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I. Minutes - June 4, 2014, Approved
June 4, 2014
A meeting of the Salem Historical Commission was held on Wednesday, June 4, 2014 at 7:00 pm at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present Kathy Harper (Vice Chair), Laurie Bellin, David Hart, Susan Keenan, and Joanne McCrea.

92 Federal Street
Vincent Capozzi submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness for side entrance railings that were previously installed. The two identical railings are set back from the street. A Certificate of Vote, taken in 1995, is on file with the Clerk for unsatisfactory alterations to the railings. Mr. Capozzi was not the owner of the property at that time.

Vincent Capozzi was present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application: 5/7/14
  • Photographs: 5/7/14
Mr. Capozzi stated that the railings were installed by the previous owner, Richard Quirk. Richard Quirk was his father-in-law, and he acquired the property through the trust. They just found the violation on the property while preparing to sell the house to a new owner. The railings meet the code requirements of the 1970s which only required a 36” high railing. Were the railing to be rebuild to today’s standards, the railing will need to be a minimum of 42” high. He is asking that the Commission allow the railing to remain as is, specifically given that the railings are set back from the street and have been there for 20 years.

Ms. Harper summarized the violation history for the railings and passed around a copy of the Clerk’s Certificate.

Ms. Bellin stated that given that there is not much information, the Commission should review the application for its appropriateness today. However, she is not sure whether or not there is enough information to make a determination.

Mr. Hart stated that he does not feel comfortable approving the railing without hearing from the Building Inspector whether or not the railing complies to the code.

Mr. Capozzi stated that the Building Inspector signed off on the permit in the 1990s. The railing met code at that time.

Ms. Harper stated that the Commission needs to check with the Building Inspector and get a closer look at the railing.

MOTION:   Mr. Hart made a motion to continue the application to the next meeting. Ms. Bellin seconded the motion.

Ms. Bellin stated that even if the Building Commissioner says that the railing meets code, the Commission will need additional details on the railings in order to review and approve the design.  

VOTE: All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

Ms. Lovett stated that she will speak with Tom St. Pierre about the railing.

2 Gifford Court
Donna Yates submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to install vertical screening underneath the side entrance stairs.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application: 5/8/14
  • Photographs:  5/8/14
MOTION:   Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the screening, as submitted. Ms. Mccrea seconded the motion.

Mr. Hart asked if there were specified paint colors.

VOTE: Ms. Bellin amended her motion to include that the boards will match the house body color. Ms. McCrea seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

7 Cambridge Street (Hamilton Hall)
Adelaide Vander Salm submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to remove the three-dimensional painted eagle on the Chestnut Street façade of Hamilton Hall, which was carved by Samuel McIntire. It has been in the same location on the building since 1805. In order to ensure the eagle’s long term preservation, the Trustees of Hamilton Hall have determined that the eagle should be removed and replaced with an exact replica. The original eagle will be conserved and exhibited inside the building.

An application was also submitted to make repairs to the exterior fire escapes. The fire escapes will be removed and reinstalled with new anchors. The roof at the 2nd floor, accessing the 3rd floor supper room, will be reduced in size. The exit door along this same escape, on the second floor, will be bricked in if funding allows. An alternative is to replace the door.  

Joseph Pyfrin and Kathy Harper were present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application: 5/19/14
  • Photographs: 5/19/14
  • Drawings: 5/2/14
  • Project Manual: 5/5/14
Ms. Harper recused herself, as one of the applicants.

The Commission discussed the removal of the eagle and replacement with a replica.

Ms. Harper stated that they will have a consultant determine the original colors of the eagle. The replica eagle will be created from a caste of the original.  

There was no public comment.

VOTE:   Mr. Hart made a motion to approve as submitted.  Ms. Keenan seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

The Commission then discussed the fire escape repair project.

Ms. McCrea asked for clarification on what will happen if there are not funds available to complete the entire project.

Mr. Pyfrin responded that the replacement of the door as well as the anchor points, required for stabilization, is the base project. Depending on cost they will reduce the scope of the masonry repairs.

Ms. Harper presented to the Commission the selected replacement door. It is the closest match they could find. The door is barely visible from the public way.

Mr. Hart asked for clarification on the roof that will be altered along with the door that may be bricked in.

Ms. Harper responded that the second floor door with the overhang is also the door proposed to be bricked in. If funds are available, the door will be bricked in. The overhang has a jag that will be removed to aesthetic reasons.

Mr. Pyfrin added that if the door is bricked in, the brick will be historic brick and the mortar to match the existing, unless the Commission recommends otherwise.

Mr. Hart stated that the Commission will want the overall appearance, binder, and composition of the mortar to be matched.

Ms. McCrea suggested that this could be a project eligible for Community Preservation Act funds. They should consider submitting an application.

Mr. Hart asked if the date of the door is known.

Mr. Pyfrin responded that they do not know the exact date, however the door was installed after the building was built.  The fire escape has a plaque on it with the name S. Patton and Sons, which was in business from 1884-1921.

There was no public comment.

VOTE:   Mr. Hart made a motion to approve the application as submitted with the following stipulations that if the door is replaced that the brick and mortar match the existing brick and mortar of that façade in terms of appearance, color, and texture. If the exit door is replaced, it is a Brosco pine M-7989 and it will be painted to match the existing door color. Ms. McCrea seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

VOTE: Mr. Hart made a subsequent motion that the masonry surrounding the anchor points match the existing brick and mortar. Ms. McCrea seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

Ms. Harper returned to the table.

188 Federal Street
Leslie Levesque submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to:

  • Remove two modern casement windows and install a new double-hung wood window with true divided lights, exterior storm sash, and wood trim to match existing.
  • Remove the existing stove vent and replace with new metal vent of similar design in a new location.
  • Construct a new, uncovered back porch and stairway.
Ken Levesque, Leslie Levesque, and Wendy Frontiero, the applicants’ architect, were present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application: 5/19/14
  • Photographs: 5/8/14
  • Product specifications
Ms. Levesque pointed out to the Commission the location of the rear casement windows which are single pane windows. They believed they were added in the 1980s.

Ms. Frontiero stated that the kitchen addition is set approximately 30 feet back from the street. It is not very visible from the public way, due to the distance and there is a modern garage on a adjacent property that blocks a portion of the visibility. The casement windows will be replaced with a true divided light window. The clapboards will be patched in to match the existing and painted. A new door will go in at the location of the existing window at the back of the house. There will be steps going down into the back yards.  The deck will stay in line with the line of the house. It will be made of typical construction. Only a small portion of the deck will be visible from within the local historic district.

Ms. Harper read a letter of support submitted by Sharon Sullivan, 186 Federal Street.

There was no public comment.

MOTION:   Ms. Keenan made a motion to approve the application as submitted. Mr. Hart seconded the motion.

Mr. Hart asked for clarification on the door and window color.

Mr. Levesque responded that they will match the existing.

VOTE: All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

287 Lafayette Street
Salem Renewal, LLC submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to:
  • Add clerestory windows in the upper sanctuary
  • Remove religious exterior wall mounted signage and symbols
  • Replace aluminum replacement windows, in-kind
  • Install low slope aluminum frame glazed windows well units over existing basement window wells.
John Seger, Seger Architects, and David Pabich, Salem Renewal, LLC, were present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application: 5/19/14
  • Photographs: 5/16/14
Mr. Seger summarized the major components of the project. Salem Renewal, LLC is renovating the building, which will eventually be used by Salem State University. All of the wood double-hung and steel casement windows will be replaced with aluminum windows. They will install 15degree glass over the existing parapet for the basement windows in order to prevent water infiltration. They will be buffered with some planting along the perimeter.

Mr. Seger continued that in order to accommodate the needs of SSU, they are adding a second floor to the existing 2-story space. Offices will be located on the second floor. They would like to add windows along the 2nd floor in order to bring more light into the office space. The windows are in the same rhythm as the existing windows.

Mr. Pabich stated that the building was constructed in 1952.

Mr. Seger added that the site will be re-graded to accommodate handicap accessibility and the existing aluminum ramps will be removed.

Ms. Harper asked if all the windows in the building are being replaced.

Mr. Seger responded in the affirmative.  

Mr. Hart stated that it would be helpful to have drawings and photographs of the existing designs for the file.

Mr. Pabich responded that they have the original blueprints in digital form.

Ms. Harper opened the discussion for public comment.

Susan Cheatham, Board Member of the Temple Shalom, spoke in support of the application. She was pleased that the footprint of the building is remaining the same and added that the Jewish Historical Society has records on file for the building.   

Adria Leach, Salem State University, spoke in favor of the application.

VOTE:   Mr. Hart made a motion to approve application as submitted with the following provisos:
  • Existing ramps be replaced with a sloped sidewalk.
  • The following drawings be submitted for archival purposes: original construction drawings, existing drawings, existing conditions photographs of the exterior, and the proposed drawings.
Ms. McCrea seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

217 Essex Street
In accordance with Section 106 Review, the Commission received from EBI Consulting, Inc. an Initiation to Comment on a proposed telecommunications facility. Verizon is proposing to co-locate antennas on the building. The antennas will be located at a height of 87’ on a 90’ building.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Letter: 5/28/14
  • Drawings: 4/23/14
Mr. Hart stated that the Commission should defer to the Massachusetts Historical Commission and their review of this project.

Ms. Bellin stated that the Commission may submit comments that incorporate MHC’s previous comments and also defer to their comments on this project.

Ms. McCrea suggested that they copy Representative John Keenan on the letter, as he chairs the telecommunications committee.

VOTE:   Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the draft letter with the discussed comments and to copy Representative John Keenan. Mr. Hart seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

Other Business
Approval of Minutes

VOTE:   Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the minutes of 4/2/14 with comments. Mr. Hart seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

VOTE:   Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the minutes of 4/16/14 with comments. Mr. Hart seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

VOTE:   Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the minutes of 5/7/14 with comments. Ms. McCrea seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.


There was no correspondence.

VOTE:   There being no further business, Ms. McCrea made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Bellin seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Natalie BL Lovett
Community Development Planner