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N. Minutes - August, 21, 2013 Approved
August 21, 2013
A meeting of the Salem Historical Commission was held on Wednes-day, August 21, 2013 at 7:00 pm at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Jessica Herbert (Chair), Laurie Bellin, Joanne McCrea, Larry Spang, and Jane Turiel. Susan Keenan arrived late.

396 Essex Street
Jeff Bellin submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to paint the front entrance porch and threshold. They also proposed to paint the steps and entrance porch to unit #2, on the front left of the house. The paint color would be SC-122 Behr Premium Deckover. Jeff Bellin was present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application:
  • Photographs:  
  • Paint chip:
Ms. Bellin stated that as an owner of the property she would recuse herself and moved to the audience.

Mr. Bellin stated that their first reaction for the decking was to go with a light color, but they have since decided that adding another color to the house may not be ideal. They would like to propose a color that closely matches the brick colored trim (SC-106). The paint that they chose is a reparative paint made specifically for decks.

Ms. Herbert asked for clarified that the paint color would be only for the decking.

Mr. Bellin responded in the affirmative. They will be painting the decking and the threshold for the front entrance and left side entrance for unit #2.

Mr. Spang suggest that they speak with the paint maker and see if they can color match the paint to the trim color.

Ms. Bellin asked if they could have the option for either the SC-106 or color match, in case Home Depot is not able to match the color exactly.

Mr. Bellin stated that the risers will remain the current green color.

There was no public comment.
VOTE:   Ms. Turiel made a motion to approve the paint color of Behr Premium Deckover SC-106 or tinted to match the trim color. Ms. McCrea seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

Ms. Bellin returned to the table and joined the Commission.

354 Essex Street
Herbert and Leanne Schild submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness for paint colors. The body, trim and columns of the house would remain the existing color. The door will be painted Benjamin Moore Black.  Herbert and Leanne Schild were present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application:
  • Photographs:  
Ms. Schild stated that last week Mary Whitney presented the same paint scheme for the other side of their house. They like the color choice and painting their door would make the house look more united.  

Ms. Herbert asked if the sidelights would also be painted.

Mr. Schild responded in the affirmative. They would like to paint the transom and sidelights.

There was no public comment.

VOTE:   Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the paint color Benjamin Moore Black for the door, transom, and sidelights. Ms. McCrea seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

55 Warren Street
Richard Jones and Naomi Cottrell submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness remove the existing white aluminum siding and expose the original 8” exposure wood clapboard. Removal of the siding would be to both facilitate energy efficiency improvements as well as to restore the house to its original finish material. Pending budgetary constraints they would paint the house in the fall or next summer. Once the condition and character of the existing wood clapboard is seen, they plan to study historic paint color options and return to the SHC for a Certificate of Appropriateness to paint the house in a particular palette, consistent with the time period of the original house. Richard Jones was present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application: 8/6/2013
  • Site Plan: 8/5/2013
  • Photographs:  8/5/2013
Mr. Spang asked if they pulled off any of the aluminum in order to see the wood siding.

Mr. Jones responded in the affirmative. There is a picture included in the application that shows the 8” exposure wood clapboard.

Mr. Spang stated that if they pull off all of the wood siding in order to blow in insulation, they may have trouble getting it back on.

Mr. Jones responded that they will only be removing one line of wood.  They will blow in the insulation through that one area.

Mr. Spang stated that the Commission may be able to add to the approval the ability to repair the wood clapboard in-kind in case an issue is encountered during the insulating process. He asked what kind of insulation would be used.

Mr. Jones responded that they would be using open cell insulation, not high density.

There was no public comment.

VOTE:   Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the removal of the aluminum siding as well as any in-kind repair work to clapboards. Ms. Turiel seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

217-219 Washington Street/ 231-251 Washington Street/ 7 Dodge Street
Dodge Area, LLC submitted an application for Waiver of the Demolition Delay Ordinance to demolish structures on three (3) properties. The demolition is in anticipation of constructing a new mixed-use multi-story building at the site. The plans for the new developments are currently in the conceptual stage.

217-219 Washington Street: This building was originally constructed around 1940 and is currently used as commercial space.

231-251 Washington Street: This building was originally construction around 1950 and is currently used as commercial space.

7 Dodge Street: This building was originally constructed around 1920 with additions being built at a later date. The building is in disrepair and is not designed to accommodate the demands of a restaurant, as it was once used. The site is expected to be used as temporary parking and staging for the adjacent construction.

Matthew Picarsic and Seth Zeren were present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application:  8/2/2013
  • Photographs:   8/2/2013
Mr. Picarsic stated that they are requesting waiver of the demolition ordinance for buildings at three adjacent sites. Each of the buildings are one-story. The plans are to build a new mixed use structure specifically at the 217-219 Washington Street Structure. They have presented the demolition to the SRA, and expect to be at the DRB and Planning Board in the coming months. They may begin selective demolition before the construction of the new buildings if they are granted the waiver. City Council recently voted to allow disposition of the adjacent parking lot owned by the City. The new construction will include a hotel with apartments as well as retail space. The grade changes substantially from Dodge to Washington Street. As a result, there will be three entrances to the site, from three different elevations.  

Ms. Bellin asked for the anticipated use of 7 Dodge Street.

Mr. Picarsic stated that they plan to build a new building in the future. For the immediate future the site will be used for construction parking and staging. They initially investigated renovating the building, but it would cost more than $600,000 in order to make the building occupiable as a restaurant. They will submit a plan of a design for the site to the SRA prior to building.

Mr. Picarsic added that the footprint of the building at 217-251 Washington Street is shown on the plan. There are several entrances to the site, at different levels. Two will be underneath the structure and one will be to an open area. While the entrances are at different levels, they are all are at grade.

Mr. Spang asked if the parking will be private.

Mr. Picarsic stated that as part of the disposition agreement with the City for the parking lot, they are required to relocate the parking facility. They are required to maintain 38 publicly available parking spaces, though it may be a pay parking at the hotel. The parking lot will contain different tiers of parking.

Ms. Herber asked if there will be signage for the public parking.

Mr. Picarsic responded that the Planning Board will have the most input on the parking signage. There will be some spaces along the south side of the building that are visible from the street. There will likely be a blue parking signs. The parking off of Dodge Street Court will likely be the dedicate parking spaces for the apartment/condo complex.

Mr. Spang asked if all of the buildings are being built at the same time.

Mr. Picarsic responded that it what is anticipated. There may be some slight phasing but each of the buildings are interconnected.

Mr. Spang asked if it is possible for construction to begin on one building and then the second building not completed.

Mr. Picarsic responded that they have a vested interest in completing the project because they own a large number of properties in the area. They fully plan to complete the entire project.

Mr. Spang asked if a Phase 1 Environmental Review was complete on the site.

Mr. Picarsic responded that they have completed both Phase 1 and Phase 2.

Mr. Spang asked if once the building at 7 Dodge Street is demolished, will there be an environmental clean-up.

Mr. Picarsic responded that they could leave the site as it, but they may remove some contaminates.

Mr. Spang asked how they would deal with the basements after demolition.

Mr. Picarsic responded that they will be leveling the site to the Dodge Street elevation. Demolition will be part of the excavation of the site. The basements will be coming out. The basement grade will be close to their finish grade.

Mr. Spang asked for the schedule for demolition.

Mr. Picarsic responded that they are not planning to demolish the Washington Street properties until they are ready to move ahead with construction. They have existing tenants in the Washington Street buildings. The construction project is anticipated to begin in Spring 2014.

Mr. Spang  asked if they are anticipating a 1 1/2 - 2 years of construction.

Mr. Picarsic replied that the estimate of 2 years would be conservative. The Washington Street structure may be completed in 201X.  They do not anticipate starting construction on the Dodge Street property until 2016. As they stated earlier, the Dodge Street property will be demolished early though for parking and staging.

Mr. Spang asked if Dodge Street Court will remain open during construction.

Mr. Picarsic responded in the affirmative.

Mr. Spang asked if there is a risk with the buildings being demolished and the sites being left vacant.

Mr. Picarsic reinforced that his company has a vested interested in redeveloping the sites.

Ms. Herbert stated that as part of the Waiver for a Demolition Delay, the Commission requires that the owner document the exterior and interior of the building utilizing photographs and measured drawings. She states that Ms. Lovett can forward the exact requirements.  

The public commenting period is opened.

Mr. Bellin, Essex Street, asked if the piano place on Dodge Street Court will have access along that road during construction.

Mr. Picarsic stated that they expect Dodge Street Court to remain open for all of the businesses that use that street.

The public commenting period was closed.

VOTE:   Ms. Turiel made a motion to approve the Waiver of Demolition Delay for 7 Dodge Street. Ms. Bellin seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

VOTE:   Ms. McCrea made a motion to approve the Waiver of Demolition Delay for 217- 219 Washington Street and 231-251 Washington Street. Ms. Turiel seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

Other Business

Review and Comment on 90% Design Plans for the Salem Intermodal Station
In accordance with the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), dated 11/28/12, executed between the MBTA and the MHC with the City of Salem and Historic Salem Inc as Concurring parties, the MBTA submitted to the Historical Commission 90% design plans for the Salem Intermodal Station Project. The package also included a Historic Construction Management Plan (CMP), compiled by Consigli, for the Salem Railroad Signal Tower. The Commission was asked to submit any comments on the Plans and CMP to the MBTA.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Cover letter: 7/24/13
  • Plans: 7/16/13
  • Historic Construction Management Plan: 7/17/13
Ms. Lovett stated that she emailed the Commission members the masonry specifications that had been request. Mr. Hart, who was unable to attend tonight’s meeting, submitted the following comments by email:
  • The specifier may want to consider working from the bottom to the top, to prevent possible streaking that might result from working from the top to the bottom of each scaffold width in section 3.6 Cleaning Masonry, General, A.  This is specified in Section 36 I.
  • 3.10 Final Cleaning. The specifier may want to consider cleaning with ProSoCo’s SureKlean 600 to expose the aggregate of the repointed areas.
Ms. Lovett stated that the Commission also received a copy of the comments from Brona Simon, Massachusetts Historical Commission. MHC had no comments on the 90% design or the CMP. MHC wrote that they look forward to receipt of additional mitigation measures, including the Request for Proposal for the reuse of the Signal Tower, among others.

 Ms. Herbert stated that Mr. Harts comments on the masonry specifications are valid. The Commission should include those comments in the letter to the MBTA.

VOTE:   Ms. Bellin made a motion to submit a letter to the MBTA incorporating the comments raised by Mr. Hart. Ms. Turiel seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.  

Letter of support for Strega Realty Trust to apply for MA Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits
Ms. Lovett stated that the Commission received a request for a letter of support for Strega Realty Trust’s for an application for MA Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits. The tax credits are being sought for work that was completed on 92-96 Lafayette Street, currently the location of the Red Lulu Restaurant. The building, previously the Boston Beauty Supply warehouse, was converted into a new, upscale restaurant and lounge with upgrades to the entire building to State and local fire codes. The structure of the lower façade was removed and set back nine feet from the front façade to accommodate handicap access to the new elevator entrance, which services all floors of the building. A small exterior patio was added street-side. A new storefront façade for the street level was designed giving careful consideration to the original façade and to the Neo Classical style of the building. The existing main cornice banding was repaired and black wrought iron fence and gates were added.  Additional work was completed in 2003 and 2006 to remove the dropped ceilings, restore the horse hair plaster, install an HVAC system, renovate the restrooms, and install an elevator and handicap access.

VOTE:   Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the letter of support. Ms. McCrea seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

Ms. Lovett stated that the Historical Commission received a copy of the Initial Petition of Footprint Salem Harbor Development LP for a Certificate of Environmental Impact and Public Interest from the Energy Facilities Siting Board. The certificate would enable Footprint to continue with the development of the Salem Power Plant site despite an appeal of the Zoning Board Decision from July 11, 2013. The appeal would delay construction of the new plant and impede their ability to be operational in time to meet the demonstrated need for capacity in the NEMA/Boston load zoning in June 2016.  

Ms. Herbert asked Ms. Lovett to brief the Commission on the Juvenile and Probate Court Reuse Meeting held on August 20th.

Ms. Lovett stated that DCAM presented their 30% Schematic Design for reusing the Junenile and Probate Court. The design includes extension restoration of the interior spaces as well as demolition and reconstruction of the rear addition along Bridge Street. Design options for the new rear addition are currently being considered. The timeline for the project is to release the construction bid in May 2014 with construction beginning in the Fall 2014. They expect a 30 month construction and a move in date in 2017.  

Ms. McCrea added that the heating of the buildings is a key issue. Currently, the Probate Court’s heating system is linked with the Superior Court. This connection will be severed before this winter. A new heating system will be installed in the Superior Court. Senator Lovely and Representative Keenan are moving legislation forward that will turn the Superior Court over to the Salem Redevelopment Authority eliminating the need for a new heating system for that building.  

Ms. McCrea stated that DCAM didn’t discuss restoration of the lamps on the front of the building. She wonders if they have plans for preserving them.

VOTE:   There being no further business, Ms. Bellin made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Mccrea seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Natalie BL Lovett
Community Development Planner