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B. Minutes - 1/21/15, Approved
January 21, 2015
A meeting of the Salem Historical Commission was held on Wednesday, January 21, 2015 at 7:00 pm at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Jessica Herbert (Chair), Kathy Harper, Laurie Bellin, David Hart, and Joanne McCrea. Jane Turiel arrived after the meeting had commenced.

57 Warren Street
Kimberly Sparks submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to install a ductless mini-split heating/cooking system. The work was previously completed and the Commission issued a violation letter and requested the owner submit an application of approval for the work. The exterior portion of the system consists of two heat pump inverters and a series of PVC conduit runners connecting the inverters to the internal portion of the system. The inverters are located behind bushes on the side of the house that faces Warren Street Court, and are hidden of view from the street. The PVC conduit runners are visible from Warren Street, but the majority are hidden by the bushes and trees on Warren Street Court side of the house.

Kimberly Sparks was present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application: 1/3/15
  • Photographs: 1/3/15
Ms. Herbert asked if the applicant was given any other options for how to route the conduit.

Ms. Sparks responded that they were limited in how the conduit could be installed. On the other side of the house the slope of the roof was too steep, so the conduit could not run along that side. Ms. Sparks stated that she had the installation approved by the condo association and was not aware she needed approval by the Historical Commission. There were mini-split units installed in each room. The front room unit could only be located along the street facing wall.

Ms. Bellin asked if each unit needs its own exterior conduit.

Mr. Hart responded in the affirmative. He believes the pipes are for the refrigerant return and supply for each unit. If the pipes are painted, they may not be as visible.

Ms. Herbert suggested that the applicant should ask the contractor if the pipe could be installed closer to the window and then run above the 1st floor window. Even painted the conduit down the front of the house would not look appropriate. The applicant will not be able to paint the PVC for a few months until the weather is warmer.

Ms. Bellin reminded the Commission that they should review the application as if the work has not already been completed.  

Ms. Harper asked if the work required a permit. And if so, why wasn’t the work flagged as needing approval by the Historical Commission.

Mr. Hart responded that the installation should have required an electrical permit.

Ms. Lovett added that while building permit applications are flagged, the Electrical Department is a separate department. She stated that she would look into whether electrical permits can also be flagged for properties located within the local historic districts.  

Ms. Herbert stated that they need the contractor to come to a meeting to discuss the options for the conduit locations and whether any of the front conduit can be relocated to inside the condo.

VOTE:   Ms. Bellin made a motion to continue the application to the next meeting. Mr. Hart seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

Other Business

The Commission discussed an application that was before the Zoning Board of Appeals for 103 Bridge Street. Ms. Herbert stated that her position would be that the front bay window should be removed and the front of the house clapboarded.

Jane Turiel arrived at this time.

Ms. Herbert added that she would much rather have the streetscape remain the same. There are so many changes on Bridge Street that the building addition will likely not be noticeable.  

VOTE: Mr. Hart made a motion that the Commission’s opinion on the ZBA application is that as stated by Ms. Herbert. Ms. McCrea seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.  

Ms. Lovett reminded the Commission that the Massachusetts Historical Commission is accepting nominations for their Preservation Award.

VOTE: Ms. Bellin made a motion to nominate Salem resident Jim Treadwell. Ms. Turiel seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

Ms. Harper asked Ms. Lovett to send the letter of support for the CPA application to restore brick sidewalks within the local historic districts to Joe Pyfrin at 21 Chestnut Street.

Ms. Lovett asked the Commission for input on priorities for the next phase of restoration on the Common Fence.  

Ms. Herbert suggested that given the cost to restore the fence, perhaps the City could consider getting sponsors for sections of the fence.  

Ms. Bellin suggested working in key parts of the fence. The corner near the Hawthorne Hotel is prominent.

Mr. Hart added that the Parks and Recreation Department used to have a fence committee. Ms. Lovett could also try to contact them.  

Approval of Minutes

VOTE:   Ms. Turiel made a motion to approve the minutes of 11/19/14 with comments. Ms. Bellin seconded the motion. Ms. Harper, Ms. Bellin, Mr. Hart, and Ms. Turiel were in favor. Ms. Herbert and Ms. McCrea abstained. The motion so carried.

VOTE:   There being no further business, Ms. Bellin made a motion to adjourn. Ms. McCrea seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Natalie BL Lovett
Community Development Planner