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Q. Minutes - October 15, 2014, Approved
October 15, 2014
A meeting of the Salem Historical Commission was held on Wednesday, October 15, 2014 at 7:00 pm at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Kathy Harper (Vice Chair), Laurie Bellin, David Hart, Susan Keenan, Joanne McCrea, and Jane Turiel. Larry Spang arrived late.

330 Essex Street
As a continuation of a previous meeting, Hugh & Diane Pyle and Melanie Griffin & Benjamin Larrabee submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace the existing slate roof with asphalt shingles. A majority of the existing slate tiles on both roof lines need to be replaced as they are showing significant flaking and powdering and have led to internal water damage and external rotting of crown molding. The rear lower extension roofline has already been replaced with asphalt shingles. The proposed asphalt shingle would be a GAF Slateline in Antique Slate.

At the previous meeting, the Commission requested that the applicants have additional contractors review the condition of the roof and give their opinion on whether or not the roof can be repaired rather than replaced.

Melanie Griffin and Bill Shay, Shay Roofing, was present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application: 9/15/14
  • Photographs: 9/15/14
  • Preserve Services Estimate
  • JB Kidney Estimate
  • Osgood Companies Estimate
Ms. Griffin stated that she was not present at the last meeting. The applicants would like to propose a change to the initial application. They would repair the slate along the eastern roofline of the front of the building as well as the back and rear roofs. The western side roof is completely deteriorated and unrepairable. They have had 6-7 companies look at that roof and all have said that it is unrepairable. That portion of the roofline is not very visible from the public way.

Mr. Shay stated that any salvageable shingles on the western roof side would be reused for the remainder of the slate repair sections.

Ms. Harper asked if they have had additional estimates for the roof repair.

Ms. Griffin responded that they have. The estimates have had a huge range.

Mr. Hart asked how they would handle the ridge.

Mr. Shay responded that he will need to see how the ridge is laid out now. He believes it is a metal cap. If so he would build a metal cap in dark bronze for the ridge.

Mr. Hart stated that he agrees that the west side of the roof is not very visible from the public way. The eastern façade is very visible. If the Slateline was used, the average person would not notice.

Ms. Griffin stated that they would prefer to install a Slateline asphalt roof.

Ms. Bellin stated that she is concerned with approving any slate replacement. The photos only seem to show deterioration along the edge of the roofline. She asked how much of the slate on the western roof is salvageable.

Mr. Shay responded that approximately 40% of the slate is unusable and deteriorated. The roof has been improperly repaired over the years.  

There was no public comment.

Larry Spang arrived at this time.

Ms. Bellin asked what color the asphalt shingle would be.

Mr. Shay stated that it would be Antique Slate or English Gray to match the existing slate.

MOTION:   Mr. Hart made a motion to approve the revised application to repair all slate surfaces of the roof with the exception of the western roofline which would be replaced with a Slateline 3-tab shingle in the color Antique Slate or English Gray and the work to include the metal peak cap. Ms. McCrea seconded the motion.


Ms. Bellin stated that she feels the Commission needs to clarify that this is an unusual situation that does not set a precedent to replace slate roofs.

MOTION: Mr. Hart amended his previous motion to include that considering the fact that the elevation in question, that would be replace with asphalt shingles, is minimally visible from the street and this is not precedent setting, it is germane to this application only.  

VOTE:  Ms. Harper, Mr. Hart, Ms. Keenan, Ms. McCrea, and Ms. Turiel were in favor. Ms. Bellin was opposed. The motion so carried. Mr. Spang abstained.  

125 Derby Street
The Derby Street Condo Association submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace a rear wood gutter with an aluminum gutter. The gutter is limitedly visible from Derby Street. It is located on the back of the home and wraps around the right corner.

Charlotte Gallagher and Cristian Hazelton were present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application: 9/18/14
  • Photographs: 9/16/14
Ms. Gallagher stated that the house is located at the corner of Hardy and Derby Streets. The rotted gutter is located along the side of the building. The gutter is only visible from the corner of Derby Street. The remaining wood gutters are in good shape. This gutter has been an issue in the past.

Ms. Bellin asked if there is an issue connecting existing wood gutters to an aluminum gutter.

Ms. Gallagher responded that she is unsure.

Ms. Harper asked if they have found a gutter with a profile that matches the existing.

Ms. Gallagher responded that they have not identified an exact product. They have found a fiberglass gutter that can be custom made, but it is very expensive.

Mr. Hart suggested that the applicant pick an aluminum or fiberglass product and come back to the next meeting.

There was no public comment.

MOTION:   Mr. Hart made a motion to continue the application to the next meeting at which time the applicant will present the selected gutter product. Ms. McCrea seconded the motion.


Mr. Spang also asked that the applicant bring with them details on the connection.

VOTE: All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

125 Derby Street
Christian Haselgrove submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace the existing fence along Hardy Street with a new fence.  The proposed fence is a scallop- style flat board fence. The fence will be 42” high and there will be  1 ½” spacing between the cedar boards. The posts will be topped with a flat top cap and the entire fence will have a top rail.

Charlotte Gallagher and Cristian Hazelton were present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application: 9/25/14
  • Photographs: 9/25/14
  • Fence estimate
  • Photograph of proposed fence style
Ms. Harper asked if the height will be the same as the existing fence.

Ms. Gallagher stated that it is approximately the same height.

Mr. Hazelton added that the new fence color and the gate location will match the existing fence. The caps will be slightly smaller than the existing. The existing fence is completely rotted, which is why it is being replaced.

Ms. Bellin asked for the height of the existing fence.

Mr. Hazelton stated that he is unsure of the height of the existing fence. It is only a few inches lower than the proposed.

There was no public comment.

VOTE:   Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the application as submitted. Ms. McCrea seconded the motion. Ms. Harper, Mr. Hart, Ms. Bellin, Ms. Keenan, Ms. McCrea, and Ms. Turiel. Mr. Spang was opposed. The motion so carried.

47-49 Washington Square North
Ralph & Jeannette Cantie and Barbara Swartz submitted an application for a Certificate of Hardship to remove a chimney.  The applicants received a Certificate of Non-Applicability to rebuild the chimney, in-kind. Once the rebuild work began, the mason found that the chimney damage continued 5-6 feet into the building. The chimney was crumbling and there is not a sufficient base to reconstruct the chimney. In order to repair the interior chimney damage, the interior walls and ceiling will be need to be removed. The chimney is currently roofed over. The Hardship is due to the disruption and risk to the elderly neighbors’ health and well-being, along with the cost. The applicant proposes a rebuild of the chimney should the other unit change owners in the future.

Barbara Swartz, David Benson (contractor), Patricia and Robert Bade (relatives of the other unit owners) were present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application: 10/9/14
  • Photographs: May-June 2014
Ms. Bellin asked when the chimney was taken down.

Ms. Swartz responded May, beginning of June.

Mr. Spang asked if the other chimneys are original, and whether they serve fireplaces.

Ms. Swartz responded that the other 3 chimneys have been rebuilt at one time. There are two operable fireplaces on the interior of the units that the chimneys service.

Ms. Harper read into the record a letter from Richard Wise, 51 Washington Square North, in support of the application.

Ms. Bade stated that her sister is homebound and her husband was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. It would be a hardship for them to undergo the interior work at this time.

Ms. Bellin asked about the Commission’s ability to enforce the rebuild.

Ms. Lovett stated that the Commission has limited ability to require the chimney be rebuilt in the future, unless it issues a violation.  

Mr. Hart stated that the missing chimney does not initially jump out as there being a gap.

VOTE:   Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve, under hardship, the removal of the chimney with the understanding that one of the current applicants would like the ability to eventually replace it and with a chimney to match the other existing chimneys, and that the Commission would also eventually like to see the chimney replaced. Ms. Keenan seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

VOTE: Mr. Hart made a motion to recognize that the chimney is an integral part of the existing façade and that the Commission supports the eventual replacement of such element. Ms. Kennan seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

Community Preservation Plan
As a continuation of a previous meeting, the Historical Commission was asked to review the existing Community Preservation Plan and to submit any comments for the annual plan update. The deadline for comments is November 20.

Ms. McCrea stated that they received additional information at the CPC meeting last night. She will work with Ms. Lovett to scan and email the updated documentation to the Commission members.

Other Business
Review of application form for Certificates of Appropriateness

Ms. Lovett presented the Commission members with a revised draft of the application for a Certificate of Appropriateness. The new draft incorporates the Commission member’s comments and feedback.

Ms. Lovett stated that she will also made the edits to the Non-Applicability and bring it in for approval at the next meeting.

VOTE:   Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the revised application form. Mr. Hart seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

Approval of Minutes

VOTE:   Mr. Hart made a motion to approve the minutes of 6/4/2014 with comments. Ms. Bellin seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.  

VOTE:   Ms. McCrea made a motion to approve the minutes of 8/6/14 with comments. Ms. Turiel seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.  

VOTE:   Ms. McCrea made a motion to approve the minutes of 8/20/14 with comments. Ms. Bellin seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

VOTE:   Ms. Mccrea made a motion to approve the minutes of 9/3/14 with comments. Ms. Bellin seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.


Ms. Lovett stated that the Greenlawn Cemetery, 57 Orne Street, will be considered by the Massachusetts Historical Commission for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. The Commission is invited to attend the meeting of the MHC at which this property will be considered. The Commission will meet at 1:00PM on December 10, 2014 at the Massachusetts State Archives.

Ms. Lovett stated on October 7 the Massachusetts Historical Commission sent the National Register nomination for the Point Neighborhood Historic District to the National Park Service for approval.  

VOTE:   There being no further business, Ms. Bellin made a motion to adjourn. Ms. McCrea seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Natalie BL Lovett
Community Development Planner