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August 7th, 2008

Neighborhood Improvement Advisory Council
City of Salem

Meeting Minutes
Thursday, August 7th, 2008
7:00 pm

Members in Attendance:  Jim Moskovis (Chair), Polly Wilbert (V. Chair), Michael Coleman, Stan Franzeen, Leslie Limon, Patricia Zaido
Members not in Attendance:  Lucy Corchado, Mickey Northcutt, Meg Twohey
City Staff:  Captain Brian Gilligan, Jason Silva, Tom Watkins

The group introduced themselves and identified each neighborhood group they belong to.  Meeting minutes for the July meeting were reviewed and approved with some minor edits.  It was stated that member Mickey Northcutt has moved out of Salem and will no longer be able to partake on the Committee.  Shirley Walker of the Downtown Neighborhood Association (DNA) was present and announced that the DNA will be voting for a new president of the DNA at their next meeting.  That individual will represent the DNA at future NIAC meetings.       

Public Comment
Chairman Jim Moskovis opened the meeting to the audience for public comment.  

Pat Libertie stated that there is a problem with handicap access in front of the Mattress Giant on Highland Avenue.  She said the area needs to be paved to allow for easier access for those in a wheelchair.  Pat also announced that the Ward 4/Gallows Hill Neighborhood Group had sponsored a child to attend the Forest River Day Camp.  The Group worked to receive a $900 donation from Kennedy Development to help with the cost.   

Chairman Moskovis closed the public comment period.  

Motorcycles & the City Noise Ordinance         
Captain Brian Gilligan of the Salem Police Department was present at the meeting to talk about the ongoing noise disturbances created by motorcycles.  He began by stating that this issue is a very complex issue to enforce.  A group of motorcycles may be in violation of the noise ordinance but that does not mean a single motorcycle within the group is in violation.  He said the Salem PD recognizes people are upset over this.  The City of Newburyport was brought to Court by the Mass Motorcycle Association.  

Capt. Gilligan said he encourages all people to call the PD when a disturbance happens.  He stated that they receive most of their complaints for motorcycle noise violations between 10 pm – 2 am.  He said he has instructed Lt. Robert Precziewski and detective Mike Page of the Traffic Division to come up with effective methods to enforce motorcycle noise violations.  He said they will be directing patrolmen at this time to actively look for motorcycles in violation.  This will require training patrol officers to recognize legal vs. illegal exhaust systems and to work with local restaurants/bars which bikers visit.  Capt. Gilligan also presented a list of motorcycle citations recently issued by the Salem PD.  

Alicia hart stated that this issue should not be complicated.  She said she has seen 50 – 60 motorcycles go be a day on her street and believes 90% of them to be in violation.  She said the area of Collins Cove is especially bad.  She said she would also like to see a police detail on Bridge Street.  Polly said she would like to see some quantified numbers from the SPD.  Capt. Gilligan said the numbers of the SPD are

skewed since such an issue is weather driven.  Alicia said she would just like to see a physical presence by the SPD.  

Shirley Walker asked about the use of decibel readers.  Capt. Gilligan responded by saying such tools are not useful because they are hard to use as evidence in the courts.  

Stan said he sees more motorcycles on Sunday afternoons, especially heading down to the Salem Willows.  

Pat L. stated that boom boxes are also a problem on Highland Avenue.  Capt. Gilligan agreed with her.

Alicia stated again that she would like to see a physical Police presence.  

Jim Moskovis understands that there are also problems.  Capt. Gilligan said this is good information to know and that he does not tolerate such behavior and will look into this.  Capt. Gilligan also said that, based on what he was hearing from the Committee tonight, that he will also now target Saturday and Sunday afternoons for motorcycle violation enforcement.  

Capt. Gilligan said there is a Police presence on the streets.  He instructs his officers to patrol certain areas and write out tickets.  He said he will let neighbors know when the officers are scheduled to go out.  He also encouraged anyone to come to his Office and talk in more detail about this problem.  He said Police reports are also available at the Police station.  

Alicia, Jim and Leslie all agreed that they should receive future status reports from the SPD on this issue.  Jim stated the Police need to work with the neighbors on this issue.  

Capt. Gilligan stated there is a multi faceted approach to this problem.  That is, there needs to be directed time and days of enforcement within the patrol division, even though there is a serious staffing issue.  And, there is an educational component that he has instructed Lt. Precziewski to take a lead on by working with local shops and inspection garages to inform them of the exhaust codes and violations.  Jason reiterated that education is a key component.  Jason also said he would like to see the numbers of citations and the Mayor’s Office will help to create a more legible list of those numbers.  

Polly stated that the motorcycle ride in October is in clear violation.  Capt. Gilligan stated that this event does help to raise a lot of money for charity and, as it turns out, this will most likely be the last year this group does a motorcycle ride to raise the money.      

Pat L. asked if the SPD was doing anything to address the scooters being sold from Meineke on highland Avenue.  Capt. Gilligan said that yes, this is a problem and the SPD is working on it.  

Haunted Happenings
Jason stated that there has been no definite decision yet made on the fireworks for this year’s Haunted Happenings.  The Mayor would like to meet with the neighbors first and will be using the information she receives to make her decision.  

Stan said he would like to coordinate a meeting with his neighborhood group and City Officials about current Haunted Happenings planning and events.  

Courthouse Traffic
Leslie stated that she would like to see a trial run of the east ramp closing before it becomes permanent.  Patricia stated that this is not possible – without the closing of this ramp there can be no new courthouse.  

Jason stated that the lights on North Street need to be better coordinated and he has talked to the City Engineer about this.  

Resident Brian Thomas stated that in addition to the lights, there is confusion amongst drivers due to inadequate signage.  

Pat L. asked about the signalization of lights on Highland Avenue and Jason said he would get her information about this.   

Other Business   
Leslie stated that the season for the Forest River Pool is quite short and needs to be lengthened.  She would like to see it extended a little bit past Labor Day.  

It was also suggested that HAZMAT Day be reinstated.  It was mentioned to possibly charge people in order to help fund the event.  Polly mentioned the Gulf Station on Essex Street in Swampscott now accepts hazardous materials for a fee.  

It was asked that on future meeting agendas, that dates of the next meeting be added.   

Future Meeting Topics     
Frustration that people have when calling the SPD
Haunted Happenings

Meeting Minutes recorded by Tom Watkins
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm