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November 8, 2010
Lifebridge Neighborhood Advisory Committee
November 8, 2010
6 p.m.
120 Washington Street, 3rd Floor Conference Room

Present: Meghann Ackerman, Miguel Alvarez, Mark Cote, Jeff Cox, Seth Doolin, Bob Femino, John Femino, Joan Lovely, Steven Pinto, Julie Pottier-Brown, Jason Silva

Introductions: Everyone introduced themselves.

Mission Statement: Jean Pelletier said after the last meeting he had received suggestions about disbanding the committee or adding more neighborhood representatives. Jean Pelletier said he wants to keep the committee going and that there are already four neighborhood representatives and that Seth Doolin is both a neighbor and a member of Lifebridge’s board.

Jean Pelletier said he has not been getting calls about issues with the shelter. Miguel Alvarez said it’s more neighborhood issues – kids leaving toys in the park, residents leaving trash after parties.

Jason Silva asked if people were comfortable having Seth Doolin act as a link between neighbors and the Board of Directors. Julie Pottier-Brown said residents want to know more about what Lifebridge is doing and what its plans are. Mark Cote said nothing big was in the works.

Update on plan to end homelessness: Both Mark Cote and Jason Silva said the City was looking for funding for a staff person to help write a plan.

Mark Cote said the shelter is always full and that the winter overflow space would go into effect in November. He said the dining room will be open for emergency shelter when it is below 40 degrees. The shelter has to turn away 30-60 people every month and that more below-market rate housing is needed to permanently move people out of the shelter.

Steve Pinto asked how long people tend to stay at the shelter and where they move to when they leave. Mark Cote said people stay until they are able to live on their own and that most try to stay on the North Shore.

Joan Lovely asked how many people are veterans. Mark Cote said that between 5 and 10% of people staying at the shelter are usually veterans.

Neighborhood Issues: John Femino asked if the thrift store was moving. Mark Cote said heating had been installed and it would remain in the same place through the winter.

Julie Pottier-Brown asked about a man in a red van who had been staying at the shelter. Mark Cote said there had been issues with him and that he has been banned from the shelter.

The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.