie Limon mentioned to the group that Beverly is having a Household Hazardous Waste Day at Beverly High School from 8 – noon.  It is open to all Salem residents.

Michael Coleman mentioned that the Salem Common Neighborhood Association hosted Henry Lee as a guest speaker.  Mr. Lee was a major part of the creation of the Friends of the Public Garden in Boston.  This year is the Garden’s 40th Anniversary.

Public Comment period closed.

Jim Messeder, US Census Bureau
Jim Messeder from the US Census Bureau regional offices in Beverly, MA spoke to the group on the importance of the US Census.  He explained that the Census was mailed out to residents on March 15th mailed formed and they were currently carefully tracking results.  At the time of the meeting, the mail return rate was 53% and finished at 71% last year.  This return rate was a bit less than they would like but not bad.  He stressed that more work was needed to get the return rate to where it needs to be.  In comparison, Peabody is at 62 % and Beverly is at 61%.  

Jim Moskovis commented that he believed some people may be afraid to respond.  Mr. Messeder commented that the constitution requires that all information collected through the US Census Bureau must be sealed and not shared with anyone.  

Leslie Limon felt that cultural adversity and fear of authority were both challenges to build trust with police and other governmental officials.  She thought it might be a good idea to get community organizers of and from relevant cultures.  This may, linguistically and culturally, help to overcome some of these barriers.

Mr. Messeder shared that there was a census table and outreach happening at the Stop and Shop on Howley Street.

Leslie Limon asked why they didn’t think about placing one at the Market Basket on Highland Avenue.  Mr. Messeder explained they try to select locations where they are concentrations of population and on demographical information.  He also mentioned there are 54 questionnaire assistance centers in the region.

Mr. Messeder also explained that they are in the process of hiring 80 people who will knock on doors and will be in neighborhoods at least 6 times.  

The deadline to mail in your census form was April 19/20.  The census enumerators will be collecting data in region from May 3 to July 10.

National return rate is 54%, Massachusetts is 56% and Essex County is 56%.

Street Sweeping Program – Ellen Talkowsky, Rick Rennard
The City announced the implementation of a new intensified residential street sweeping program.  Under this new program, the City will sweep streets in all of our neighborhoods in just two weeks, twice a year.  Each street will be posted with temporary No Parking Tow Zone signs, which is new this year, and sweepers will clean both sides of the street on the same day.  Sweep days for all streets are the next day after their trash day.  

The City contracted with Minuteman Power Sweeping, Inc. to ensure that the new aggressive schedule would be executed as effectively as possible.  Minuteman has contracts with several neighboring cities and towns and has 30 years of experience sweeping streets.  

In prior years, the City has had trouble with keeping up with the street sweeping schedule and program due to limited resources, staffing and equipment issues, and crews getting pulled off sweeping for emergency issues.

Richard Rennard, Ellen Talkowsky and Jason Silva were there to speak on the topic.

Clean Salem – Green Salem – Ellen Talkowsky
Ellen Talkowsky encouraged all neighborhoods to take part in this year’s Clean Sweeps and Clean Salem, Green Salem event.  It is organized and hosted by the City’s Beautification Committee and Recycling Committee. The event took place on May 1, 2010 starting at 8:30 am.  Many neighborhood associations, school groups and others have participated in this event in previous year’s to make it a success.  Ellen also gave a plug for the Beautification Committee’s Plant Sale.

Scott Weisberg took a moment to talk about the No Place for Hate Committee, which he chairs, and their work and focus including cyberbullying.

RoseMary O’Connor notified the group that a Pasta Dinner to benefit the Ahearn Family was scheduled for May 23 at the Moose Lodge.  The event is $10 per person.

Jim Moskovis announced that the next NIAC meeting will be held on May 6, 2010.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm

Meeting minutes by Jason Silva