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July 10th, 2008

Neighborhood Improvement Advisory Council
City of Salem

Meeting Minutes
Thursday, July 10th, 2008
7:00 pm

Members in Attendance:  Jim Moskovis (Chair), Polly Wilbert (V. Chair), Lucy Corchado, Michael Coleman, Stan Franzeen, Leslie Limon, Patricia Zaido, Ana Gordon (FSNA Alternate)
Members not in Attendance:  Mickey Northcutt, Meg Twohey
City Staff:  Ellen Talkowsky, Kate Fox (Destination Salem), Jason Silva, Tom Watkins

The group introduced themselves and identified each neighborhood group they belong to.  Meeting minutes for the June meeting were reviewed and approved.    

Public Comment
Alicia Hart stated that there was a lot of motorcycle activity in the Common neighborhood this past weekend and said she did not see any police presence.  She is also worried about the upcoming motorcycle parade in October.  David Jones questioned why this was not being enforced.  He said it is more widespread a problem than just motorcycles.  Resident Pat Libertie agreed.  

Resident Barry Neely is concerned with bar patrons leaving the bars late at night and disturbing the peace and quiet of the downtown neighborhoods and condos - in particular, on Thursday and Friday nights.  He says the police have responded whenever he calls, however, he would like to see increased bike patrols in the area during this time.  

Pat stated that the Ward 4/Gallows Hill Neighborhood Group would like to raise money to send a child to the Forest River park day camp.  They have already raised enough money to send one child there.  Jim Moskovis said he would like neighborhood groups to partner with each other to raise money for this initiative.  Scott Weisberg stated it costs only $90 to send a child to the camp for a week.  

Alicia asked for some data reports and feedback from the Police Department.  Jason stated that representatives from the Salem PD could not come tonight but will be at the group’s next meeting with data.  Jason said motorcycle noise is a true issue and the Salem PD is using Community Policing Grant Funds to help with enforcement.  The program has been very effective.

Pat said there is also a problem with trucks going through red lights on Highland Avenue – the State Police have been responding to this.  

Pat also asked if restaurants and bars could pay for extra police details at night during the weekends.  

Jim Moskovis closed the public comment period.  

Haunted Happenings         
Kate Fox introduced herself and gave a background on Destination Salem and its mission.  She staed the City has put out a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a professional event planner for Haunted Happenings.  The City received a proposal back from Conventures.  A calendar of events will be produced and available in August.  She is reconfiguring the Haunted Happenings webpage too.  She reported the City is also looking to move the fireworks display from North Salem to Derby Wharf this year.  

Stan Franzeen was first to raise his concerns over the fireworks proposal.  He would like to see something more arts/culture driven.  Polly also raised her concern and said there is a much different crowd on Halloween than on July 4th.  She would like the City to bring in more inspirational events like Waterfire in Providence, RI.   

Kate stated that the Fireworks display gives the Police Department a tool to work with to control the crowds.  She also stated that the crowds are expected to be bigger this year because Halloween falls on the weekend.  Ellen Talkowsky explained the new plan as to how the Police Department will move and disperse the crowds from the fireworks at Derby Wharf.  Kate stated that even though Halloween will be promoted with a 10 pm closing, the Police know there will be crowds that will not obey this rule.  Jason also pointed out that the City will have help from several area Police Departments.  Lucy stated that there will be a lot of foot traffic through the surrounding neighborhoods.  Jim would like the City and Police to come and discuss the actual Haunted Happenings plan for Halloween night.   

In response to Polly’s question, Kate stated that she does not expect the crowds to be as big on Saturday night as they are for Halloween night on Friday.  

Pat stated that this group should work cooperatively with the City on the Derby St./fireworks issue.  

Leslie stated that she is concerned about the motorcycle parade in October.  Stan passed around some information he collected on motorcycle emissions.  Ana stated that if the parade continues, people should be required to wear helmets.  Leslie said the Police need to be able to randomly stop the parade to allow traffic to go through.  Lucy stated that the parade route was changed last year to help with the traffic flow.  

Other Business   
Polly passed around her amended draft to the “New Tenant Information” handout.  

Lucy said that there is a Brito refrigeration truck idling on Canal Street late at night.  Stan said that he thinks, by law, some trucks are allowed to idle throughout the night (such as refrigeration trucks).  Lucy stated they should do this on their own property and not on City streets.  Stan will check into the idling laws.  

The group also expressed that they would like to see Household Hazardous Waste Day back.  

Future Meeting Topics     
Signals at Mason/North Street
Courthouse traffic
Things to do during winter months – ice skating at Common

Meeting Minutes recorded by Tom Watkins
Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm