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M. Minutes - August 1, 2012, Approved
AUGUST 1, 2012
A meeting of the Salem Historical Commission was held on Wednesday,  August 1, 2012 at 7:30 pm at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Ms. Herbert, Ms. McCrea, Ms. Bellin, and Mr. Hart.

Ms. Keenan arrived later in the meeting.

13 River Street

In continuation of a previous meeting, Richard & Cynthia Johnson submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace the open picket fence with a closed picket fence of the same height and material.  The will replace with pressure treated wood.  The existing fence has rot and missing pickets and they would like closed picket for their dog.  

 Documents & Exhibits
  • Application
  • Photographs
Ms. Guy read a letter from the applicants withdrawing their application, noting that they will be repairing the existing fence.  

VOTE: Ms. Bellin made a motion to issue a Certificate of Non-applicability for the fence repair.  
Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

315-317 Essex Street

Kring Drindle, LLC, Betsy Merry, Manager, submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to install aluminum gutters and downspouts, to match trim color.  Style to be 6”, K style with downspouts per photograph submitted.  Dan Fox and Betsy Merry were present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application
  • Photographs
Mr. Fox stated that the gutters will be installed across the front, the sides and in the back, all three levels.

Ms. Herbert asked if the downspouts will run against the corner boards.

Mr. Fox replied in the affirmative.

Ms. Herbert stated that they should be painted the same color as whatever surface they run against.

There was no public comment.

VOTE:  Ms. McCrea made a motion to approve the application as submitted.  Mr. Hart seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Ms. Keenan joined the meeting at this time.

102 Federal Street

As an abutter, Mr. Hart recused himself and sat in the audience.

MaryAnne Williamson presented an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace an existing fanlight window with a 6 over 6 double hung window to match the other windows on the house.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application
  • Photographs
  • Sketch
Ms. Herbert asked if on the end of the house if there was one or two windows facing Federal Street.  She wondered if one window was sufficient for that big side of the building.  A review of the picture shows a pair of windows.

Ms. Williamson stated that she pondered it, but stated that the reason for one is the inside space.  She stated that there is a closet there.

Ms. Bellin stated that half of façade is kind of blocked anyway.

Ms. Herbert asked about the window from off the ground.

Ms. Williamson stated that it will be 2 ½’ off the ground.

Ms. Herbert asked if it will be a true divided light window with a storm.

Ms. Williamson replied in the affirmative and added that there are currently no windows in her unit that open up.  This window will be operable.

Mr. Hart stated that the applicant met with him a few weeks ago and he felt the window is suitable.  He noted that it is an addition and that a fan light is an unusual feature on it.

VOTE:  Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the application as submitted.  Ms. McCrea  seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Mr. Hart rejoined the Commission.

Salem Intermodal Station – MGL c.9, ss. 26-27C (950 CMR 71) Review
  • Intensive (Locational) Archaeological Survey/Site Examination  - Review/comment
  • Project effect on historic resources – Recommendation on effect (i.e. no effect, no adverse effect, adverse effect)
  • If adverse effect, recommendation of mitigation efforts and suggestions for the Draft MOA
Present wase Holly Palmgren of the MBTA.

Ms. Guy stated that the consultation process began with the submission of the Project Notification Form (PNF) to Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC), for which the Commission received a copy, but had not comments.  She noted that the Commission received a copy of the Expanded Environmental Notification Form (EENF), for which the Commission provided a letter of support for the waiver of the EIR.  We have now received the Intensive Archaeological Survey Report completed by the Public Archaeology Laboratory (PAL) for the Commission’s review and comment (a digital copy was emailed to Commission members on July 30th).  The Commission needs to make a recommendation on effect and, if adverse, an recommendation of mitigation efforts and suggestions for the Draft MOA.  Ms. Guy stated that the PAL report recommends the North River Railroad Roundhouse archaeological site for listing on the National Register and that if it cannot be left in situ, that there be an archaeological data recovery program completed prior to construction.  

Ms. Guy read a letter from MHC to the MBTA dated 7/18/12 regarding the expanded ENF.

Ms. Palmgren stated that the July 20th was the start of the 30 day review clock by MHC.  She stated that they have been trying to reach out to MHC to set up meeting, which the Commission  will be invited to.  She stated that the archaeological report is just about the archaeological site, which has been recommended for National Register listing.  The archaeological site is pretty well intact.  PAL is proposing in the Fall to go out and do a full data recovery of the site, where they excavate the entire site.  They are working on the alternatives analysis.  It is not a big site, and is physically constrained by the railroad, the river and Bridge Street.  It is already a developed are.  If they are going to build garage, this is where it needs to be, which means the archaeological site would be destroyed or be under the garage.  If impacts can’t be avoided,  the Memorandum of Agreement would document the mitigation measures.  MHC will be looking for what kinds of things are possible for mitigation.  She stated that, for the signal tower, they are going to rehab the outside.  MHC has asked them to look at the interior, and that they are doing that evaluation.  However, the tower has accessibility and site constraint issues and it would be difficult to make accessible in a meaningful way.

Ms. Herbert stated that a new structure, connected to the signal tower, could make the tower accessible.  She noted that there was once a building next to the tower (bike shop).

Ms. Palmgren stated that PAL’s other idea is to do some interpretive displays and use some piece of the roundhouse structure for the viewing park area, in some kind of interpretive explanation.  She noted that the MOA could lay out the process for review of the interpretive ideas.

Ms. Guy stated that Lynn Duncan asked her to say that the City would like to see interpretive panels inside the station’s waiting area.

Ms. McCrea suggested a working model display.

Ms. Palmgren stated that the Commission would be a concurring party to the MOA.

Ms. Bellin asked if there was a way to avoid the archaeological site.

Ms. Palmgren stated that some of foundations would interfere and that the parts that don’t interfere would wind up getting buried under the garage and would therefore be no longer accessible to future use.  PAL would dig up the site and document everything.  They are looking to start digging November 1st.  The comment period on the archaeological report ends August 20th.  PAL would develop a scope for data recovery.  The next level of plans (60%) and elevations will be available at the September 24th public meeting.  The scope of the signal tower work hasn’t really been defined yet.  All of these are documents that the Commission will get when they are submitted to MHC.  She stated that the project team is looking at what would need to be done to make the interior workable and that the biggest obstacle is accessibility.

Ms. Keenan asked the project cost.

Ms. Herbert stated that it is $37 million.

Mr. Hart stated that he did not read the entire report but that if the Commission is supposed to make a recommendation, then we have PAL’s recommendation.  He stated that it appears that the site qualifies for National Register listing, but he would want MHC’s opinion.  He stated that he was curious why the designer did not create an overlay showing what parts would be effected.

Ms. Palmgren stated that the archaeological survey report is just to determine eligibility of the site.  The next step is to take the design and look at the impacts.  There will also be the data recovery plan and the construction management plan for the tower.  

Ms. Guy suggested supporting PAL’s recommendations, making an effect finding, and supporting MHC’s letter.

Mr. Hart stated that the Commission can state that it concurs with the PAL report inasmuch as the project will have an adverse effect on historic resources and that we look forward to consultation with the appropriate parties and the development of the MOA, which will address the following mitigation of the adverse effect: recovery of the artifacts, data recovery and plan for interpretive reuse of recovered materials.  

Ms. Bellin suggested referencing MHC’s recommendations for additional information, including that for the Salem Signal Tower interior.

Mr. Hart added that we look forward to providing further comments as we digest the report and other documents to be received.  

VOTE: Ms. Bellin made a motion to send a comment letter with the comments stated herein.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Ms. Palmgren stated that she would be happy to come to future meetings if requested.

356 Essex Street

In continuation of a previous meeting, Nick Nowak and Amy and Jeremy Jones submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to repair the front porch, replace porch floor and stairs with 1 x 4 cambara mahogany and stain, replace railing with round balusters to match existing on gate, replace newel post with on that has a cap and paint balusters, handrail, newel post and risers to match existing trim.  The applicant was not present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application
  • Photographs
VOTE:  Ms. Bellin made a motion to continue the application to the next meeting.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

18 Felt Street

Ms. Herbert stated that she would continue to abstain from voting due to the possibility that she may be doing some work for the developer.

In continuation of a prior meeting, Ice Cat, LLC submitted an application to Waive the Demolition Delay Ordinance for the removal of the barn.  The barn is in disrepair.  Removal is needed to allow subdivision of the property per variance granted 4/4/12 to add an additional lot to the property for a new house to be built. The applicant was not present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application
  • Photographs
  • Site Study dated 5/2/12 by Schopf Design Associates
Ms. Guy read an email from Atty. Scott Grover withdrawing the application.

Other Business

Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the minutes of June 20, 2012.  Mr. Hart seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Ms. Guy stated that read a letter from BL Companies that is looking for comment on the installation of a wireless antenna system, which is proposed for the intersection of Derby and Lafayette Street.  Ms. Guy noted that for any letter, she would like to include information that the proponents will need to go before the Planning Board and the Salem Redevelopment Authority.

Ms. Bellin questioned the location of the other three poles, why they are not part of the Section process and why that location was selected.

Mr. Hart stated the he felt it would set a bad precedent for tower location in an urban environment.

Ms. Guy suggested the proponent submit a conceptual drawing showing the views against the surrounding infrastructure.

Ms. Herbert stated that she would want to see photographs showing a similar installation in other communities.

Ms. Bellin questioned why it would not be located on an on existing pole.

Ms. Keenan questioned the health and environmental impacts.

VOTE:  Mr. Hart made a motion to send a letter with the comments and questions stated herein.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

VOTE: There being no further business, Ms. Bellin made a motion to adjourn.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy
Clerk of the Commission