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March 8, 2010
Meeting:        Salem Licensing Board held Monday, March 8, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. in the third floor conference room, 120 Washington Street. Present were Members: Robert St. Pierre, Chairman, John Casey and Rick Lee, Investigator Lt. Ouellette and Melissa Pagliaro, Clerk.  
Approved:       Street Performers License. Applicant: John Corcoran.
        Mr. Corcoran said that he has performed for the last two years.
        Mr. Casey asked what he does.
        Mr. Corcoran said he plays various types of music on the guitar.
        Mr. Casey asked where he usually performs.
        Mr. Corcoran said usually down by the large fountain by the museum.
        Mr. Casey asked if there was any amplification.
        Mr. Corcoran said he uses a small amplifier on his guitar but so does everyone else.
        Lt. Ouellette noted that the Board stopped him last year with the amplifier because there were several complaints from one business’ down by the fountain. He said that the Board should suggest that he move down the mall and away from this location.
        Mr. Lee agreed he should move away from that location.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve with the condition that Mr. Corcoran move from his previous location and use minimum amplification.
        Mr. Lee seconded

Approved:       Street Performers License. Applicant: Simon Zaslavsky.
        Mr. Casey said that his application says he is a violinist that uses a small portable sound system.
        Mr. Zaslavsky said he does not have to use it if it is not allowed.
        Mr. St. Pierre asked if the hours he is allowed to play would be a problem with a small sound system.
        Mr. Lee said that there are tenants in condos and the Board receives complaints.
        Mr. Zaslavsky said he has already had a license to perform and to his knowledge there have been no complaints.
        He said his violin is acoustical so he does not have to use the sound system.
        Lt. Ouellette told him that he cannot sell CD’s.
        Mr. Zaslavsky said he won’t if it is not allowed. He said in Faneuil Hall they are allowed to.
        Mr. Casey said he cannot but that he may want to try and work something out with a downtown store to sell them.
        Diane Manahan from Pamplemousse offered to speak to Mr. Zaslavsky.
        Mr. Casey said he can play form 10am-8pm, 7 days a week. He said he can have a hat or something else for tips but cannot pass anything around or have any signs asking for money to play.
        Mr. Zaslavsky asked if he can use the small portable system or not.
        Lt. Ouellette said he would need to keep it to a minimum.
        Mr. St. Pierre said that the Board would allow it but if there were any complaints the Board would call him in.
        Mr. Zaslavsky said that he is only out downtown about twice a month and he does not see a problem.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve wit the small sound system.
        Mr. Lee motioned to approve and said the Board would call him in if there are any complaints.

Approved:       Street Performers License. Applicant: Antonia Tsangaris
        Mr. St. Pierre asked what Ms. Tsangaris does.
        Ms. Tsangaris said that she is a living statue. She said she performed last year and that this year the North Shore Folk Fest recruited her. She said she would like to perform there on May 15th but she is not sure where that location is at yet.
        Mr. Casey said it is a year license so she can perform other times as well with the same hours as other performers. 10am-8pm, 7 days a week.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve
        Mr. Lee seconded

Approved:       Renewal for Store Fortunetelling License and sub-licensees. Applicant: Fatima’s Psychic Studio. Present: Harry Mitchell, Fatima Mitchell and Debbie Mitchell.
        Mr. Casey said the application is to renew the Store license and a sub-licensee for Debbie Mitchell.
        Ms. Mitchell said that it is for Tammi Miller too.
        Ms. Pagliaro said she never received the paperwork back on Tammi.
        Ms. Mitchell said that she had it now.
        Mr. Lee motioned to approve the renewal of Fatima’s Store License and two sub-licensee’s for Tammi and Debbie.
        Mr. Casey seconded with the provision that Tammi’s BOP came back ok.

Approved:       Renewal for Store Fortunetelling License for Bewitched and a sub-licensee for Bewitched II.  
Mr. Casey asked the address of the store.
Mr. Lazdowski said that Bewitched is located at 180 Essex Street.
Mr. Casey asked if the BOP was all set for Rev. Lewis
Lt. Ouellette said that it was.
Mr. Lazdowski said that he would like to ask the Board if he could renew his Bewitched II Store license now a bit early so they would both have the same expiration dates.
Mr. Lee said that was fine.
Mr. Lee motioned to approve the renewal for Store Licenses at Bewitched and Bewitched II and to approve the sub-licensee application for Rev Lewis at Bewitched II.
Mr. Casey seconded.

Approved:       One Day Liquor License. Applicant: Pamplemousse. Present: Diane Manahan.
Mr. St. Pierre asked what the event was.
Ms. Manahan said that this is the 3rd annual Spring Fling. She said the event is held at the YMCA and will be a beer and wine tasting. She said there are lots of local restaurants involved in the event and local artists and a live band.
Mr. Casey asked if the only entertainment she was going to have was the one band.
Ms. Manahan said it would only be the one band. She said the living statues will also be there.
Mr. Casey motioned to approve
Mr. Lee seconded

Discussion:     Rockafella’s regarding the approved Extension of Premises. Present: Kevin Marchino and Dave McKillup.
        Mr. Casey gave Mr. Marchino and Mr. McKillup a copy of the letter that was emailed to the Board from the owner of the building.
        Mr. St. Pierre asked what was happening.
        Mr. Marchino said that the hold up with going forward was with securing financing with the bank.
        Mr. McKillup said that have negotiated with the bank to a point. He said that the bank said at the end of the year they would like to see 2010 taxes done before going any further. He said they are at a point where those are almost done and are almost ready to submit to the bank. He said there is not 100% guarantee from the bank that the loan will be approved. He said that right now the restaurant business’ are the least likely to get loans.
        Lt. Ouellette noted the letter from Mr. Christoudias stating he no longer wanted to sell.
        Mr. Marchino said they are still going to try and buy it.
        Mr. Lee suggested tabling the matter.
        Mr. McKillup said that if nothing happens he will let the Board know.
        Mr. Lee said the Board is for them and would like to see them succeed at this.
        Lt. Ouellette suggested putting a time frame on this matter due to the letter from the owner of the building. He said that it is not Rockafella’s property and this looks like the owner does not have a right.
        Mr. St. Pierre said that he will give this matter 3 months and then they need to come back before the Board.
        Lt. Ouellette said maybe this will help them if they tell the bank they have been given a time frame.
        Mr. Casey motioned to continue until June 21, 2010
        Mr. Lee seconded

Approved:       Vote to increase Lodging House and Inn fees and Vendor fees.
        Mr. Casey said that as the Board knows he has been working with the Mayor’s Office via Rich Viscay. He said Rich was a pleasure to work with. He said the board has a letter from Mr. Viscay with a viable solution regarding fees for the 2011 year.  He said that the proposal is to increase the fees to $100.00 for the first 4 rooms then $25.00 each room thereafter. He said that if any of these places incur infractions during inspection time that each department would be able to bill them $100.00 which would be done through the Licensing Department and we would not issue a license until it is paid. Hew said the second part of fee increases is the B5 vending locations. He said there are three of them and the ordinance allows the Board to charge up to $3,500.00 for each one. He said the fee is currently $2,420.00 for each spot and the proposal is to raise that fee to $3,500.00 per spot.
        Mr. Lee motioned to approve the fee increases for three B5 vendor spots and Lodging house and Inn fees.
        Mr. St. Pierre seconded
ications:       ***Letter from Chris Christoudias owner of Rockafella’s building was already read.      

***Letter from Rich Viscay regarding increase in fees was already read.

***Letter from Bean Town Poker, LLC.
Lt. Ouellette said there could be permission to do this with the new administration at the Police Station. He suggested that Ms. Pagliaro get in touch with the man form Bean Town Poker and have him send correspondence to the Police Chief. He said the only piece the LB would be involved in is getting One Day Liquor License for these events if they were allowed.
Mr. Lee said that he has a history with these events in Peabody and it was not good.

Mr. St. Pierre said again that it is up to the new Chief if he wants to allow this and the Boards only role would be the One Day Liquor License.
Mr. Lee asked if the Chief wants to meet with the Board on this issue, they would be willing to do so.

Business:       ***Lt. Ouellette said that he was out with the ABCC last weekend and that there were about 13 underage kids at Loring Liquors that showed up with adults to purchase liquor for them. They took the information form the minors and they may be subpoenaed into court. In some cases they spoke to parents of the under aged over their cell phones. He suggested calling the owner in to speak with him. He said that there were two employees there that appeared to be tipping people off and that they were not very pleasant when they approached the employees to speak to them.  
        Mr. Lee asked Ms. Pagliaro to call then into the next meeting for a discussion.

        ***Mr. Casey asked if we have received another “last drink” list from the state yet.
        Ms. Pagliaro said we have not received an updated on as of yet.

Approved:       Meeting minutes from February 22, 2010
        Mr. Lee motioned to approve
        Mr. Casey seconded

ment:   Mr. Lee motioned to adjourn     
        Mr. Casey seconded and noted the time at 6:45 pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Melissa Pagliaro
Clerk of the Board

Submitted: March 9, 2010
Approved: March 22, 2010