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S. Minutes - November 19, 2014, Approved
November 19, 2014
A meeting of the Salem Historical Commission was held on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at 7:00 pm at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Kathy Harper (Vice Chair), Laurie Bellin, David Hart, Larry Spang, and Jane Turiel.

125 Derby Street
As a continuation of the previous meeting, the Derby Street Condo Association submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace a rear wood gutter with an aluminum gutter. The gutter is limitedly visible from Derby Street. It is located on the back of the home and wraps around the right corner.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application: 9/18/14
  • Photographs: 9/16/14
Ms. Lovett stated that the applicant would like to continue their application to the next meeting. They have waived their right to a decision within 60 days.

VOTE:   Ms. Bellin made a motion to continue the application to the 12/3/14 meeting. Mr. Hart seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

2 Botts Court
Mary and Stan Usovicz submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to construct a bike shed. The shed would mimic the design of the existing shed, without the wood storage section. It would be painted to match the existing shed.

Mary Usovicz was present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application: 10/6/14
  • Photographs: 10/6/14
Ms. Usovicz stated that a contractor would be completing the work. The shed will be exactly the same as the other shed, without the wood shed section.

Mr. Hart asked for clarification on where the shed will be placed.

Ms. Usovicz stated that the shed will be on the back left side of the house. It will block the view of the neighbor’s fence. The shed will fit two bikes.

Mr. Spang asked for clarification on the paint color.

Ms. Usovicz responded that the shed will be painted forest green to match the house trim.

Ms. Harper opened the discussion to public comment.

Ms. Harper read into the record a letter from Winifred Wilkins, 5 Botts Court, in support of the application.

Ms. Harper read into the record a letter of support from Jackeline Frederickson, 18 Federal Street, in support of the application.

Ms. Harper read into the record a letter of support from Lou Siriani, 6 Botts Court, in support of the application.
VOTE:   Ms. Turiel made a motion to approve the application, as submitted. Ms. Bellin seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

5 Monroe Street
John Hermanski and Barbara Taylor submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to reconstruct a 2nd floor bay window balustrade. A balustrade previously existed over the second floor bay window, as evident in a photograph from 1890’s. The new balustrade will be reconstructed using the photographs and pieces of the old balustrade that are in storage.

John Hermanski and Barbara Taylor were present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application: 10/22/14
  • Photographs: 10/22/14
  • Historic photographs from 1890s
Mr. Hermanski showed a sample of a balustrade post he reproduced. He stated that the bay window was installed in 1890s and the balustrade was installed as a decorative piece. The balustrade will be painted to match the trim color, creamy white.   

There was no public comment.

VOTE:   Mr. Hart made a motion to accept the application with the clarification that the balustrade will be painted to match the existing trim of the house. Ms. Turiel seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

396 Essex Street #3
Sue Benedict submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to install vents for a new high efficiency combination heat and hot water system. The intake and exhaust pipes penetrate the skirt board of the house. The pipes are 3” PVC, one pipe has an elbow facing down and the other pipe has a T. The terminating pipes will be painted to match the color of the house. A small sign will also be installed, as required by MA building code.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application: 10/27/14
  • Photographs: 10/27/14
Ms. Harper stated that the applicant was unable to attend the meeting and requested a continuance.

VOTE:   Mr. Hart made a motion to continue the application to the next meeting. Ms. Turiel seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried. Ms. Bellin abstained from the vote as an abutter.

33 Chestnut Street
Thomas J. Vander Salm submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to install two new roof vents. The attic was recently insulated and the building code requires that vents be installed. There will be two (2) black, mushroom-shaped vents. The diameter will be 18” and the height 6”. The vents will be on the back of the house facing Warren Street as indicated in the picture submitted with the application.

John Seger, a neighbor of the applicant, was present on behalf of the applicants.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application: 10/28/14
  • Photographs: 10/28/14
Mr. Seger stated that the owner’s attic was recently insulated through Mass Save. The top gable needs to be vented. The Mass Save contractor recommended an 18” diameter roof vent. The owners are the middle unit of 33 Chestnut Street. The vents will only be visible from Warren Street, and a garage limits the majority of the visibility.

Mr. Spang asked if the roof was asphalt or slate.

Mr. Seger responded that it is asphalt. They also need to install a vent for the bathroom, but he is unsure whether that was included on this application.

Ms.  Bellin noted that the application only states that it is for two vents.

Mr. Spang asked if they knew the width of the pipe coming out of the roof.

Mr. Seger responded that he is unsure.

There was no public comment.

Mr. Spang stated that he feels that an 18” vent feel large. He wonders if a different vent would be more appropriate.

Mr. Hart stated that the applicant should submit a catalog cut for the vent.

Mr. Spang added that the size of the vent pipe should be dictated by the building code.

Mr. Seger responded that he believes the contractor recommended this vent size.

VOTE:   Mr. Hart made a motion to continue the application with the following information to be brought forward: explore the code requirements for the pipe size and submit a catalog cut of the vent. Ms. Bellin seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

Mr. Seger asked if the Commission would want to see the Mass Save contractor calculations for the size of the vent. He showed the Commission a picture of the proposed vent.

Mr. Hart responded in the affirmative. They want to know that the 18” is what is required by the code.

7 River Street
John and Carol Carr submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace their wooden roof with asphalt. The current wooden roof is over 25 years old. The proposed roofing is a GAF, 3-tab black asphalt roof.

John and Carol Carr were present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application: 10/30/14
  • Photographs: 10/30/14
  • Contractor proposal
Mr. Carr stated that he is proposing a 3-tab shingle. They were told that to replace the wood roof, it would cost approximately $60,000 versus $3,000-8,000 for the 3-tab. They worked with a contractor to try to find the leaks, but they were told that once you start removing damaged shingles other shingles will be damaged and need to be replaced. Mr. Carr stated that they used to have an asphalt roof and they installed a wood roof. The roof will be stripped down to the sheathing.

Mr. Spang asked if the copper drip edge will be visible.

Mr. Carr responded that he does not believe so.

Public comment.

Ms. Harper read into the record a letter of support form Ann Knight, 11 River Street, in support of the application.

VOTE:   Mr. Hart made a motion to approve the application, with the pro viso that the exposed aluminum flashing be no more than  ¾”. Ms. Turiel seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

5&7 Flint Street
Ilse J. Peirce submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to install snow guard brackets along the roofline. The contractor, JB Kidney & Co., found that there are marked positions showing that there were previously snow guards and brackets on the roof. The new snow guard brackets will be custom fabricated to match the slate tile that it will replace. The snow fence will be custom fabricated from galvanized piping. The brackets and piping will be painted with an epoxy based paint prior to assembly. Only copper fastener nails and screws will be utilized.

Ilse Pierce and Bruce McDonald were present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application: 11/3/14
  • Photographs: 11/3/14
Ms. Harper asked if entire house has a hip roof.

Mr. McDonald responded in the affirmative.

Ms. Harper asked for the height of the brackets off the roof.

Mr. McDonald responded that the bracket would be approximately 6” high. He stated that the reason for the snow guards is that Ms. Pierce has been hit by snow and ice falling off of the roof. The color of the snow guards will be painted to match the color of the slate.

There was no public comment.  

VOTE:   Mr. Spang made a motion to approve the application, as submitted. Ms. Turiel seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

18 Washington Square West
As a continuation of the previous meeting, the Hawthorne Hotel submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to modify the hotel’s main entrance for universal accessibility. The changes include the installation of a new ramped entrance to replace the existing temporary ramp, a lowered sidewalk, curb cut, and new handrails and planters along the ramp.

At the previous meeting, the Commission approved the installation of the planters and removal of the associated step. The Commission found that they did not have jurisdiction over the ramp, curb cut, or sidewalk. Discussion of the handrail design was continued.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application: 10/20/14
  • Photographs:
  • Drawings
  • Rendering
The applicant was not present.

VOTE:   Ms. Bellin made a motion to continue the application. Mr. Hart seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried. Mr. Spang abstained from the vote.  

Other Business
John Carr, Carol Carr and Jane Arlander asked to speak with the Commission about a concern they have with a sidewalk repair in the McIntire District. The new owner of the 94 Federal Street requested that the City repair a section of sidewalk. The existing sidewalk was concrete, even though the rest of the neighborhood has brick sidwalks. The City Engineer told the owner that the sidewalk would be repaved in-kind, with concrete. The owner offered to pay to upgrade to brick however the City stated that it would only repair with concrete. The Federal Street Neighborhood Association will be proposing a change to the Ordinance and calling the Engineer to the City Licensing Board. They will be coming back before the Commission to request a letter of support. Councilor Sargeant is also aware of the issue.

Mr. Spang noted that in Boston there is a process for making changes to sidewalks. Something similar may be appropriate for Salem.  

Ms. Bellin noted that under Chapter 40C, the Commission has no jurisdiction over sidewalks.

Mr. Hart asked Ms. Lovett to research 6 Federal Court, and their history of applications. The property has multiple code violations and is suffering from demolition by neglect. Ms. Arlander stated that Tom St. Pierre, the City Building Inspector, has visited the property and the owners have hired Essex Restoration to bring the property just up to code.

Approval of Minutes

VOTE:   Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the minutes of 10/15/14 with comments. Mr. Hart seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

Ms. Bellin requested that Ms. Lovett send the Commission members the language from the ordinance that states that the visibility is limited from the public ways mentioned within the district.

Mr. Hart agreed and added that if that is the case, the Commission should petition to change the ordinance to include visibility from all public way.

VOTE:   There being no further business, Ms. Bellin made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Turiel seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Natalie BL Lovett
Community Development Planner