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April 22, 2010
Salem, Massachusetts                                                            April 22, 2010

A meeting of the Board of Trustees was held this date at 4:05 p.m. at the Library with Trustees Buckley, Little, Merry, and Shea present and Trustee Yale present and presiding. Ms. Jackson was present.  Mayor Driscoll was absent.

Approval of Minutes of February 25, 2010                UNANIMOUS   

Current Library Use and Financial reports were distributed.  Ms. Jackson reported on the generous donations of Miss Little.  Five thousand dollars was added to the Bertram Kimball Little Beautification Fund and four thousand dollars was donated to the John Bertram Salem Collection Fund.  The Trustees expressed their deep gratitude for these gifts to Miss Little.  Ms. Jackson also reported on the one thousand dollar donation from John Connolly of Texas.  Ms. Jackson reported on the one thousand dollar grant from CinemaSalem.  Tricia Allen, Children’s Librarian, wrote the grant to enhance our book giveaway programs.  CinemaSalem awarded the grant with no restriction on use.

Ms. Jackson reported on the FY11 budget proposal.  All city departments were instructed to submit two budgets – one budget level funded and one budget with a ten percent reduction.  Ms Jackson met with Mayor Driscoll and Finance Director, Rich Viscay at the end of March to go over the budget.  The Mayor said they were waiting for state aid figures so all budgets were still in flux.

Ms. Jackson reported on the library’s boiler.  The temporary repairs to the boiler were still working and it looked like the boiler would make it through this year’s heating season.  The Trustees discussed the bid process for the new boiler and reaffirmed their confidence in architect Bob Farley.  

Ms. Jackson reported on the donation of $6500 from the Gates Foundation Grant.  This grant was matched by the Library.  This is the second phase of a two year grant round.  The money will be used to replace the Macs in the Children’s Room.  Last year’s grant was used to buy new public access computers in the ReferenceRoom.

Ms. Jackson shared with the Trustees the resignation letter of Trustee Donald J. Clarke.  Trustee Clarke was appointed Trustee in April 1992.  The Trustees expressed their disappointment over Trustee’s Clarke resignation.  They praised his long years of service and wished him well.  The Trustees will discuss his replacement at the June meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 5:30PM.