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September 10, 2012
Meeting:        Salem Licensing Board was held Monday, September 10, 2012 at 6:00 pm in the third floor conference room, 120 Washington Street. Present were Robert St. Pierre, Chairman and members John Casey, Rick Lee, Investigator for the Board, Peter Baglioni and Melissa Pagliaro, Clerk
Approved:       An Application for a One Day Liquor License. Applicant: Friend & Family Services. Present: Renee Pelletier.
        Ms. Pelletier said that is a fundraiser for Friend & Family Services.
        Mr. Casey asked if this is for all alcohol.
        Ms. Pelletier said it is and Lantern Hill Catering will be doing the serving.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve and waived the fee for the non-profit.
Mr. Lee motioned to approve.
Mr. Lee seconded
Mr. St. Pierre said all are in favor. Motion carries.
Approved:       Application for various Street Performers Licenses. Applicants:
                *Justin Martin
                *Zdyrko Maxim
                *Kevin Figueroa
                *Amt Deshenes
                *Peter Mercier
                *Simon Lin Gerstein
                *Joshua Madruga
                *Ryan Davison
                *Nick D’Amico
                *Lawrence Noel
                *Honey Amirault
                *Susan Cassidy
                *Gregory Gilman
                Mr. Casey asked if all applicants received and signed the rules and regulations and understood them.
                He stressed that there is to be no amplification and no selling of any goods.
                All the applicants said they did.
Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
Mr. Lee seconded
                Mr. St. Pierre said all in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       An application for a One Day Liquor License for a fundraiser at Old Town hall on November 10, 2012 from 4pm-11pm. Applicant: German Shepard Rescue. Present: Jessica Podkulski and Jean McMahon.
Ms. Podkulski said that she has insurance for the event and that once it is approved she will contact PD for a detail officer. She said they are expecting about 350 people.
Mr. Casey asked if they are licensed non-profit.
Ms. Podkulski said they were.
                Mr. Casey motioned to approve and waive fee for the non-profit. .
                Mr. Lee seconded        
                Mr. St. Pierre said all in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       An application for a One Day Liquor License for a fundraiser at Salem Boys & Girls Club on October 6, 2012.
                Present: George McCabe of NS Bartending and Joanne Scott, Director of Club.     
Mr. McCabe said they have held this event for the last couple of years in the auditorium and he is working with Patrick Sergeant of Million Dollar box Truck. He said that he will have two bartenders.
Ms. Scott said it is a beer tasting event.
Mr. Casey asked how many detail officers there would be. Mr. McCabe said hey have only had one in the past.
Mr. Casey motioned to approve and waive the fee for the non-profit.
Mr. Lee seconded.
                Mr. St. Pierre said all in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       An application for a One Day Liquor License for a fundraiser at Salem Athenaeum. Present: Judy Carney.
                Mr. St. Pierre asked her to tell the Board about the event.
Ms. Carney said there would be about 30 people for a fundraiser and that they have called for a detail and the library would provide the insurance.  
Mr. Casey motioned to approve and returned the check to Ms. Carney and waive the fee for the nonprofit.         
                Mr. Lee seconded        
                Mr. St. Pierre said all in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       An application for a One Day Liquor License for 92.9 radio station for a beer tent on Halloween night on Federal Street. Present: Adam Kline, Crystal Margolis and Ellen Talkowsky.
        Ms. Talkowsky said this will be the same set up as in the past couple of years but this year they will only have the beer tent on October 31.
        Mr. Casey asked how many years this has been for the beer tent.
        Mr. Kline said that this is four years for the tent and the past three years has had the stage as well.  
        Mr. St. Pierre said that this event seems to run very well.
        Mr. Casey said we will need an insurance binder and a check for the fee.
        Mr. Lee seconded        
        Mr. St. Pierre said all in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       An application for a One Day Liquor License for a fundraiser to benefit the Salem YMCA on September 15, 2012.  Present: Darek Barcikowski               
Mr. Barcikowski said that the Oktoberfest will be held from 5-9 pm and Diane Manahan will be providing the insurance.  
Det. Baglioni asked how many officer s will be present. He suggested that there be two.
Mr. Barcikowski said they are still working on that.    
Mr. Casey motioned to approve and waive the fee for the non-profit.
Mr. Lee seconded.
Mr. St. Pierre said all in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       Application for a Transfer of an Annual All Alcohol Restaurant License. Applicant: KMZ, Inc. d/b/a/ The  Grapevine, Congress Street. Present: Attorney Thomas Alexander for both seller and buyer. Kristen Zakaradis, applicant and Stacey Fraser, current owner and Attorney Siegel for the pledgee, South Harbor.
        Mr. Alexander said that Ms. Zakaradis has been in the toy business for 30 years in Newburyport. He said she is delighted to take on the Grapevine. He said she is not changing much other that a bit on the menu. He said she is requesting to keep the same entertainment. He said that Ms. Zakaradis will be full time at the restaurant. He said that she has already become TIPS certified in anticipation of the transfer.

Mr. Casey said his concern is that Ms. Zakaradis has no prior experience with alcohol and that this is a college town. He said that under the current owners that have been in business for 24 years there has not been a single violation. He said that he hopes that continues. He said that all of her servers must be TIOS certified. He asked if Ms. Fraser would be staying on.
        Ms. Fraser said that it really hasn’t been discussed yet.
        Attorney Alexander said that Ms. Zakaradis is listed as the proposed manager.
        Mr. Casey asked if there is an isolated price on the liquor license.
        Mr. Alexander said there is not one listed on the application. He said he is leaving that to the accountants for tax purposes.
        Mr. St. Pierre asked if once they came up with that number if they could let the Department know.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve the application top Transfer and a pledge of the license.
        Mr. Lee seconded.
Mr. St. Pierre said all in favor. Motion carries.

Mr. Casey motioned to continue the current Entertainment License as it is under the new name.
Mr. Lee seconded.
Mr. St. Pierre said all in favor. Motion carries.
Approved:       Three (3) various Psychic Fairs.
        One for Crow Haven on Essex Street
        One for OMEN on Essex Street and one for
The Festival of the Dead in the Museum Place Mall
        Mr. Casey asked all present if they understood the rules and regulations for a Fair License. They all agreed that they did.  He reiterated that the readers for these Fairs are only valid from October 1-31.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approved pending the return of all CORI’s.
        Mr. Lee seconded.
Mr. St. Pierre said all in favor. Motion carries

Approved:       Application for a Blanket Vendors License for Biz Baz the first weekend in October. Present: Ellen Talkowsky.
Ms. Talkowsky said that she would stand in for Rinus. She said this is the same event that has run the same ways for years through the Chamber. She said the only thing she would ask is that the LB requires a detail officer to be placed at the condos at 129 Essex Street for the resident’s safety during the entire fair.
                Mr. Casey suggests there be two one for the condo one just to be t5here in general.
                Mr. Casey motioned to approve Biz Baz Vendors from 10am-6pm on October 6th & 7th.
                Mr. Lee seconded.
Mr. St. Pierre said all in favor. Motion carries.

Approved;       An Application for two sub-licensees at Witch’s hide 180 Essex Street. Present: Delila Bettencourt, owner and Jody Cabot & Corinne Martin, applicants.
        Mr. Casey asked if this would make her 4th & 5th sub licensees.
        Ms. Martin and Ms. Cabot said they have read before in Salem.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve Biz Baz Vendors from 10am-6pm on October 6th & 7th.
        Mr. Lee seconded.
        Mr. St. Pierre said all in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       Three Applications for Individual Fortunetelling Licenses. Applicant: Phyllis Brewer Brown, Kristina Gurksnis and Kelly Flannagan.
        Ms. Flannagan said she was here for herself and Kristina as she could not be here this evening and they are both renewals.
        Ms. Brown said this is a renewal for her as well and that she also has a store license in the City.
        Mr. Casey asked if all three applicants understood the rules & regulations of an Individual license.
        All three said they did.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve the renewal of all three applicants Individual Fortunetelling Licenses.

Approved:       An application for a sub – licensee Fortunetelling License at A Sacred Place. Applicant: Maura McCormack
        Present: Ms. McCormack and Daryl Bennett, owner.        
        Ms. McCormack says that she does angel card readings.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
        Mr. Lee seconded.
Mr. St. Pierre said all in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       An application for a new Store Fortunetelling License and a sub-licensee for La Madre de las Botanicas, Jefferson Ave. Present: Rodney Martinez, sub and Ray, owner.
        Mr. Casey asked if this was a new store and if they met the 75% requirement and also what type of readings Mr. Martinez does.
        Mr. Martinez said he reads seashells.
        Ray said they sell candles, statues and religious items.
        Mr. Casey said he motions to approve pending CORI checks.
        Mr. Lee seconded.
Mr. St. Pierre said all in favor. Motion carries.       

Approved:       An application for a sub licensee fortunetelling renewal. Applicant: Lori Gibson for Bewitched.
                Ms. Gibson said that this is her second time renewing as a reader for Bewitched.
                Mr. Casey said he motions to approve pending CORI check.
                Mr. Lee seconded.
Mr. St. Pierre said all in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       An application three Street Performers. Applicant: Honey Amirault and Susan Cassidy and Gregory Gilman.
                Mr. Casey asked what they did.
                Mr. Gilman says he plays and sings music.
                Ms. Amirault and Cassidy said they are sisters and they dress up as witches and take pictures with tourists.
                Mr. Casey said he motions to approve.
                Mr. Lee seconded.
Mr. St. Pierre said all in favor. Motion carries.


ications:       Mr. St. Pierre said that Det. Baglioni has an update to report to the LB on the noise complaints at the Black Lobster on Bridge Street. He said there are various reports and read briefly read them into the record. He said the bottom line of the complaints after much time spent investigating the issue with Ms. Pagliaro is that they are acting within the rights of their entertainment license. He said it really depends on tides, winds and other factor. After going out on 8/24 with Ms. Pagliaro and spending an hour on Ames and Hubon Street, there are some areas you can hear the music and some you cannot.
        Mr. Lee asked if the detective had a recommendation.
        Det. Baglioni said that there is a decibel sound meter on its way from the state to take a reading. He said just wait and see what the reading are.
        Mr. Lee said that he motions to accept the report into the record.
        Mr. St. Pierre asked Det. Baglioni to call Councilor Sosnowski and brief him.
OLD/NEW:        *New – Detective Baglioni said that some compliance checks were done and he has submitted copies to be placed in files.
        *New: Detective Baglioni said either himself or Det. Page would like to call Bangkok Paradise in on October 8th for a Hearing on complaints of a fight and underage drinking.
        *New Joanne Scott along with George Harrington from NS Bartending asked if they could possibly get approval for and event on September 20th at the Boys & Girls Club. She said it will be for about 100 people. She said it’s an annual fundraiser.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
        Mr. Lee seconded.
                Mr. St. Pierre said all in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       Minutes from August 2, 2012 & September 4, 2012
                Mr. Lee motioned to approve.
Mr. Casey seconded.
Mr. St. Pierre said all in favor. Motion carries.

ment:                    Mr. Lee motioned to adjourn.           
                      Mr. Casey seconded.      

Respectfully submitted,

Melissa Pagliaro
Clerk of the Board
Submitted: September 17, 2012
Approved: September 24, 2012