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November 18, 2010
Salem, Massachusetts
November 18, 2010

A meeting of the Board of Trustees was held this date at 4:06 PM. at the Library with Trustees Buckley, Little, Merry, and Salerno present and Trustee Yale present and presiding. Ms. Jackson was present.  Mayor Driscoll and Trustee Shea were absent.  The
Board welcomed two students from Salem State who were attending the meeting for a class assignment.  Ms. Jackson passed out two thank you notes from the Yale family and Mrs. Clarke.  Former Children’s Librarian Cheryl Opolski also sent a thank you note to the Board for its gift to her.

Approval of Minutes of September 23, 2010                       UNANIMOUS

Current Library Use and Financial reports were distributed including the FY 2010 Financial Statement and tax filings prepared by R. Peter Avila.  Ms. Jackson and the Trustees thanked Trustee Shea (Treasurer) for his prompt attention to the library’s financial matters.  The Board discussed inviting John Doherty from Eastern Bank Investments to a Trustee Meeting to discuss the library’s investments.  It was decided that it would be best to invite him to the April or June meeting after the budget process is completed.

Ms. Jackson reported on the State Aid Grant.  The Library was awarded $24,155 and was certified by the Board of Library Commissioners.  This is a partial payment.  The Library should receive the second payment in April.

Trustee Shea was not able to attend the meeting but asked that a holiday gift for the staff be on the agenda.  He suggested that the Trustees consider repeating the holiday gift to the staff.  The Trustees voiced their appreciation for all the staff does to make the Library so successful.  The Trustees voted to give all staff members a monetary gift of appreciation.  Ms. Jackson expressed her thanks to the Board and reported that the gifts in past years have been a morale booster for the staff and they were most appreciative.

Ms. Jackson reported on the two small roofs that need to be repaired.  Architect Robert Farley has worked on the bid documents.  He and Ms. Jackson met with Purchasing Agent Tom Watkins to discuss the project.  It was decided to go out to bid in February with the idea of doing the project in the spring.

Ms. Jackson reported that the television show “Fairy Jobmother” had filmed a segment at the Library.  

The Trustees continued the discussion of Ms. Jackson’s replacement started at the September meeting.  The Trustees recommended that Assistant Director Nancy Tracy be promoted to the position of Library Director at the FY11 budgeted salary.

VOTED:  To appoint Assistant Director Nancy Tracy to the position of Director
                effective January 1, 2011 at the FY11 budgeted salary.

                MOVED: Trustee Merry   SECONDED: Trustee Buckley UNANIMOUS  

The Trustees expressed best wishes to Ms. Jackson and thanked her for her many years of service to the Library.

Meeting adjourned at 5:30PM

Note:  After the meeting, Assistant Director Tracy was congratulated by Trustees and Ms. Jackson and she expressed her thanks to Trustees and to Ms. Jackson for their support.