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June14, 2010

Notice is hereby given in accordance with Chapter 39, Section 23A and 23B of the Massachusetts General Laws, that a meeting of the Salem Licensing Board will be held on Monday, June14, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. in the third floor conference room, at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.


1.      Application for One Day Liquor License. Applicant: Dan Shuman Salem Cycles.     

2.      Application for (8) eight One Day Liquor Licenses. Applicant: House of the Seven Gables.

3.      Application for two sub-licensees Fortunetelling Licenses and discussion to reinstate Store Fortunetelling License. Applicant: Witch’s Leather Hide.    

4.      Application for a Store Fortunetelling License and a sub licensee. Applicant: The Oracle Chamber.

5.      Application for a Street Performers License. Applicant: Nicholas Dukes

6.      Application for a Street Performers License. Applicant: Anthony Arsenio

7.      Application for a Street Performers License. Applicant: Daniel Wicker

8.      Discussion with Rizzo’s Pizza.

9.      Application to Alter Premises for outdoor seating. Applicant: The Lyceum, 43 Church Street.

10.     Application for Change of Manager. Applicant: Fresh Taste of Asia, 118 Washington Street.       

11.     Application for a Seasonal Beer & Wine License. Applicant: Café Polonia, 118 Washington Street  

12.     Vote of Board to approve 2010 Haunted Happenings Vendor Applications.
13.     Recommendation of Board to suggest rolling back the serving hour from noon to11am on Sundays to City Council.

14.     Communications –
        *Letter from ABCC

15.     Old/New Business:

16.     Approval of Minutes from 5/24/2010 meeting

17.     Adjournment

Melissa Pagliaro
Clerk of the Board