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B. Minutes - January 20, 2010, Approved
January 20, 2010

A meeting of the Salem Historical Commission was held on Wednesday, January 20, 2010 at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Ms. Diozzi, Mr. Desrocher, Ms. Harper, Ms. Bellin, Mr. Hart and Ms. McCrea.

Ms. Herbert arrived later in the meeting.  

127 Derby Street

In continuation of a previous meeting, Max and Shannon Engelhardt, Karen Yourell and Louise Spohr presented an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace an existing black 3-tab asphalt roof with black architectural asphalt roof.  Max Engelhardt and Karen Yourell were present.

Ms. Diozzi stated that the top of the roof is visible.

Mr. Hart stated that the architectural shingles installed are not very obtrusive.

Ms. Bellin stated that while it looks okay in the photograph, she would have liked to see a sample.

Mr. Engelhardt stated that they will provide the brand, name and color of the shingle to Ms. Guy.

Ms. Diozzi stated that it was a handsome roof.

Mr. Desrocher made a motion to approve the application conditional that the roofing information be supplied within 24 hours.  

Mr. Hart suggested a friendly amendment to find that inasmuch as they were installed prior to approval, that the installation is not to be construed as precedent.  

Mr. Desrocher so amended his motion.

Ms. McCrea seconded the motion.  Ms. Diozzi, Mr. Desrocher, Ms. Harper, Mr. Hart and Ms. McCrea voted in favor.  Ms. Bellin voted in opposition.  The motion so carried.

Ms. Herbert joined the meeting at this time

Other Business

  • Ms. Guy read a draft letter to Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) to support the City’s application for a Survey and Planning Grant to undertake additional historic survey work in the Bridge Street area.  Ms Bellin  made a motion to send the letter.  Mr. Desrocher seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.
  • March Meeting -  Ms. Guy noted that there are five Wednesdays in March and that the meetings in March currently fall on March 3rd and 17th.  She suggested that the meeting of the 17th be changed to the 24th.  Ms. Harper made a motion to move the 17th to the 24th.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.
  • Approval of minutes – 12/16/09
Ms. Harper made a motion to approve the minutes of December 16, 2009.  Mr. Hart seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

  • Ms. Guy stated that she distributed the following letters by email:
  • Julie Rose, Historic Salem, Inc. to Massachusetts Historical Commission, dated 1/8/10 concerning St. Joseph’s Church complex
  • Emily Udy, Historic Salem, Inc. to Massachusetts Historical Commission, dated 1/11/10 concerning St. Joseph’s Church complex
  • Linda Locke to Massachusetts Historical Commission, dated 1/11/10 concerning St. Joseph’s Church complex
  • Massachusetts Historical Commission to the Planning Office for Urban Affairs, dated 1/12/10, concerning St. Joseph’s Church complex.
Ms. Diozzi stated that she got a letter from Lynn Duncan to MHC requesting that the City have interest party status for the St. Joseph’s Church complex project.

  • Roofing Guidelines
Mr. Hart moved to accept the amended guidelines.  Ms. Harper seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

  • St. Mary’s Church - Ms. Herbert stated that her architect, Morris Schopf, has completed a proposal to the Salem Mission board and that they will be making a presentation in February.  She stated that the Mission does not have an award from DHCD and so everything is currently on hold until they complete the Section 106 review.  Her proposed plan includes up to 28 units with a roof garden on the youth center.  It keeps the thrift shop income stream in the church and allows for other income opportunities.
  • Mr. Hart stated that the owner of 20 Albion has withdrawn his application from the Zoning Board of Appeal and that he apparently needed a lot of different variances.  It also turns out he is the president of a corporation that tears down houses and replaces them with pre-fabricated.
There being no further business, Mr. Desrocher made a motion to adjourn.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy
Clerk of the Commission