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J. Minutes - May 19, 2010, Approved
MAY 19, 2010

A meeting of the Salem Historical Commission was held on Wednesday, May 19, 2010 at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Ms. Herbert, Ms. Harper, Mr. Hart, Ms. McCrea, Mr. Desrocher and Ms. Bellin.

Ms. Herbert chaired the meeting.

386 Essex Street

386 Essex Street Realty Trust submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to remove 80’ of existing steel/iron fence and replace with 6’ high flatboard 1 x 6 cedar fence with Brosco fence cap #8276 and to repair iron fence to tie into the new fence on the west side of the property.  David Clarke represented the applicant.

Ms. Bellin stated that she received an abutter notice and would need to abstain from voting.  

Ms. McCrea stated that she is a tenant and would need to abstain from voting.

Mr. Clarke stated that he will extend the fence to the rear of the porch as shown on the plot plan, noting that there is a patio that he would like the tenants to be able to use without having to look at the neighbor’s trash.  He stated that he is willing to go with a 5’ high fence, instead of 6’, in order to tie it into the same height of the existing fence.

Mr. Hart stated that he preferred 5’.  He asked if the existing fence will be repaired.

Mr. Clarke stated that he will savage pieces from the existing rear fence to repair the front fence.

Mr. Desrocher made a motion to approve removing 80’ of existing steel/iron fence and replacing with 5’ high flatboard 1 x 6 cedar fence with Brosco fence cap #8276 & pressure treated posts, extending fence to rear of porch as shown on plot plan. Fence to be left natural in color.  The motion is also to repair the front  iron fence to tie into the new fence on the west side of the property, salvaging pieces of the rear fence to repair front fence..  Ms. Harper seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Ms. Bellin & Ms. McCrea rejoined the meeting.

105 & 105F Derby Street

Emily Swilling presented an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness for paint colors and to replace missing shutters and those in poor condition in kind.  The body will be C2-416 Lumen, the trim will be Windham Cream, the shutters will be Stuart Gold and the door will be C2-245 Newport.  Also submitted was an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to stain the fence in brown, such as Sandalwood, Rich Maple, Hazelnut or Pacific Dogwood.

Ms. Harper made a motion to approve the application as submitted, with the option for any of the four stain colors for the fence.  Ms. Herbert seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

91-93 Federal Street

Ms. Guy stated that the address was noticed erroneously and that the application was for Non-applicability for in kind repainting, which has been issued.  No action is required.

10 Andover Street

Eric Couture presented an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to install a new stockade fence to the back left of the lot, replacing an existing green picket side lot line fence.

Ms. Bellin asked the height of the new fence.

Mr. Couture stated that it will be 6’ high, but that the land rolls down so it will appear 4 ½ to 5’ high at eye level.  He stated that the are just replacing the green fence, approximately 35’.  The fence will be left natural cedar or spruce stockade.  He stated that he was willing to paint it.

Ms. Bellin asked what is the rest of the fencing around the property.

Mr. Couture replied that it is the same idea, that there is three different styles across the back  belonging to neighbors, one is a flatboard and one is picket - all are left natural.  

Mr. Desrocher asked what type of fence comes after it.

Mr. Couture stated that it is flatboard, but only 3’ high.  He stated that from the corner of the deck to the corner of the house, there is already a stockade, so it will be a continuation of the stockade.  He stated that there is very little visibility from the street and is only visible from the Lynn Street driveway of the neighbor’s house, about a driveway width of 6-8’.  He stated that there is stockade around their yard that goes halfway up the house from the deck to the curb, because their driveway abuts his house.  There is no fencing down the side of the house.

Mr. Desrocher asked the condition of the existing stockade.

Mr. Couture stated that it is in good shape.

Ms. Herbert asked how long is has been there.

Mr. Couture replied that it was put in by the prior owners, approximately 12-15 years ago.

Mr. Desrocher stated that he was wondering Mr. Couture’s thought on a flatboard fence, which is a nicer fence aesthetically.

Mr. Couture stated that he will be continuing the existing stockade of the neighbor from the neighbor’s corner to the back of his lot.

Ms. Herbert stated that the neighbor’s stockade appears to be hidden by both of the houses.

Ms. Guy asked if the proposed stockade was the same as the neighbor’s.

Mr. Couture replied in the affirmative.  He stated that the most that will be seen is 6-10’, depending on the angle.

Mr. Hart made a motion to approve the application as submitted.  Ms. Bellin seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

316 Essex Street

In continuation of a prior meeting, First Church of Salem submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to expand the 1927 Parish House block with a 24’ x 24’ addition to create universal access and egress.  The addition includes a new entrance and elevator bay at the south elevation and an egress door at the north elevation.  Original entry and lancet window at the south elevation and two small windows at the east elevation to be removed.  Large arched staircase window at the east elevation to be reused in the staircase of the addition.  1987 stained glass window over door to be relocated within the addition.  Fire escapes to be removed from the north elevation and second floor exterior doors to be replaced with windows to match existing windows.  New window trim will match existing parish House trim.  New sash will be custom-made SDL, wood windows with muntins matching width of existing muntins at Parish House.  New entry doors will be painted wood with glazing.  Stucco cladding for the existing Parish House and addition will be cleaned and coated to match C2 Paint “Shitake” #C2-7146P.  Drawings were provided.   Present was Patrick Guthrie, architect with Menders, Torrey & Spencer, Inc, as well as Helen Sides.

Mr. Guthrie stated that based on discussion from last meeting, there were three substantial comments.  As a result, he looked at the roof form over the projecting bay which is going to house the minister’s office and also indicate the public entrance to the building.  The previously presented hipped slate roof was tucked low to give more prominence to the vertical forms on either side. The Commission’s suggestion was to rise up that piece to be its own geometric form, so now they have brought that up to bring it into alignment with the other rooftop feature, which is the elevator penthouse.  The other minor change is bringing in the horizontal line across for continuity.  He noted that the addition is well recessed and is visually somewhat screened, particularly in summer, and will not compete with the adjacent historic houses.  He stated that there had been a question of fenestration at the stairway and they looked at balance of massing, and felt if they start penetrating addition side, it will be a little busy and will compete with entryway, so they have kept it as proposed.    He stated that, in addition, the new additional steps into the historic garden, so that the façade will be a canvas for living objects that will populate the garden.  For the garden elevation, he stated that there is no precedent on the building to punctuate it more.  It will provide a backdrop for the garden and will also be a canvas for the garden.

Mr. Hart stated that for the south facing façade, he felt the entry was emphasized better and liked it.  He stated that he was still a little bothered by the east façade, noting that it is just kind of sitting there, while the existing façade has a certain amount of playfulness that does not carry through to the new façade.  

Ms. Bellin the garden view of all facades, with all the windows in row, shows an interesting progression of classic peaked windows.

Ms. Sides stated that they went through a lot of discussions on windows.  She noted that whichever way they tried to place windows on the addition, it turned the round windows into a joke.  She stated that the proposed gives them respect and keeps it as minimal, in terms of addition, as possible.

Ms. Herbert stated that, if kept plain, they could do some trellising or plant an upright, such as blue atlas cedar.  She stated that the proposed leaves that ability to create an entrance into the garden area.

Mr. Hart asked if they considered making the window larger on the east elevation.

Mr. Guthrie stated that they went through a couple of scenarios.

Mr. Hart stated that they might want to consider making the two windows the same width and bring them either closer or farther away.

Ms. Sides suggested a narrow panel between the two.

Mr. Guthrie stated that maybe they could use the stucco to describe it, so it reads as a unit, without actually having to alter the old window.

Ms. Herbert asked if the width of the window over entrance doors is the same as doors.

Mr. Guthrie replied that the window is a little wider.  He noted it is office space and they want it as open as possible and welcoming.

Ms. Herbert stated that she felt the front relates very well to east side.

Dorothy Hayes, 329 Essex Street, stated that the east elevation to the right of the entrance looks unfinished from the front.  She stated that, whether symmetrical or asymmetrical placement, it would be nice to have a window to provide additional light to the staircase.

Ms. Herbert noted that the building is actually curved into the garden area, so it cannot really be balanced on a flat plane.

Ms. Sides stated that putting something there belittles the quatrefoils and that they also don’t want to add too much gothic.

Mr. Hart stated that he would like to continue studying the two windows on the garden elevation.

Ms. Herbert asked if they were willing to have the windows be the same width.

Ms. Sides replied that they would absolutely.  

Mr. Guthrie suggested a stucco effect with recess in between.

Mr. Hart suggested considering increasing the height of lower window as well.

Mr. Hart made a motion to approve as submitted with exception that  the east elevation windows and stucco treatment shall be subject to further discussion with the applicant and approval is delegated to Commissioner Hart.  Ms. Bellin  seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Derby Street Historic District - National Grid Cable Replacement Project Presentation

Representatives from National Grid were present to provide preliminary information on the proposed cable replacement project which will, at a minimum, include the Derby Street Historic District.  Present were John Roughan, National Grid Project Manager; Marc Bergeron, Project Manager for environmental permitting with Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. (VHB); Rita Walsh, Senior Preservation Planner with VHB and Joseph Kerry, National Grid’s expert in underground cable.  

Ms. Bellin stated that she works for the Department of Public Utilities and abstained from the discussion.

Mr. Roughan stated that Nation Grid will be removing and replacing electric transmission underground cables beneath select streets in Salem.  They are in a very preliminary stage of the project.  They have met with the Mayor, City Council, City Engineer, Chamber of Commerce and a few neighborhood associations.  On 5/20/10 at the Salem Waterfront Hotel at Pickering Wharf, they will have their first open house from 6-8pm.  

Ms. Herbert asked the timeframe for the project.

Mr. Roughan stated that it depends on permitting, and could be a 2 year process.

Ms. Herbert confirmed that they are replacing existing only and that whatever is above ground will be staying above ground.

Mr. Roughan replied in the affirmative.

Mr. Kerry stated that they have two underground transmission cables from Salem Harbor coming down Derby Street.  One goes up Lafayette and one goes up to Canal Street.  Both terminate at the Canal Street terminal.  One was installed in 1951 and other in 1972.  He provided a sample of the S-145 cable (similar to 1951 cable) which uses dielectric fluid similar to mineral oil, as well as a sample of a more modern cable that does not use fluid.  He noted that both cables in Salem are aging and that their life is typically 40 years.  He added that the cables are also approaching maximum electrical capacity and that there is  a potential that the cable can become overloaded.  The cables are being replaced for capacity requirements and for age.  He stated that these circuits are critical to the supply of the City of Salem as well as to the North Shore.  They will have to build a new circuit and tie it in before disconnect the existing.  They do not want to abandon the fluid filled cable in the ground.  As part of the process, the first question is where does the first cable go.  He stated that they are required by statute to look at all possible solutions and noted that they are not going to put live overhead down Derby Street.  They will install twice as many cables – currently 3 cables, increasing to 6 cables. A map was provided showing the existing routes of the two cables as a red line and yellow line.

Ms. Herbert asked if the 1951 & 1972 cables are in different locations.

Mr. Kerry stated that they are located one on each side of Derby Street.

Ms. Herbert asked if they will have to dig up both sides Derby Street.

Mr. Kerry stated that they will have to dig up the 1972 cable.  He noted that for the 1951 cables which are through conduit, they can go into manholes, cut them and pull them out.

Ms. Herbert stated that they will dig up the side of the street with the 1972 cables.

Mr. Kerry replied in the affirmative.

Mr. Hart stated that it does not appear that the Salem Harbor generating station will go away any time soon.

Mr. Kerry stated that it is irrelevant whether the power plant is there or not, noting that these cables are more critical to Salem if the power plant is not there.  

Mr. Hart asked how the project will potentially effect historic properties.

Mr. Kerry stated that the route has not yet been determined.  They will have to install the first cable before they can remove existing cable.  They need to determine if there is physical room in the city streets for installation.

Mr. Bergeron stated that the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities permit requires at least two potential routes.  He noted that the route shown by the red line must be done.  He stated that the City of Salem Department of Public Works does not want installation on Bridge Street.  He added that they are collecting information on businesses and historic attractions to take into consideration and are ranking and scoring as well as working with engineering and environmental factors to select a route that works best for all factors.  He stated that they are looking to get feedback.

Ms. Harper asked if all the work runs under city streets.

Mr. Bergeron stated that the whole project will be within the street right of way.  He noted that the major impacts will be during construction.

Ms. Herbert stated that if the new cable is run through a conduit, sections can be replaced in the future without having to dig up street again.

Mr. Kerry replied in the affirmative.

Ms. Harper asked the size of the conduit.

Mr. Kerry stated that there are a couple different designs.  With one type, they would put in six 6” conduits and a couple smaller conduits for fiber optic cable, along with bonding wire.  With the other type, which is high pressure gas filled cable, it uses a 8” steel conduit with nitrogen as part of the insulating system.  The benefit of high pressure gas is that it takes up less space in the street, has a smaller envelope, but is a little more expensive. He stated that they will need to weigh construction benefits versus cost benefits.

Mr. Bergeron stated that the rate payers ultimately end up paying for the project, so it needs to be designed with the most efficient cost, most reliable system and least environmental impact, with all factors being balanced.  They expect to file an environmental notification with MEPA and also a Project Notification Form (PNF) with MHC.  They will file with the Conservation Commission and possibly a Chapter 91 modification and/or Section 10 application with Army Corps.  They are on target to file in September and it usually takes 18 months to get through process.  They are looking at potential overhead routes (which is a longer way around, yet easiest circuit to create, but with more impact to environment) and the structures would be quite large and they would have to obtain new rights.  They have looked into submarine cable in the harbor but feedback from the Harbormaster indicates that it could cut the marina in half, take out a bunch of moorings and effect eel grass beds and federal navigation channels.  The feedback from the city is they would rather us not be there.

Mr. Kerry stated that even if it was a preferred option, it as permitting challenges, including a Chapter 91 license which requires that there be no other alternative.

Mr. Roughan stated that the submarine route would still be very disruptive on the roadways.  

Mr. Bergeron stated that there would still be a 1 ½ mile of street construction.  They are working to characterize the historic resources and archeological resources on all the different options.  They want to get an understanding of what is out there and the other issues they might want to consider.  He stated that they want to work with the Commission to get its input.  They are hoping to get the shortest route without making lots of turns.

Mr. Roughan stated that once they start narrowing down the preferred and alternative routes they are considering, they can send the Commission the graphics that show those routes.

Mr. Hart asked if the PNF submission would identify potential adverse effects to historic properties.

Mr. Bergeron replied in the affirmative.

Mr. Hart asked if it would suggest what do to mitigate any adverse effects.

Mr. Bergeron replied in the affirmative.

Mr. Hart stated that it should look at activities during construction that might impact historic structures, such as vibration and excavation induced movement.

Ms. Herbert stated she felt the vibration would be minimal because this is an area that has been dug up again and again.  She stated that homeowners will be concerned with rodent activity as a result of the streets being dug up, especially being so near water.

Mr. Hart asked if construction would create any problem with the water table.

Mr. Kerry stated that they have not seen it in the past.

Ms. Herbert stated that they also need to take into consideration the peak tourist time in October.

Other Business

  • Minutes
Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the minutes of May 5, 2010. Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

  • Correspondence
Ms. Guy stated that she received a letter from Brona Simon of Massachusetts Historical Commission to the City of Peabody for the Peabody Square Flood Mitigation Area Project regarding the Notice of Project Change.

  • 35 Washington Square
        Ms. Guy stated that she reported at the last meeting that she received an anonymous complaint regarding brickwork done, with mortar too thick.  She noted that the Commission did not have a Certificate on file and that she asked the Building Inspector to go by, who stated that the painters were prepping wood for new paint and that he would have the painters have the building owner contact me.  She stated that she has not received contact and at the last meeting had suggested that the Commission members go by the property.  She asked if anyone had an opportunity to go by the site.  Mr. Hart stated  he will go by.

  • Spring Pond
Ms. Guy stated that she has received an additional 12 emails (1 from Salem, 2 from Peabody, 2 from Lynn and 7 from out of state) regarding the Walmart/Lowes project near Spring Pond.

There being no further business, Ms. McCrea made a motion to adjourn.  Ms. Bellin seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy
Clerk of the Commission