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April 18, 2013
Minutes of Board of Trustees Meeting of April 18, 2013

A meeting of the Board of Trustees was held this date at 4:05 PM at the Library with Trustees Buckley, Little, Salerno, Schild and Yale present and presiding.  Mayor Driscoll and Trustee Merry were absent.  Ms. Tracy was present.
An amendment to the minutes was requested to correct John Doherty’s name.

Approval of minutes of February 21, 2013 with proposed amendment    UNANIMOUS

Current Library Use and Financial reports were distributed.  It was noted that library fines have been going down.  Ms. Tracy felt two things contributed to this situation.  More people are managing their accounts online.  Alerts are sent to remind patrons of due dates and items can then be renewed from home.  Another possibility is that patrons are downloading more movies/entertainment from various websites which may also be affecting circulation. This resulted in a discussion of other possible funding resources.
Library circulation for the months of February and March were distributed.  Ms. Tracy reported that each month Salem’s percentage of NOBLE’s total circulation remains fairly consistent.  Salem continues to have the highest circulation in NOBLE.

Ms. Tracy reported Trustee Little donated another $5,000. to the Bertram Kimball Little Grounds Beautification Fund.  Trustee Little showed plans and told of a special landscaping project designed by Patty Starfield for the front and side entranceways of the Library.  The project should be completed this spring.  The Trustees expressed their excitement for the special project and their gratitude for Trustee Little’s continued and extremely generous support.   

Ms. Tracy informed the Board the Library had received this year’s second payment of state aid in the amount of $25,455.  Total state aid to the Library for FY13 is $49,367.

Ms. Tracy told the Board of her meeting with the Mayor and Acting Finance Director, Nina Bridgman, to go over the Library’s submitted FY14 budget. The meeting went well and the library should soon receive a copy of the Mayor’s budget that will be submitted to the Council for approval.  At the meeting Ms. Tracy also informed the Mayor of the need to replace the rear roof and the HVAC units it houses.

Ms. Tracy reported that John Goff, Bob Farley & Ms. Tracy met for a second time with the Salem Historical Commission to request a letter of support for the Library’s grant application to repair/replace the Library windows.  Some changes previously suggested by SHC were incorporated into the original proposal.  John Goff presented the revised proposal which was well received by the Commission who provided a strong letter of support.  The letter was added to the grant application.   The Library should hear in June whether it has been awarded a grant from the Mass Historical Commission.

A revised quote was distributed for replacement of the rear roof and HAVC units.  As requested by the Trustees the new quote includes two additional HVAC condenser units.

Ms. Tracy informed the Board that Kevin Foucher was seeking three quotes to replace the fence situated between the residence at 5 Monroe Street and the Library’s property.

Trustee Yale spoke about the Mass Board of Library Commissioners workshop he and Ms. Tracy attended April 6th.  Trustee Yale asked Ms. Tracy to forward the Trustee link on the MBLC site to all the Trustees and to request a new Trustee Handbook for the Library.

Meeting adjourned at 5:20 PM.