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Licensing Board Agenda 12/17/12

                                                MEETING NOTICE

Notice is hereby given in accordance with Chapter 39, Section 23A and 23B of the Massachusetts General Laws, that a meeting of the Salem Licensing Board will be held on Monday, December 17, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. in the third floor conference room, at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.


1. Request to amend hours. ‘Jo Freedom, 196 Essex Street.

2.  Application for Transfer of Annual Wine & Malt License and Seasonal All Alcohol, currently Café Polonia, 118 Washington Street.
    Applicant: The Buckeye Hospitality, LLC d/b/a The Naumkeag Ordinary.

3. Continued from December 3, 2012 meeting:  Application for a Class I Auto Dealers License. Applicant: Hometown Auto Framingham, Inc. d/b/a North Shore Mazda at 309-311 Highland Ave, 303 Rear Highland Ave, 4,5, & 6 Green Ledge Street and 1 Swampscott Road.
4. Communications:

5. Old/New Business:

6. Approval of minutes from 11/ 8 &15/2012 meeting.

7. Adjournment

Melissa Pagliaro
Clerk of the Board