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N. Minutes - August 15, 2012, Approved
AUGUST 15, 2012
A meeting of the Salem Historical Commission was held on Wednesday,  August 15, 2012 at 7:30 pm at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Ms. Herbert, Ms. McCrea, Ms. Bellin, Mr. Spang and Mr. Hart.

356 Essex Street

In continuation of a previous meeting, Nick Nowak and Amy and Jeremy Jones submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to repair the front porch, replace porch floor and stairs with 1 x 4 cambara mahogany and stain, replace railing with round balusters to match existing on gate, replace newel post with on that has a cap and paint balusters, handrail, newel post and risers to match existing trim.  

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application
  • Photographs
Ms. Guy stated that she received an email requesting a continuance to the September 5th meeting.

VOTE: Ms. Bellin made a motion to continue the application to September 5th.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

4 Hamilton Street

Alexis and Greg Dwyer submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to move a ventilation pipe by four feet to accommodate a bathroom remodel.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application
  • Photographs
Ms. Herbert asked if it will be a new, permanent position.

Ms. Dwyer replied in the affirmative, but added that it will actually be moved 7’ and will change from cast iron to PVC, painted black.

Ms. Herbert stated that it should be matte black.

VOTE:  Mr. Hart made a motion to move the ventilation pipe approximately 7’ back toward the rear of the building and change the material from cast iron to PVC, painted matte black.  Ms. Bellin seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

27 Herbert Street

Nancy Corral Trust submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace the fist and second floor windows with Hurd replacement units to match existing windows.  The application is also to make the windows uniform in the number of lites.  Preston Ward, contractor, was present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application
  • Photographs
  • Hurd Windows and Doors quote and catalog
  • Sample window (not kept)
Mr. Ward stated that they are considering 6 over 6 instead.  He believe historically they were 6 over 6.  He noted that the third floor and rear wing are 6 over 6.  He provided a Hurd window sample, but noted that the interior and exterior will be all wood.  It comes pre-primed.  This window has ability to tilt and the sash package fits in the existing window frame, so there is only the removal of the sash and the interiors.  The bottom sash sits on original sill.  The owner prefers the 5/8” mullion.

Ms. Herbert stated that the Commission would like to see a bronze spacer.  

Mr. Spang asked if it is a painted finish.

Mr. Ward replied in the affirmative.

Mr. Hart stated that the house was built in 1735 and that it most likely would have had 6 over 6.  He added that in 1735, it would have had a heftier mullion.

Mr. Ward stated that even though the proposed is a little narrower, it is closer to the historic profile.

Mr. Hart stated that he felt the proposed size would be unusual.

Mr. Ward stated that he did not know when the windows were converted to 2 over 1.  He stated that there is also a cost consideration.

Mr. Hart stated that one will never see an older window with a profile that thin.

Ms. Herbert suggest 7/8”.

Mr. Ward stated that it was acceptable.

Ms. Bellin referred to the catalog and stated that it looks like 7/8” is only for the interior and that next size for the exterior is 1”.

Ms. Guy stated that the Commission typically approves 7/8” or 15/16”.

Ms. Bellin asked if all first and second floor windows are being changed.

Mr. Ward replied in the affirmative, noted that the mudroom is an exception as it is already 6 over 6.

Ms. Bellin asked if the third floor will stay as is.

Mr. Ward replied in the affirmative.  He stated that a total of 28 windows are to be done in two phases.

Ms. Bellin stated that it is hard to tell from sample window if it is appropriate, because the sample is clad and not wood.

Mr. Hart stated that he is curious as to what dimension are for the mullions of the mudroom windows and if they are original.

Mr. Ward stated that he can ask if the manufacturer offers 7/8” exterior mullions.

Mr. Hart suggested giving the applicant the option.

Ms. Bellin stated that she wondered if approved, if the Commission should limit approval to this situation, until we know more about the windows.  

Ms. Herbert asked the time frame on installation.

Mr. Ward stated that he will order tomorrow and there is a four week turnaround.  He stated that the owner wants the second floor done in September and the first floor done in spring.

VOTE:  Mr. Hart made a motion to replace existing sash with Hurd, solid wood, simulated divided light, six over six windows on first and second floor.  Exterior muntins to be either 1” or 7/8”.  Spacer between glass to be bronze.  All to be painted to match existing.  Installation to be done in two phases – second floor to be done in Fall, 2012.  This installation is to be considered a pilot or test case.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Mr. Hart stated that he felt the front door is bazaar and suggested the owner consider removing the storm shed door.

44 Derby Street

John and Bridget Crawford submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to remove asbestos siding and repair or replace the siding underneath.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application
  • Photographs
Mr. Crawford stated that he has been told that there is cedar shingle underneath the asbestos, but that the condition is unknown.   They would like to look into all acceptable options available if the shingles are in bad shape.

Ms. Herbert stated that the Commission reviewed a similar house on River Street for siding removal and underneath they found clapboards, cornerboards and skirtboards in good shape.

Ms. Guy stated that generally, they can repair the shingle underneath or replace it with clapboards.  If there are no cornerboards and skirtboards, the commission can advise and approve  what to install.

Ms. Herbert asked if they will be changing any windows.

Mr. Crawford stated that it is not a consideration at this time.  He stated that they have other goals besides changing asbestos siding.  He stated that they probably want to add third floor space in the future.  

Mr. Spang suggesting removing the asbestos, seeing what is there and coming back before the Commission.  

Mr. Hart was in agreement.  He added that they could take off the siding on the front corner of house to see what is there.

VOTE:  Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve removal of the asbestos shingles and to continue the treatment underneath to September 19th meeting .   Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Ms. Herbert asked about the wrought iron fence in front.

Mr. Crawford stated that it is the push-in ground type to protect the garden.

Ms. Herbert stated that there are a number of different ways to do a fence that are historically appropriate.

Ms. Herbert stated that they should remove the aluminum awning over the door.  She noted that  gutters and downspouts should be same color as what they run along.

VOTE:  Mr. Hart motion to remove the metal awning and the metal fence.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Ms. Herbert stated that they could look into the use of an arbor for the garden.  She stated that the Commission can provide ideas when the owners are ready.

6 Carpenter Street

Michael Chefitz and Robyn Frost submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to remove a non-working chimney in the rear of the house.  The applicants were not present.

  • Documents & Exhibits
  • Application
  • Photographs
An unidentified neighbor stated that she that the application in the mail only stated that they were removing the chimney and nothing else.  She stated that they first have to do something to the foundation because that part of the house is falling away.  She stated that they have to secure the foundation and take down the chimney, assuming at the same time.  She stated that the question is what are they planning to do with the space.  

Ms. Guy stated that the application indicates the chimney was disconnected 18 years ago.

The neighbor asked what would go into the space and if it was going be turned into a roof.

Ms. Guy stated that they would have to fix to roof to match what is there.

The neighbor asked if they are going to build onto it.

Ms. Guy stated that there is no application for that.  She stated they would have to do a separate application for which the abutters would get another notice.

Mr. Spang stated that it doesn’t say they are going to match the roof.

Ms. Guy stated that it could be a condition as part of the motion.

The neighbor stated that patching the roof is a better idea than a skylight.

Ms. Bellin suggested continuing.  

Mr. Hart was in agreement.

VOTE:  Ms. Bellin made a motion to continue the application to the September 5th meeting.   Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

38 Flint Street

Sheri Rosenzweig submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to remove exterior clapboard siding and replace with cedar shingles, changed body paint color and change from paint to stain, change trim over door facing street to match sides, add drip edge to bulkhead roof, install trim board between lower section and gable end and cut bulkhead door and seal bottom.  The applicant is also requesting an extension on the Certificate of Appropriateness given 8/6/09 to change windows (kitchen).  Daniel Beauvais of Beauvais Builders was also present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application
  • Photographs
  • Paint sample
  • Beauvais Builders estimate
Mr. Beauvais stated that they will remove all siding and replace it so they will have the same color on the top and bottom.  The trim above the door is only about an inch and the sides are 2 ½”, so he wants to fix the trim so it is the same reveal all the way around.  To break the gable off from the bottom section without changing the type of shingle, there are two ways to do it.  He can do a shadow course, which is a double course leaving a ½” hanging over which creates a shadow line.  Or he will put in a piece of 1 x 5 or 1x 6.  He noted that the house is kind of small and that he does not know if he wants to put in trim or a shadow line.  He stated he wants to create a visual break similar in look to what is there but recreated with shingles.  He noted that it is usually a frieze board across on an older home, but that this isn’t particularly that old.  

Ms. Herbert stated that it looks like it needs something more deliberate than what is there.

Mr. Beauvais stated that the gable is to big to put a design or dentil work in the gable.

Ms. Herbert stated that the rakes are so thin and that they want what is put in to be similar to that.

Mr. Beauvais was in agreement.  He stated that the rakes original, so they want to keep them.  He noted that the house is surrounded with trees, so it stays wet a lot.  It has been stripped and painted over the years and the paint keeps coming off.  The chimney was rebuilt at one point and all they did was make the chimney 4” smaller and fill the gap with trim.  He will remove trim and shingle to it.  The gable vent will stay in the same or be replaced in wood and painted white.  The bulkhead is shingled, but it was not put on correctly and has no drip edge.  There is a Pickwood pine door on the back, which is original but not visible.

Mr. Spang asked if the walls insulated.

Ms. Rosenzweig stated that she had some sprayed in a few years ago.  

Mr. Spang asked if they can put in thin layer of insulation during the siding replacement.

Mr. Beauvais stated that he did not want to go push the shingles past the cornerboards.

Ms. Rosenzweig stated that she wants Spruce Blue for body color.

Ms. Herbert asked if the trim will remain the existing color.

Ms. Rosenzweig relied in the affirmative.

Mr. Beauvais stated that the downspouts will be painted the same color as the surface they are on.  He stated that they would like to upgrade from square downspouts to round, rigid.

Ms. Herbert stated that she did not think it mattered.

Mr. Beauvais stated that they will replace the board at the bottom of the front in kind.  They will change the door trim above the door to 1 x 5.  

Mr. Beauvais stated that he liked the idea of a shadow line for the break under the gable.

Mr. Hart suggested creating a pediment.

Mr. Spang suggested a diagonal, diamond pattern of shingles for a couple rows.

Mr. Beauvais stated that the shingles are pre-cut, already primed and coated.  He suggested approval for the option of a shadow line and the option of a diagonal pattern for a single course.

VOTE:   Mr. Spang made a motion to replace all siding with Maibec white cedar super clear shingles stained Spruce Blue, to change the trim over the door to 1 x 5, to add a drip edge to the bulkhead roof, to install a double row of shingles across the bottom of the front gable to create a shadow line or to install one course of diamond pattern shingles, to cut down the bottom of the bulkhead door and seal the edge, to change downspouts from square to round fluted and to paint the trim Tudor Ice. Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Other Business

Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the minutes of July 18, 2012.  Mr. Hart seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Ms. Guy stated that she forwarded a summary of the City Hall roof and chimney repair project and that the project is going before the Design Review Board on August 22 at 6:00pm.  She suggested that, if the Commission wants to comment on the project, someone be delegated to attend the meeting.

Mr. Hart stated that he will not be here.  

Ms. Herbert stated that she will go.

Ms. Guy stated that the Commission was emailed notice of the MEPA Scoping Session for the Salem Harbor Station Redevelopment to be held on August 21st at 9:00am.  A link to the first several pages of the ENF were included in the notice.  Because it requires State or Federal funding, this project will be through usual the historic review.  Because the site is near the Winter Island Historic and Archaeological District and the Salem Willows Historic District, she suggested that Commission members who are able attend.

Ms. Guy stated that, for 67, 69-71 Mason Street, she received a letter from R. Rumpf Associates with details of building heights and footprints and an Existing Conditions Plan showing building footprints.

VOTE: There being no further business,  Ms. Bellin made a motion to adjourn.   Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy
Clerk of the Commission