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September 24, 2012
Meeting:        Salem Licensing Board was held Monday, September 24, 2012 at 6:00 pm in the third floor conference room, 120 Washington Street. Present were Robert St. Pierre, Chairman and members John Casey, Rick Lee, Investigator for the Board, Det. Sgt. James Page & Peter Baglioni and Melissa Pagliaro, Clerk

Mr. St. Pierre said he would like to open the meeting with a very big thank you to Detective Peter Baglioni for serving the board since the beginning of the year. He said it was only for a short time but Det. Baglioni did a tremendous job. He said the Board is in receipt of a letter from Chief Tucker appointing Det. Sgt. James Page as the new Licensing Board Investigator.
                Mr. Lee motioned to approve accepting the appointment.
                Mr. Casey seconded.
                Mr. Lee motioned to accept Det. Baglioni’s resignation
                Mr. Casey seconded.
                Mr. St. Pierre said all in favor. Motion carries.
Approved:       Application for various Street Performers Licenses. Applicants:
                *Colin Campbell
                *Dennis Dulong
                *Juan Perez Cruz
                *Antonia Tsangaris
                *Dorothy King
                *Sean Soderholm
                *Kevin Card
                *Lev Neyman
                *Virginia Comeau & Gia Kennedy (child)
                Mr. Casey asked if all applicants received and signed the rules and regulations and understood them.
He stressed that there is to be no amplification and no selling of any goods. He said that if Mx. Pagliaro or Ms. Talkowsky or any other member of the Board asks a performer to move for a variety of reasons that the performer must comply.
                All the applicants said they did.
Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
Mr. Lee seconded
                Mr. St. Pierre said all in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       Application for a Street Performers License. Applicant: Lawrence Bell.
                Mr. St. Pierre said there were some issues/complaints  noted from last year.
Ms. Talkowsky said that although Mr. Bell has been here for a few years last year he was uncooperative at times when asked to move.     She said he takes up large areas and makes a display. She said that when either she or Ms. Pagliaro asked him to move or to tighten up his display so it wasn’t so large he was argumentative and uncooperative.
                Mr. St. Pierre said that Mr. bell must cooperate with the rules and regulations and if asked to move he must do so.
                Mr. .Casey said it is imperative that we have cooperation from all of our Street Performers.    
                 Mr. Lee said we will wipe the slate clean from here and start clean and see how it goes.
                Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
                Mr. Lee seconded.
                Mr. St. Pierre said all in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:               Application for a Street Performers license. Applicant: Chris Dowgin
                        Mr. St. Pierre asked Det. Baglioni If there was an issue this weekend.
Det. Baglioni said that he Mr. Dowgin was selling tours and told him he was coming before the LB Monday night to get a license. He just wanted to clarify he was not here for a Tour Guide License.
                        Mr. Dowgin said that license was in process and he was here tonight for a Street Performers license.
Mr. St. Pierre said from looking at the application that the LB would allow flute playing but he could not sell anything and the LB is not approving sidewalk art at this time.
Mr. Casey asked if this was his first time as a Street Performer.
Mr. Dowgin said that it was.
Mr. Casey said he needs to follow the guideline sand exhibit appropriate behavior, and motioned to approve the application.
                        Mr. Lee seconded.
                        Mr. St. Pierre said all in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       An Application for a One Day Liquor License for Salem State University for Alumni Days on October 13th &14th.
                       Present: Mandy Ray.
                        Ms. Ray said she is the alumni director and this is a weekend to bring back alumni for different events.
                        Mr. Casey asked who is pouring.
                        Ms. Ray said that Chartwell’s is and that Campus police will do the detail.
                        Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
                        Mr. Lee seconded.
                        Mr. St. Pierre said all in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       An application for a new Store Fortunetelling license and 2 sub licensees. Applicant: Rosemary Squires for Tiffenwicket, Wharf Street and Therese Milton and Gwendolyn Squires as readers.
        Mr. Casey asked her to tell the LB about the shop and asked if it would be open year round.
        Ms. Squires said it is not up and running yet but will be soon she said it is 75% or more metaphysical. She said they sell ritual robes and some other items and some antiques and said it would be open year round.
        Mr. Casey asked Ms. Milton and Ms. Squires what they do.
        Ms. Milton said she reads stones and Ms. Squires said she does palm readings.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve the Store License and two sub licenses.
        Mr. Lee seconded.
                       Mr. St. Pierre said all in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       An application for an Entertainment License. Applicant: Flying Saucer Pizza Company, 118 Washington Street. Present: Steve Feldman, owner.
        Mr. Feldman said he is requesting 3 TV’s and music through an iPod.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
        Mr. Lee seconded.
        Mr. St. Pierre said all in favor. Motion carries.
Approved:       An application for a Blanket license for events for Haunted Happenings 2012. Present: Ellen Talkowsky, Special Projects Coordinator for the City of Salem.
        Ms. Talkowsky said the food end of it is the same as last year with the RFP awarded to Fiesta on the ped mall, the common and Derby Street and the carnival on Derby Street. She said there will be some acapella groups from different colleges, and the new thing is the SOWA vendor management company to oversee the vending in the downtown. She said that Licensing will still manage nonprofits and sponsors.
                        Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
                        Mr. Lee seconded.
                        Mr. St. Pierre said all in favor. Motion carries.

Update:                 Hilltop Manor Lodging House, 179 Boston Street. Present: Paul Dacey, co-owner
                        Mr. St. Pierre asked Det. Baglioni how things have been.
Det. Baglioni said he was there recently on an inspectio0n with the Building & Health Departments. He said they received cooperation and everything seemed to be in order. He said there was a call for a medical issue. He said as of now they are in compliance.
Mr. St. Pierre asked the Board if they should come back in another 6 months.
Mr. Lee said he felt as though they have done what they are supposed to at this point.
Mr. Casey said the Board can call them back in if any complaints are received.  
Mr. Dacey said he wanted to make the LB aware there is ongoing litigation with one tenant that he is trying to have removed at this time.
Mr. Casey asked if CORI’s are being run.        
Mr. Dacey said no but that people are being googled to see what comes up.


                        Mr. St. Pierre told Mr. Dacey to keep things running smooth.
Mr. Dacey told Board that they are interested in purchasing 43 Boston Street from Mr. Morris if the Board did not have an issue.
Mr. Casey said that all involved departments should go through the building first before he files an application to make sure the building is in compliance.
Mr. St. Pierre said short of any more complaints there is no further discussion at this time.

ications:       *Ms. Pagliaro said there is an ABCC training day in Chelmsford on September 27, 2012 that she will be attending possibly with Beth Rennard and Det. Sgt. Jim Page if he can make it.    
        *Mr. Casey said that the police log indicates some issues at Fatima’s on Hawthorne Blvd. He said the LN should call the license holder in before Halloween.
        Mr. St. Pierre suggested that Det. Page investigate first and once he does that get back to Ms. Pagliaro.

Business:       *New – Complaint regarding Entertainment at Life Alive on Washington Street. Ms. Pagliaro said that hopefully both parties can work together to resolve this. Det. Page will be going out soon.
        *New – Mr. St. Pierre said there seems to be an issue at Murphy’s with underage drinking. He said he does not have the report from Det. Page yet, but there was an issue with a 20 yr old claiming to have been at Murphy’s. Mr. St. Pierre asked Det. Sgt. Page to investigate and if warranted, take action.
        *New – Det. Baglioni said that he was at Bangkok Paradise last Friday night with Fire and Building at 11:45 pm. He said they were at their capacity but no violations at the time.

Approved:       Meeting minutes from September 10, 2012
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
        Mr. Lee seconded.
        Mr. St. Pierre said all in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       Motion to adjourn
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
        Mr. Lee seconded.
        Mr. St. Pierre said all in favor. Motion carries.

Respectfully Submitted,

Melissa Pagliaro
Clerk of the Board

Submitted: October 2, 2012
Approved:  October 9, 2012