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L. Minutes - July 17, 2013, Approved
July 17, 2013
A meeting of the Salem Historical Commission was held on Wednesday, July 17, 2013 at 7:00 pm at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Jessica Herbert (Chair), Laurie Bellin, Chad Garner, Susan Keenan, Joanne McCrea, and Jane Turiel.

2 River Street
Richard Luecke and Perry McIntosh submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to paint the remainder of the house with previously approved colors. On August 17, 2006, received a Certificate of Appropriateness for paint colors:

        Body - Tortoise
        Trim & Window sash - Buffed
        Doors - Cypress  

The back and side of the house remain to be painted. Richard Luecke was present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application: 6/25/13
  • Photographs: 6/25/13
There was no public comment.

VOTE:   Ms. Mccrea made a motion to accept the paint colors as submitted. Ms. Turiel seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

19 Broad Street
Georgia Montouris submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace a wooden railing on the side steps with a wrought iron railing to match the existing railings along the front porch and other side steps. The railing will be black. Georgia Montouris was present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application: 5/30/13
  • Photographs: 5/30/13
Ms. Montouris stated that the front steps and walkway and steps are all brick. The railing area around this railing is currently cement but will be changed to brick.  

There was no public comment.

VOTE:   Ms. Mccrea made a motion to accept the railing as submitted. Ms. Bellin seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

135 Federal Street
Barton and Elisabeth Dickson submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace two (2) existing 2’x4’ skylights with two (2) 4’x4’ skylights. The curbing of the skylights will be bronze colored aluminum. The purpose of the larger skylights is to gain more direct sunlight in order to propagate camellias in the winter. Barton and Elisabeth Dickson and Helen Sides were present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application: 6/20/13
  • Photographs: 6/20/13
  • Drawings: 6/20/13
Ms. Bellin disclosed to the public that she currently serves on a board with Mr. Dickson.

Ms. Sides stated that when the Dickson’s moved into the house they made some changes. One such modification included adding skylights. They have found however, that the skylights are inadequate to propagate plants. The existing skylights are copper boxes sit off the roof by 16” and are not centered over the space. The proposed skylights double the size of the existing and angle them as they should be. The skylights will be splayed. The skylights are visible when walking down Federal Street. She does not believe that this proposal will make the skylights any more visible because the street end of the new skylight will look very similar.

Ms. Herbert asked if the date of the addition is known.

Ms. Dickson responded that the addition was building around 1910 and was originally a screened in porch.

Ms. Herbert asked for clarification that the 2x4 skylights will be replaced with 4x4 skylights.

Ms. Sides responded in the affirmative. They will be expanding the skylights in between the existing.

Ms. Bellin asked what will the profile will be of the new skylight.

Ms. Sides responded  that the new skylights will be slightly taller but dark bronze matte finish rather than the copper.

Ms. Bellin suggested that the skylights could be white to match the siding.

Ms. Sides thought that the white would be more visible. The dark bronze disappears better.

There was no public comment.

VOTE:   Ms. Turiel made a motion to approve increased size of the existing skylight as submitted. Ms. Bellin seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

114 Derby Street
House of Seven Gables Settlement Association submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to demolish an existing deteriorated porch and construct a new porch in kind, without a fire escape. In addition, the gate entry will be relocated and a new entry path will be created. Dan Riccarelli, Kevin White, John Seger were present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application: 6/1/13
  • Photographs: 6/1/13
  • Drawings: 6/1/13
Mr. Seger stated that the porch includes a second story deck that has been deemed unsafe. The Building Inspector has determined that the porch is not necessary as a 2nd means of egress, however they would like to the option to rebuild the deck if money allows. The porch is a side entrance to the building, used primarily to access the outdoor space. They are also looking to make improvements to the wrought iron fence. Building inspector signed off for 2nd egress so the fire escape is no longer used. Lastly, they would like to discuss replacement of the existing casement windows on the 1970s addition.

Ms. Herbert stated that the window replacement wasn’t included in the original application so it will need to be officially submitted and discussed at a future meeting.

Mr. Seger continued that the project plan is to improve the side yard. Turner St is the primary entrance to the building. The porch is used as a side entrance. Historic pictures show that the house used to have a two story porch, but the windows have been changed because the 2nd floor is now a gymnasium. They are not able to reconstruct the window layout, however they would like to make the architecture of the porch more appropriate to the building.  

Mr. Riccarelli stated that once the fire escapes are removed they would like to move the gate down and add a brick path and landscaping. The porch posts will be a circular tuscan style mimicking the front portico. They are also reducing the size of the porch to accommodate head room going into the basement. In keeping with the federal style,  the balusters will be 1x1 square. The decking will be composite.

Ms. Herbert stated that they like the risers on the stairs to be wood.

Mr. Riccarelli stated that all of the profiles for the roofline is the same. The only change is the posts.

Mr. Seger stated that they would prefer to use painted Asek or composite wood for the freeze columns. For maintenance, costs, and paint sheen. They would prefer composite for the columns because it keeps the paint better.

Mr. Riccarelli stated that a mahogany clear stain would be used on the baluster caps.

Mr. Seger added that there is a second floor alternate for a second floor balcony. The materials would match the first floor.

Mr. Riccarelli stated that they would also like the option to build a wooden privacy fence in front of the airwell or a fence to match the perimeter fence.  

Mr. Seger stated that there are several options for the roof: a membrane roof or a Duradek rolled decking.

Ms. Herbert stated the decking material may depend whether there is a 2nd floor balustrade. A deck on top of a deck would raise the balustrade.

Mr. Seger state that the Duradek rolled decking is preferable so that the roof could serve as decking if the 2nd story balustrade is added in the future. The 1st floor porch will have a beadboard ceiling.

Ms. Herbert asked what the posts will be on the deck.

Mr. Riccarelli responded wrapped 6x6 with pyramidal caps.

Ms. Herbert asked if there will be lattice underneath the porch.

Mr. Riccarelli responded in the affirmative. Square lattice is preferred. Is will not be plastic lattice. Maybe a composite, if it can be found, otherwise wood.

Mr. Seger stated that they would like some direction from the SHC on colors. The front portico is painted a buff color. They were thinking of matching this color. They were unsure whether the railing should also be painted or stained a mahogany color.  

Ms. Herbert stated that there is precedent for a mahogany railing. So that could be an option.

There was no public comment.

Ms. Herbert summarized that the porch will be rebuilt, design as submitted. The columns will be round Tuscan columns. The balusters square 2x2 with pyramidal caps on the top balustrade. The decking will be a composite in a mahogany color. The lattice will be 2” square. All new wood will be painted buff to match the front portico. The gate will be moved, as submitted, utilizing the existing materials. There is an option for railing in front of basement stairs to be either wood to match balustrade or to replicate the iron fence.

VOTE:   Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the project as summarized by Ms. Herbert. Mr. Garner seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

103 Federal Street
ProProcessIt, Inc submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to reduce the size of a rear balcony. The balcony was approved at the SHC meeting held on June 26, 2013. The reduced balcony size will be 6 feet off of the existing second floor wall and will run to a point 4-8 feet from the westerly edge depending on structural support availability. The purpose of the reduced size is to ensure compliance with local zoning requirements. The balusters will be as shown in depiction photo at 42” high.   

John McIver was present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application: 7/2/13
Mr. McIver stated that he is asking for a 6x14 maximum and ability to reduce the size of the deck. The exact size will depend on the structure supports, however the deck will fall betweent eh two windows, as shown. The deck will be moved 4’ away from the property line, however that change will not be visible from Federal Court because it is blocked by the side balustrade.  

Public comment.

Helen Sides asked if this change is visible from the public way

Ms. Herbert responded that the revision doesn’t change the visibility from federal court. The deck itself is visible from Federal Court.

Ms. Sides stated that she though the deck looked strange to not being extended the full length of the roof.

Ms. Bellin responded that extending the deck would make it visible from Beckford Street.

Ms. Sides questioned whether the body color paint would make the railing disappear more. White makes it stand out.

Ms. Herbert agreed. The body color paint might have been better. She stated that the decking should not be composite, painted pine would be acceptable.  

Ms. Bellin asked if the revision was to meet a zoning setback.

Mr. McIver responded in the affirmative.

VOTE:   Ms. Bellin made a motion to reduce the approved balcony so that it begins to the right of the first window and ends to the left of the 3rd window, depending on where the support structure needs to be placed.  Ms. Turiel seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

27 Charter Street
Pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, EBI Consulting, Inc. on behalf of AT&T Mobility provided the SHC with a notice of a proposed telecommunications facility installation and an invitation to comment on the project’s potential effect to historic properties.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Cover letter: 7/3/13
  • Maps: 7/3/13
  • Plans: 7/3/13
The Commission members stated that they required additional information in order to review the project. The additional information requested was:
  • Colors for the conduits on the building,
  • Renderings of the visibility from all public ways, specifically from the Charter Street
  • Elevations for the housing as well as the color of the materials against the skyline.
Other Business

Approval of Minutes

VOTE: Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the 5/1/13 minutes. Mr. Garner seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

VOTE: Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the 5/15/13 minutes. Ms. Turiel seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

VOTE: Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the 6/5/13 minutes. Ms. McCrea seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

VOTE:   There being no further business, Ms. Bellin made a motion to adjourn. Ms. McCrea seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion so carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Natalie BL Lovett
Community Development Planner