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January 22, 2009
Salem, Massachusetts                                                    January 22, 2009

A meeting of the Board of Trustees was held this date at 4:06 p.m. at the Library with Trustees Clarke, Merry, Shea and Trustee Yale present and presiding.  Mayor Driscoll and Trustees Buckley and Little were absent.  Ms. Jackson was present.  

Approval of Minutes of November 20, 2008.  UNANIMOUS   

Current Library Use and Financial Reports were distributed.  Ms. Jackson reported on the increasing circulation figures.  The Library’s circulation has gone up every month in FY09.  In bad economic times more people rely on the public library.  Ms. Jackson reported on the donation of one thousand dollars from Mr. John J. Connolly of Texas.

Ms. Jackson thanked the Trustees on behalf of the staff for their generous holiday gift.  She read from several personal thank you notes.  The gift was much appreciated especially during these difficult economic times.

Ms. Jackson also reported on the gift of Henry “Bud” Connolly.  Bud Connolly left fifty thousand dollars in his will to the Library in memory of his mother, long-time Library employee Dorothy Connolly. This money was left to be used in the reference room.

The Trustees discussed what they should do with this money.  It was

VOTED:  That the money donated to the Library by Henry Connolly be deposited in                 the Library’s Eastern Bank Investment Account in fixed income.

                MOVED:  Mr. Yale           SECONDED:  Mr. Shea                     UNANIMOUS

Ms. Jackson updated the Trustees on the Library Walkway Repair Project.  A contract has been signed with Cali Corporation of Natick.  The project will begin in the spring.

Ms. Jackson reported on the very successful children’s program in December.  The Library in association with CinemaSalem sponsored a private sceening of the movie “Tales of Despereaux” for library patrons.  The Library paid for all the children’s tickets and discounted tickets were available for the adults.  175 children and adults attended the program.  

Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.