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January 9, 2009
Neighborhood Improvement Advisory Council
City of Salem

Meeting Minutes
Thursday, January 9, 2009
7:00 pm

Members in Attendance:  Jim Moskovis (Chair), Polly Wilbert (V. Chair), Patricia Zaido, Michael Coleman, Stan Franzeen, Leslie Limon, Ana Gordon, Rosemary O’Connor
Members not in Attendance:  Meg Twohey, Lucy Corchado
City Staff:  Dave Knowlton, Jason Silva, Tom Watkins

The group introduced themselves and identified each neighborhood group they belong to.  Meeting minutes for the November meeting were reviewed and approved as amended.       

Public Comment
Jim opened up the public comment period.  

Patricia Libertie stated that the handicapped access issue with the sidewalk at the corner of Highland Avenue and Marlborough Road is still not resolved.  It was also stated that the neighbors have been told by MassHighway that all work has been completed on Highland Ave. yet the lights have not been sequenced, sidewalks are not completed and pipes are not connected to power sources for lights.

Beverly McSwiggin stated that the City has previously identified Salem’s “10 worst properties” and was wondering whether the City would be doing this again.  She specifically mentioned 103 Mason Street along with other homes on Mason, Dunlap and School Streets (drug activity, unregistered vehicles and foreclosed properties with no alarm systems).

Rosemary O’Connor, of the newly created Mack Park Neighborhood Association became an official member of the Neighborhood Improvement Advisory Council.  

A packet summarizing NIAC’s accomplishments from 2008 was distributed.

Discussion with City Engineer David Knowlton
David began by discussing the new rules and regulations of the City’s new trash and recycling contract.  Members of NIAC recognized the City’s effective public awareness campaign around the new regulations.  Polly asked if the Fire Department was aware of the high volume of collected recycled material at North Shore Recycled Fibers on Jefferson Avenue.  She also mentioned debris has been blowing onto the railroad tracks and that homeless people have been hanging around in the tunnel.  Jason said he will contact the Fire Department and Inspectional Services Office about paper storage regulations.

Polly also said there seems to be an issue of trash being put out too early.  Trash is not allowed to be put out before 5 pm on the day preceding trash pick up.  David stated that the City has hired a part-time trash enforcement officer, and he will bring this to her attention.  

Leslie asked about the possibility of a HAZMAT Day for 2009.  Jason stated the City is looking into holding a regional one for this year.  

David stated that his office recently submitted $90 million in “shovel ready” projects to the State for consideration under the Federal Economic Stimulus Program.  

He stated that the City had recently completed their 2008 paving program in which 26 streets throughout the City, were paved.  $1.5 million in Chapter 90 funds were used.  Prior to the paving, the City prioritized streets through a Pavement Management Program.  Overall, $14 million in paving projects were identified.  David said the City is hoping to do more paving in the spring when additional Chapter 90 funds will be made available in April.  However, Chapter 90 funds could be lower due to the expected budget cuts in local aid from the Commonwealth.    

David stated that Bridge Street is expected to be paved this year, Canal Street the year after, and Boston Street the year after that.  

Jason mentioned that the City submitted a joint grant application with Peabody to assess the Boston Street/Main Street entrance corridor.  Jim stated that he believed that Boston Street should be more of a priority over Canal because it is an entrance corridor.  

Polly stated that the bridge off of Leggs Hill is in need of attention.  David stated that even though it looks bad, the bridge is in sound structural shape.  A consultant was hired by the City to look at it and found it to be in good shape.  Jason stated that $250,000 has been earmarked to improve Leggs Hill Road.  

Pat Libertie asked about the light sequencing on Highland Avenue.  Jason stated that he is working with John Giardi on this.  

Beverly McSwiggin asked about a water drainage issue at 55-57 Grove Street.  David stated that he met with the owner and told him he was in violation and told him his options.  He later issued him a fine and will now follow up with him.  

Stan mentioned that the Witch Shop on the corner of Derby and Kosciusko Streets has a sump pump in their basement and is pumping water onto the sidewalk and street.  This creates a public safety hazard when the water freezes up during the winter.  Polly stated the Brookhouse Home for Women is doing the same thing.  David said he will look into these areas but stated this happens throughout the City.  

Polly wondered if the double utility poles in the City could be taxed or at least have the old ones taken away.  They are unsightly and dangerous.  David stated he belongs to a statewide organization and is lobbying for this.  His group is working to enact a 90 day period of double pole allowance.  After the 90 days, the company responsible will need to remove the old pole.  Jason stated that Verizon owns the poles, are slow to respond, and do not show up at City Council meetings when asked to.  Polly mentioned that the City should discuss this with State Representative John Keenan.  Leslie would like NIAC to be more active on this issue and possibly start a write in campaign.  

Polly asked about putting utility poles underground.  David stated that while it is being done in some spots in the City, he said it is very expensive to do.  

Leslie stated that the proposal by the new CVS going in at the HMA site to move the traffic signal at the Mason/North intersection to the North/Franklin intersection would be dangerous.  She stated that a past study showed that such a light at that intersection would be dangerous.  Jason stated that the City does not have a formal proposal yet for that development.  Polly stated that with the potential for significant development on Franklin St. this issue should be addressed in a timely fashion.  

The group mentioned that they would like to have Rick Rennard, Director of the Dept. of Public Services, here at their next meeting.  

NIAC 2008 Accomplishments
The group will review Jason’s packet on NIAC accomplishments and discuss it at their next meeting.  

Minutes and Agendas
NIAC members would like to have their agenda emailed to them one week in advance of their meetings.  Tom will work with Jim on seeing this through.  Leslie would like to see the minutes and agendas up online in a more timely manner.  Jason and Tom will review the Sunshine Ordinance and see how the City can better apply to them.  

Future Meeting Topics
Nomination and election of new officers will be in March.  

Invite Rick Rennard to next meeting.  

Stan would like to see Halloween and Polly’s pumpkin carving proposal on next month’s agenda.  

Ana read an email from Meg Twohey.  In the email, Meg stated that she would like to review neighborhood experiences with large projects (such as the Courthouse project) and apply them to other projects in the City.  Leslie agreed and believes NIAC’s meeting could serve as a venue to share past practices and experiences.  Jim and Patricia believed such a discussion is better left with the particular neighborhood groups.  Leslie feels this is an important topic to bring to the NIAC table and discuss.  Jason is concerned that such a discussion could be politically driven.  

Leslie would like to investigate areas of the City that do not have representation within NIAC and invite someone from those areas to the meetings.  Jason and Jim explained that all recognized neighborhood groups have been identified.  If other groups do get created, such as the Mack Park Neighborhood Association, then they will be invited as well.   

Stan stated he would like to have the Downtown Neighborhood Association (DNA) representation wrapped up.  At this, Shirley Walker was asked to formally join NIAC as the representative from the DNA.  She accepted the invitation.           

Meeting Minutes recorded by Tom Watkins
Meeting adjourned at 9:25 pm