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October 8, 2009
Neighborhood Improvement Advisory Council
City of Salem
Draft Meeting Minutes
Thursday, October 8, 2009
7:00 pm

Members in attendance: Jim Moskovis (Chair); Michael Coleman (V. Chair); Leslie Limon; Stan Franzeen; RoseMary O'Connor; Patricia Zaido; Ana Gordan; Jeff Cox

Members not in attendance: Jim Ros;, Meg Twohey; Lucy Corchado

City Staff in attendance: Jason Silva; Ellen Talkowsky

Public in attendance: Scott Weisberg

The members introduced themselves and identified each neighborhood group they represent. The members reviewed draft minutes for the 9/3/09 meeting. After corrections were made, Patricia moved that minutes be accepted with the discussed changes; RoseMary seconded the motion. Minutes approved with corrections.

Public Comment Period
Jim M. opened the meeting to public comment. Scott Weisberg shared his concerns about drug activity in parts of Ward 4. Salem Police are aware of the activity. Jim M. closed the public comment period after asking if Scott had any other comments or concerns.

Haunted Happenings / Halloween
Ellen Talkowsky of the City’s Engineering Dept. was present to talk about preparations and plans for this year's Haunted Happenings. Ellen distributed a Haunted Happenings pamphlet and magazine that are available to Salem residents and visitors. Jason distributed a copy of an email that he had sent downtown & Derby St. residents and businesses and a copy of last year's Haunted Happenings flyer.

Jason said that Halloween in the city was planned to be very similar to last year. Upon approval by City Council, the Safety Enhancement Zone will again be enforced, in which noise, traffic and other violations result in triple the standard fine. Salem Police found it an effective deterrent to violations last year. The city is currently coordinating with the MBTA on the train schedule for October 31, and on the safest route back to the depot for departing visitors after closing ceremonies. They are proposing that departing visitors be routed to the depot via the Bridge St. vehicle entrance in order to avoid masses of people on the stairs.

Ellen reported on current events that are part of Haunted Happenings. Every weekend in October, events for children have been held at Salem Common, with activities such as a pumpkin decorating contest and old fashioned baseball. She reported that the Carnival on Derby Street will start on approximately Oct. 19. This year, in order to reduce the number of different outdoor food vendors, the city sent out an RFP for ten locations. This change from previous years has streamlined the process of permitting the vendors. This year, the city selected one vendor, Fiesta Shows, which also runs the Carnival. Fiesta Shows pays the City a percentage of their sales, which generates revenue for the city. All of their vending carts have a uniform appearance. Ellen and other city staff has encouraged local businesses to bring their merchandise out to the sidewalks to encourage local business.

Ellen said that entertainment plans for closing ceremonies will be very similar to last year's show. She said that the Police found the entertainment and fireworks to be very effective in signaling the end of Halloween festivities and in directing crowds back to the train depot. This year, partly because a larger crowd is expected since Halloween falls on a Saturday night, the city plans to step up the entertainment. The city has partnered with radio station 92.9, which will have a DJ and sound system on Washington St. near Bridge St. The station recommended a Dave Matthews Band cover band to entertain the crowds and draw people to closing ceremony. The ceremony will be public safety-oriented. Jason said he will continue to keep downtown residents updated of plans and logistics; messages will be automatically sent to keep residents informed.

Jeff Cox asked if last year's temporary signs for resident-only parking would be installed again this year. Jason said the orange signs are currently up around the Common and on Derby St. (Jason will follow up?) Jeff also asked if crowds are expected the day after Halloween and if the police presence on Halloween would be continued into Sunday. Jason and Ellen agreed that the focus is on Friday and Saturday nights. They said that last year, when Halloween fell on a Friday, that the crowds were not out the following evening. Jason said that this year, there will be additional police out Friday night, but roads would not be closed until Saturday. Ellen added that police will be out in five sectors of the city on Saturday night, and that Friday night, police will be out in three of those sectors, with more to be added if necessary. Jason said that informal feedback and anecdotes from local businesses that had experienced Halloween the last time it had fallen on a Saturday, suggested that activity had been very busy but manageable.

Leslie mentioned that contractors will start work at Furlong Park in a few weeks and asked if there would be construction activity on Halloween. Ellen said that the city was working on coordinating with the contractors. She said that park would be closed to the public during and several hours after the closing fireworks.

Stan asked if the departing train schedule has been determined for Halloween night. Ellen said that the schedule has not yet been finalized, but there will likely be continuous trains leaving Salem starting at 11:00 pm. She said that station 92.9 can likely help announce trains that are departing from the stage on Washington St. Jason added that he realizes that on Saturdays there are typically fewer trains running than on weekdays, and that he wants to be sure that trains will be added to accommodate departing crowds.

Michael asked if the police would be using horses this year to help guide crowds, and if so, where the horses would be coming from. Jason said that in previous years, the police have used Boston Police horses and that the police hope to have horses again this year, as they have shown to be very effective at moving crowds. He says that the city is working on the possibility of horses this year.

Jason reported that the annual October motorcycle run through Salem will be happening this year on Sunday, October 18. Ellen said that the motorcyclists are expected to come through Salem that day approximately from 1:00 to 1:30 pm and that there were activities and food planned for the motorcyclists at Shetland Park. Jason added that the city has asked the run organizers to pay for additional police details for the event. Leslie asked what route was planned. Jason said that the route would take the motorcyclists up Rte. 1A, including Lafayette and Derby Streets.

Leslie asked who pays for the Haunted Happenings pamphlet and magazine. Ellen replied that the magazine is a private venture by Paul Ryan, and the brochure is produced by the City.

Patricia said that we are tremendously fortunate to have Ellen Talkowski running Halloween in Salem. She said that Ellen works extremely hard so that events run smoothly. The NIAC Board also thanked Ellen for her service. Jason said that Ellen is responsible for successful events in the City that residents enjoy.

Dealing with Toxic Fumes / Franklin Street
Jason said he hasn't yet been able to set up a meeting with concerned residents, K&C Autobody and Autohaus, and representatives from the Health Department and Police/Fire Departments. He hopes to set up a meeting soon, during the evening so that residents are able to attend. He emphasized that the meeting will still occur.

Leslie asked Jason if he's looked into spot-checks by the Health Department. Jason said he has compiled a list of issues and would like all parties involved in the same room for discussion. He will issue a report of results from the meeting.

Administrative Procedures Dealing with Demolition of Houses
Jason distributed a packet of information concerning proper procedures for building demo. A permit must be obtained from the Building Department. Demo contractors must be licensed and insured. An affidavit must be submitted on the disposal of the debris. If the structure is 50 years old or older, demolition requires Salem Historical Commission approval.

Jason said he was sure that there is a fine if demo takes place without following proper procedure, and that he would look further into existing laws and recourse for violations. Patricia suggested that the fine be substantial to ensure that proper procedures are followed. Jim mentioned that his neighbors had demolished a structure without permission, but he doesn't want to see them fined too heavily for the violation, as the structure was decayed and he felt in this case, that the demolition was an improvement. Jim mentioned that the City did respond quickly to calls and complaints.

Jason mentioned that the application for permit for 1 or 2-family residential is different than the application for permit for multifamily and commercial structures.

Stan asked for an update on the condemned house at 66 Derby St. Jason said he had no news since the last update, but he would find out if anything was happening there. The city had removed old and unregistered cars from the property.

General Updates
Jim mentioned that the pedestrian who had very recently been hit and injured by a vehicle at the corner of Boston St. and Aborn St. had not been killed. He said that stretch of Boston St. has had problems with traffic and safety, and the City is working on solutions. Jason mentioned that the City Council has approved spending $5000 to study that corridor from Howley St. to (Bridge? Other?) There is a merge from two lanes to one, driving from Peabody into Salem, at Howley St. The merge is not marked and causes confusion with drivers and creates a dangerous traffic situation. Jason added that the study was approved before this most recent accident occurred.

Jason said that Animal Control Officer Don Famico is available to attend the November 5 NIAC meeting.

Jeff Cox said that he had recently observed an ill-looking fox on Chestnut St. in broad daylight, and that he had called Salem Police and left a message with Don Famico. Jeff mentioned that since the ACO is only part-time, what the protocol is for animal-related incidents when he is off-duty. Jeff also mentioned that there is little information on the City's or Salem Police's website addressing animal control protocols. Jason said that the City would look into adding the information to Leslie suggested that the group save animal control-related discussions until Nov. 5 when Don Famico plans to attend the NIAC meeting.

RoseMary O'Connor requested that the NIAC's webpage on provide a link to the Mack Park Neighborhood Association's website. Jason replied that he would have the link added.

Jason reported that October 3 was Household Hazardous Waste Day, and that the event was very successful.

Stan asked for an update on the non-accessible sidewalk curbs on Derby St. at the Custom House. Jason replied that it is on the priority list and that funding is available to make some curb cuts accessible.

Michael Coleman reported that the Salem Common Neighborhood Association has obtained an estimate for polishing the Roger Conant for $6500. They will likely have the statue polished in early spring.

Jason thanked the NIAC members for having invited, or for planning to invite, the Mayor speak to their neighborhood groups about the state of the City.

RoseMary reported that the Mack Park playground build in September was a great success. The Mack Park Neighborhood Association will be hosting the Essex County Sheriff at their meeting on October 13 at the Moose Lodge on Grove St. All are welcome.

Jeff suggested that on Halloween, that temporary signage be posted on major routes into Salem, encouraging parking at the North Shore Mall and riding a shuttle into downtown Salem. Jason replied that there won't be shuttles to and from the Mall this year, and shuttles service has not been offered since Mayor Driscoll became Mayor. Jeff asked if it was possible to have very large and visible signage directing visitors to designated parking areas. Jason said that there already is good permanent signage, and that on Halloween, there simply isn't parking available because all lots are full, and people try to park wherever they can; it is the nature of Halloween in Salem. Jason added that the City is working on adding additional pedestrian signage.

Leslie announced that her neighbor is setting up a giant pumpkin patch at Foster St./Franklin Court/Franklin Street and that all are welcome to visit it.

Jim moved to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm.

Meeting minutes by Ana Gordan