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A. Minutes - January 7, 2009, Approved
January 7, 2009

A meeting of the Salem Historical Commission was held on Wednesday, January 7, 2009 at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Chairman Diozzi, Ms. Herbert, Mr. Desrocher, Ms. Harper and Mr. Hart.   

329 Essex Street

Eric and Dorothy Hayes presented an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness for paint colors, shutter installation and installation of air conditioning condensers.  Painting will not being until the Spring, except for the sash which will be painted during the winter in conjunction with the conservation repairs being carried out in an off-site shop.  The sash, doors and shutters will be Benjamin Moore C13380 Black and the body and trim will be Farrow & Ball Charlestown Grey #243.  A single original shutter surviving in the basement will be used a s model for fabrication of new shutters conforming to the curved window heads visible in the historic photograph.  Five air conditioning condensers will be installed along the rear portion of the west façade as indicated on the map provided.  Two will be within a niche that is completely hidden from view.  Representing the application was William Finch.

Mr. Finch stated that his paint exploration showed that from 1872 until the 1940’s the house appeared to be monochromatic.

Morris Schopff, 1 Cambridge Street, asked why the body and trim are proposed to be the same color.

Mr. Finch stated that his analysis done with a scalpel and magnifying glass showed that the house was likely painted to look like stone.

Ms. Herbert asked how close is the proposed body color to the findings.

Mr. Finch stated that the initial paint layers are lighter and the later layers are darker to some deep blue-grays.  He stated that the owner is not pretending to match historic colors, just using similar palette.

Ms. Herbert stated that it is a large, obvious building and that she hoped that with monochromatic that a lot of the marvelous details will remain obvious.  She suggested making the trim one or two shades lighter.  She noted that the walnut doors are being painted black and wondered if they would have remained walnut.

Mr. Finch replied that they would not have necessarily remained walnut.

Mr. Hart stated that walnut would have turned black over time.

Mr. Finch stated that it is hard to keep finish on an exterior door.
Mr. Hart stated that ordinarily the trim would be picked out.

Mr. Finch stated that he did not see layers with dark body and light trim or with light body and dark trim.  He stated that he saw only subtle differences in body and trim.

Mr. Hart suggested that the applicants consider a different door color.

Mr. Finch stated that he would personally not argue, but that the proposal is what the client desires.

Ms. Herbert stated that the question is the precedent of having all one color.

Mr. Finch noted that there is a monochromatic house on Federal Street.

Ms. Herbert stated that she believed that 63 Federal  is actually two colors with very subtle shading.  She stated that she could not name a building in Salem that is this style and monochromatic.

Mr. Hart noted that, on the other hand, Mr. Finch’s analysis shows that the building may have had a monochromatic scheme until the 1940s.

Mr. Finch stated that, at the least, it was very close to monochromatic.  He stated that the present need is to get the sash painted and that the rest won’t be painted until the summer.

Ms. Herbert stated that she had no problem with the sash and shutter color.  She suggested keeping the doors unpainted.

Mr. finch stated that it may be difficult to bring the doors back to a decent finish.  He stated that the windows will be gloss black and that he was not sure if the shutters and doors would be gloss or semi-gloss, but noted that they would not be flat.

Ms. Herbert made a motion to approve paint colors for the body to be Charlestown Grey #243, the window sash & shutters to be Benjamin Moore Black c13380 in either matte semi-gloss or gloss, the door to have an option for either natural (preferred) or Benjamin Moore Black c13380 in either matte semi-gloss or gloss and the trim to be continued to the meeting of March 4, 2009.

Mr. Hart seconded the motion and suggested a modification for a third option for the doors to be grained to simulate walnut.

Ms. Herbert did not accept the modification and questioned having graining, when they could have the real thing.  She noted that the owners could come back with another option before they are ready to paint.  She suggested a lighter grade of the body color for the trim.

The motion was voted on, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Ms. Hayes stated that all the windows on the house will be shuttered and that she believed it was 37 windows.

Ms. Herbert made a motion to approve the installation of new shutters on all windows to match original shutter surviving in basement.

Mr. Hart seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Mr. Finch stated that they picked the most obscure location for the ac condensers.

Ms. Diozzi read an e-mail received from Jim and Judy Kearney, 1A Cambridge Street, who were concerned about the potential noise level.

John Bedell, 6 Cambridge Street, stated that he also wondered about the noise level.  He noted that he has one in his yard, so he knows they can be a little noisy.

Ms. Hayes stated that the propose to use American Standard 13 Seer.

Mr. Finch stated that the largest is 36” square and the tallest is 39” high, which are in the niche.  He believed the ones along the ell are 30” square.

Ms. Hayes stated that they will continue the privet hedge along the walkway.

Ms. Herbert suggested using something evergreen.

Mr. Hart stated that he was concerned about noise and asked if they knew the dB rating of American Standard.

Mr. Finch replied in the negative, but noted that he could get it.

Mr. Hart stated that there are devices available that will direct the sound up, rather than out.

Ms. Herbert stated that it is unlikely that they would have all 5 units going at the same time.

Ms. Herbert made a motion to continue the ac condensers until the meeting of March 4, 2009.  

Mr. Desrocher seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Other Business

Ms. Guy provided a draft letter of support for the application for Massachusetts Historical Rehabilitation Tax Credits for the Salem Jail complex.  Ms. Herbert made a motion to send the letter of support.  Mr. Desrocher seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Ms. Guy noted that several weeks ago, the Commission informally reviewed the bike path connection from the Bridge Street Bypass to Bridge Street which includes the placement of additional fill which may partially or completely cover the retaining walls near Cross Street.  She stated that the Commission has received a formal request from Tetra Tech Rizzo under the Section 106 Review to comment on the project.  She provided a draft letter in support of the proposal.  Mr. Hart made a motion to approve the letter.  Ms. Harper seconded the motion , all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Ms. Guy stated that she received the following letter copies:
  • 12/15/08 from Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) to the City of Salem concerning the Witch House, 310 Essex Street, interior accessibility work, finding no adverse effect;
  • 12/17/08 from MHC to US. Coast Guard concerning Bakers Island Soil Remediation Project finding no adverse effect;
  • 12/30/08 from EA Engineering, Science and Technology, Inc. concerning Bakers Island Soil Remediation Project, with a copy of the Action Memorandum Non-Time Critical Removal Action report;
  • 12/30/08 from Historic Salem, Inc. to DCAM comment letter; and
  • 12/30/08 from Federal Street Neighborhood Association, Inc. to DCAM comment letter.
J. Michael Ruane Judicial Complex  - Review of landscape drawings

Ms. Herbert made the following comments:
  • She did not see the planters on the plans;
  • The benches and walkway set up is really uninteresting;
  • There is supposed to be a meandering walking with trees and benches;
  • Her biggest concern is that it looks regimented and boring; and
  • She feels the amount of landscaped green space is smaller than what was shown at the meeting.
Mr. Desrocher made a motion to designate Ms. Herbert to review and prepare comment, if needed.  Ms. Harper seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

There being no further business, made a motion to adjourn.  Ms. Harper seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.  

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy
Clerk of the Commission