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September 8, 2008


Notice is hereby given in accordance with Chapter 29, Section 23A of the Massachusetts General Laws, that a meeting of the Salem Licensing Board will be held on Monday, September 8, 2008, at 6:00 p.m. in the third floor conference room, at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.


1. Application for Street Performers License - Peter O’Malley
2. Application for Street Performers License - Royal Sorrell, Jr.
3. Application for Street Performers License - Eric Wilson

4. Application for Fortunetelling License - Stephanie Young

5. Application for Fortunetelling License - Wilma Houston

6. Applications for One Day Liquor License - Seven (7) for upcoming events,
    Hamilton Hall, Tricia Schott.
7. Application for One Day Liquor License - PEM, Betsy Weisman

8. Application for One Day Liquor License – Moon Haven Productions for

9. Transfer of License - Sidelines Sports Bar

10. Angelica of the Angels - Discussion about Halloween season.

11. Renewal of Common Victualler License - Claycas Corp. d/b/a Dunkin Donuts

12. 2008 Haunted Happening Lottery for remaining food vendor spots.

13. Joseph Duyon d/b/a Salem Auto Sales – Change of Address

14. DiPietro Auto Sales – Vote to extinguish current Auto Dealers License,

15. Application for Auto II Dealers License - Ocean Side Auto Sales, 38 ½
      Bridge Street.

16. Discussion – Asahi, in regards to progress on paperwork.

17. Hearing on Violation – The Lobster Shanty

18. Adoption of Adult Entertainment License Regulations.

19. Casa Blanca – Discussion about License

20. Old/New Business:
21. Communications:
                        *Memo from Council on Adult Entertainment Draft.

22. Approval of Minutes from August 11, 2008 meeting:


Melissa Pagliaro
Clerk of the Board