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February 5, 2009
Neighborhood Improvement Advisory Council
City of Salem
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, February 5, 2009
7:00 pm

Members in Attendance:  Jim Moskovis (Chair), Polly Wilbert (V. Chair), Shirley Walker, Lucy Corchado, Michael Coleman, Leslie Limon, Stan Szwartz, Rosemary O’Connor
Members not in Attendance:  Meg Twohey, Patricia Zaido, Stan Franzeen  
City Staff:  Jason Silva, Tom Watkins
Public:  Deb Ciccolo, Scott Weiseberg, Joe O’Keefe, Bob McCarthy

The group introduced themselves and identified each neighborhood group they belong to.  Meeting minutes for the January meeting were reviewed and approved as amended.       

Public Comment
Jim opened up the public comment period.  

Scott Weiseberg brought to the groups’ attention that there will be 12 homes developed at 405-427 Highland Avenue soon.  He is concerned about the flow of traffic that may come with these new homes and potential use of the traffic signal at the entrance to his association’s private road.  Jim advised Scott that the two of them should talk to the Ward 3 and Ward 4 Councillors about this issue and the impacts on traffic on Highland Avenue.  

Ward 1 Councillor Bob McCarthy commented on the meeting minutes from last month in which he stated that the issue with the sump pump at the Witch store on the corner of Derby and Kosciusko Streets has been taken care of.  He spoke with the owner of the store and they have removed the sump pump.  Tom stated that he had also spoke with City Engineer Dave Knowlton about this issue.  David told Tom that he talked with the owners as well and said that he has driven by on a few occasions and did not report any trouble.  Bob stated that he wished he had known about this issue earlier so he could follow up in a more efficient time with any issues happening in his ward.  Jim asked that Tom include all City Councillors on the group’s email list so that they are aware of issues and the NIAC meetings.  Lucy stated that group members should also make efforts to reach out to their City Councillors as well.  

Public Comment period was closed.  

Discussion with Department of Public Services Director Rick Rennard
Rick Rennard was not present at the meeting so no discussion took place.  Tom will reach out to Rick to schedule another time/meeting for Rick to come.

Halloween and Pumpkin Carving Proposal
Jason stated that it would be beneficial to have a separate committee solely focused on Polly’s Pumpkin Carving proposal and other Haunted Happenings initiatives.  He said he envisioned this group would work to make recommendations to improve Haunted Happenings programs, revenue streams, events, etc.  Polly asked if there is a statement of expenses vs. revenues for Haunted Happenings.  Jason replied that there is and that he could get it for that group when needed.  Rose Mary asked where the majority of the revenue comes from.  Jason said the bulk of the revenue is from parking, vendor fees and the carnival.   Jim said there is not a need to get involved in all revenue aspects.  Leslie said it would be good to get involved in order to let the City know the neighbors point of view and therefore allowing the City to make more informed decisions on Halloween activities.  

Jason said he will report back to NIAC at next month’s meeting with a more direct plan and focus for this new committee.

NIAC 2008 Accomplishments
The group reviewed Jason’s list of 2008 Accomplishments.  

Jim mentioned that a few streets/addresses had been left off the list for which the City and the Police Department’s CIU had helped out with.  He would like to have those streets added alongside 8 Rawlins Street.  

Leslie stated she went back through the NIAC minutes and made a list of outstanding items and she would like to know if they were resolved.  Jason said he will work with Tom on Leslie’s list and address the list at the group’s next meeting.  Tom also said he will add at the end of each set of minutes a list of “Action Items”.  The Action items will serve as a list of things that need to be followed up on or acted upon.

Lucy would also like added to the Accomplishment List the names of all City officials who have come to the meetings.  Jason said he would add this in.  

2009 Goals
The group decided to hold off on discussing the goals for 2009 until they hear back from Jason and Tom on Leslie’s list of follow up items.  

Other Business
Leslie asked what the protocol was for reporting sidewalks that have not been cleared of snow and ice.  Jason said to call or email the Building Department directly.  Rose Mary stated that snow emergency parking enforcement has been good this year.  Leslie mentioned that the nearest spot to park a car in relation to her street during a snow emergency is a far walk, making it hard for some to comply.  It was noted that on some streets, people are parking on the sidewalks.  Polly said that the flip side to this is that you have very narrow streets for plows to navigate in and not effectively do their jobs.  Polly stated that NIAC members should work with their Ward Councillors to identify new locations to park during snow emergencies.  

Lucy wanted to inform the group that she has received calls from some of her neighbors about break ins to cars parked in the South Harbor Garage during snow emergencies.  Shirley also said it is hard to turn around before the roof of the garage when the garage is full and the roof of the garage is closed of with saw horses.  There is no proper turn around and cars are forced to back down.  

Polly wanted to know what the procedure was for shoveling out fire hydrants.  Joe O’Keefe stated that there is no ordinance requiring hydrants to be shoveled out during or after snow storms.  However, Councillor Jean Pelletier is working on such an ordinance.  Typically, firefighters go around and clear the hydrants on the main thoroughfares of the City.  Polly thought it a good idea if the City could implement an adopt –a-hydrant and catch basin program to ensure that hydrants and catch basins are cleared of snow and debris.  Jim asked that all NIAC members bring this idea back to their neighborhood groups and ask them to identify problem areas and hydrants.  Jason will check to see if the City has a GIS map listing of all hydrants.  

Joe O’Keefe stated that the City Council just recently enacted a new wind turbine ordinance and a new resident sticker parking program.  The parking program will allow out of state Salem State College students, who rent in restricted areas to park their cars in resident only zones if they provide the proper documentation.  Jim stated that this needs to be communicated to all residents.  

Shirley announced an event entitled “Dancing with the Arts” which will honor NIAC group member Patricia Zaido.  The event will also serve as a fundraiser for the Salem and Marblehead Arts Associations.  

Leslie asked why Deb Ciccolo of the Pickman Park Condo Association would not be allowed to join the Neighborhood Improvement Advisory Council.  She said that Jason had given Deb reasons as to why she could not join.  Jim said that in his discussion with Jason, it would be hard to allow one condo association in and not all the others in the City, thereby creating too large a group.  Polly stated that Pickman Park is a large development that represents 268 homeowners and hundreds of voters and they should be allowed to sit at the NIAC table.  Scott stated that even though he would like a seat at the NIAC table as the President of the Highlands Condo Association, he finds it just as easy to communicate his issues through Jim, at his neighborhood group meetings and during public comment periods at NIAC meetings.  Polly stated that that the South Salem Neighborhood Association, which represents Wards 5 and 7 would welcome the additional representation from Ward 7 on NIAC.  Jim said he will revisit this with Jason.       

Action Items

  • Tom – add all City Councillors to NIAC email list
  • Jason – bring a detailed plan on the objectives for the soon to be created committee on Haunted Happenings and Halloween initiatives and the revenues and expenses for 2008
  • Jason & Tom – review Leslie’s list of follow up items and report back to NIAC at next meeting
  • NIAC – work with Ward Councillors to identify new locations for parking during snow emergencies
  • NIAC – identify with their neighborhood groups trouble spots in their areas for which hydrants and catch basins should be continuously cleared of snow and debris.  Also, propose the idea of an adopt-a-hydrant/catch basin to neighborhood group members.  
  • Jason – obtain a GIS map of all city hydrants
  • Jim – re-address membership of Deb Ciccolo to NIAC with Jason  
Meeting Minutes recorded by Tom Watkins
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm