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K. Minutes - June 18, 2008, Approved
June 18, 2008

A meeting of the Salem Historical Commission was held on Wednesday, June 18, 2008 at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Chairman Diozzi, Ms. Bellin, Ms. Herbert and Mr. Hart.

Washington Square - Salem Common Tot Lot

In continuation of a prior meeting, Sarah Wheeler-Gaddipati, on behalf of Parent’s United’s Tot Lot Committee, presented an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness for replacement of the 25 year old tot lot structures.  

Ms. Gaddipati provided a new plan and stated that some of the green components have been changed to beige.  The step pads and slides will be retained green.  She provided color samples of the metals and plastics and the rubber surfacing.

Ms. Herbert questioned if the beige will show handprints more than the green.

Mr. Hart stated that he thought beige was a great color.

Ms. Gaddipati stated that the canopies can be punched metal from one company or mesh from another company.  The canopy is needed for structural integrity because all of the bolts intersect there.  Ms. Gaddipati stated that the entire surface could be rubber, only if fundraising goes well.  The rubber will be installed, at a minimum, at the swings for handicapped access.

Ms. Herbert suggested using the wine color instead of beige.  She added that she felt the green was too Army.

Mr. Hart stated that he thought the wine would be less obtrusive than the beige because it will absorb more light.

Ms. Herbert stated that the wine is a sophisticated color and felt that the kids would like it better than the beige.

Ms. Bellin suggested changing what is proposed on the plan in green to brown and the beige to wine.

Ms. Diozzi stated that she did not like the green and red together.

Ms. Herbert suggested checking if the plastic comes in a brick color.

Alicia Hart, 47 Washington Square, stated that she was concerned that there is no overriding need for changing the existing tot lot.  She stated that the current tot lot allows for unobstructed views.  She stated that she thought the proposed is an eyesore and uncalled for.  She felt it was a jungle gym that could be in Anytown, USA.  She added that it would obstruct the views of important buildings and that it will be hard for brides who are on the Common posing on their photographs.  She felt that we need to slow down and think about this.  She stated that she lives on the Common and does not want to look at this.  She stated that she felt it would bring more children to the Common and that is an issue that really needs to be discussed, about Common usage.  She stated that she felt the project was moving way too fast and she was not comfortable with it and wondered who will be the corporate sponsorship.  She thought all the colors are bad and the red is way too hot.  She added that the proposed was oversize and out of scale and she did not like the process.

Gordan Van Huizen, 41 Washington Sq., stated that he wondered if other materials had been considered, noting that the existing materials seem appropriate.  He stated that he felt the proposed does not seem suitable or in keeping for an historic area.  He added that during the 5 months of winter, the dark colors will be very visible all the way across the Common and that paler colors are less visible off season.

Barbara Pervier, 41 Washington Sq., asked the height of the structures.

Ms. Gaddipati stated that the highest is 9’ to the top of the canopy.

Ms. Herbert asked how it compared to the height of what is already there.

Ms. Gaddipati stated that the proposed is no higher than the current swing height.

Ms. Pervier noted that a swingset is a single horizontal line, while the other playground equipment will be curved with a canopy, becoming more sculptural.

Ms. Herbert questioned if it could be seasonal and stripped down during winter, such as stair and slide removal.

Ms. Gaddipati stated that it is approximately $14,000 to install on site and that partial removal might pose a safety issue.

Ms. Gaddipati stated that they have looked at wooden playgrounds and was told they are obsolete as far as durability, safety, splintering, rotting and upkeep.

Ms. Pervier stated that she would prefer anything available without tall structures, so that it is a little more minimal.  She noted that the existing sort of disappears into the landscape.  She asked if there was anyone local that could customize something suitable to the area.

Ms. Guy noted that for liability, it should be someone who designs play structures.

Ms. Gaddipati offered to have Ms. Pervier join the committee.

Lisa Bartlett, owner of 143 Derby Street, stated that cost and warrantee of plastic should be looked at versus cost and warrantee of wood.  She stated that they have a wood structure on Beach Street in Manchester at Masconomo Park.  It is all wood with the exception of the two slides.  She noted that wood may not be a longer warrantee, but it may be cheaper cost.

Ms. Bellin suggested looking into recycled plastic that simulates wood.

Mr. Hart stated that he had no problem with a contemporary design, noting that the question is what impact the design will have on the historic structures that surround the Common.  He stated that there have been metal swings around since he was six years old, so it is not a new concept.

Ms. Herbert stated that the use of the Common follow what the citizens are doing at the time.  She stated that if it could be designed in wood, it would be great.

Ms. Hart stated that there is a lot of criticism amongst child psychologists regarding this type of structure and that forward thinking communities are not putting these jungle gyms up.  She stated there is new thinking and new movement now for playgrounds to be more about discovery and stimulating children’s creativity.  She stated that she did not think the proposed does that.  She was concerned about the Common turning into a recreation area. She stated that she felt the proposed was an Anytown design and not very creative.  She suggested having a mini McIntire house or mini ship that references the history of Salem.  She stated if we are going to do something it is an opportunity to make us look good, not average and ordinary and doing the easiest thing that we can think of.  She stated that she did not think it was contemporary in terms of what child psychologists are thinking about early childhood development.

Ms. Pervier suggested looking on line for environmentally green equipment.  She suggested less tall arched pieces as a compromise

Mr. Hart suggested that Ms. Hart provide a copy of an actual citation regarding discovery-type playgrounds.

Ms. Herbert made a motion to close the public hearing.  Ms. Bellin seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Ms. Herbert agreed that it could be explored to have a theme that is in keeping with Salem, for a least one structure, noting that it may help with the fundraising efforts.  Ms. Herbert suggested Ms. Hart volunteer to do some research.

Ms. Hart was in agreement.

Ms. Bellin suggested getting the Peabody Essex Museum involved.  

Ms. Herbert made a motion to continue the application to the meeting of July 16, 2008.  Ms. Bellin seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

143 Derby Street

In continuation of a previous meeting, Captain Dusty, Inc. submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace the front two and one side window with windows that will open and provide ventilation.  The application is also to paint the trim around the windows to match the sign color.   Lisa and John Bartlett represented the corporation.

Ms. Bartlett provided a paint chip of the proposed trim color and stated that it will be Imperial Purple.  The windows will be Pella Architectural Series, two 8 over 8’s for each  of the existing front windows.  She provided a window layout from the Pella website.   

Ms. Herbert made a motion to approve the replacement of one side window with 8 over 8, Pella Architect Series Wood Double Hung Window with ILT's, 7/8" muntin , bronze spacers if available and the replacement of two front windows with four of the same Pella windows spaced as per wall planner.  The motion is also for paint colors to be Imperial Purple for the door trim, shutters and window trim and white for the body, window sash and door.  Ms. Bellin seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

14 Chestnut Street

Thomas & Katherine Murray submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to use Trex decking for the side porch construction instead of wood.

Mr. Murray stated that the porch is 65’ from the sidewalk and that Trex is the only supplier that make it in the dark color.

Ms. Herbert asked if the risers would be wood.  

Mr. Murray replied in the affirmative, noting that only the flooring and treads would be in Trex.

Ms. Bellin stated that it won’t be very visible.

Mr. Hart suggested using Trex for the entire reconstruction.

Ms. Diozzi stated that she was no comfortable using Trex for the railings.

Ms. Herbert made a motion to replace wood decking and treads of the side porch with Trex decking in the same dark color.  

Mr. Murray asked what color the risers should be.

Ms. Herbert stated that they are normally the color of the trim.

Ms. Herbert amended her motion to includes that the risers be painted the trim or deck color.  Ms. Bellin seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

401R Essex Street

David and Mary Schaejbe submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness and a Certificate of Hardship to replace a slate roof with asphalt at 401R Essex Street.

Ms. Bellin stated that she cannot vote on the application because she is considered an abutter.

Ms. Guy noted that without Ms. Bellin to vote, there is no quorum to act on the application.  Ms. Guy apologized to Mr. Schaejbe and stated that the Commission will have to hear the application at its meeting of July 2, 2008
17 Orne Square

Anne Busteed presented an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to 2 sections of picket fence on either side of concrete garden walkway with each portion secured by two posts (one existing, 3 to be constructed).  Fence is 3’6” high with 2.5” pickets and 2.5” spacing.  Posts 3’ high.  One section to be 12’ and one section to be 6’ (coming from the garage).  There will be no gate.

Ms. Herbert stated that the proposal looks very good.

Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the application as submitted.  Ms. Herbert seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Other Business

Ms. Guy read a letter from Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) notifying the Commission that the Fenno House on Hawthorne Blvd. has been voted eligible for listing on the National Register by the State Review Board and is being submitted to Washington for final review.

Ms. Guy stated that she mailed a letter dated 5/27/08 from MHC to EOEEA regarding the Peabody Square Flood Mitigation Area.

Ms. Guy stated that she mailed a letter dated 6/5/08 from MHC to DCAM which provides comments on the 90% plans for the Baptist Church relocation.

J. Michael Ruane Judicial Center

Ms. Herbert stated that when she attended a meeting in the Mayor’s Office, she was told by Gail Rosenberg of DCAM the night before that the columns will be fattened up and moved out, that they are considering some kind of roof treatment on the pavilion, that they are taking the corners off the glass screen and maybe make it dipped and lowered a little bit, they are working on the North Street side to do the logia which we have seen on drawing L, which we have seen, but expand on that and have it wrap around the North Street side and develop it a lot further and  that the penthouse will be smaller and more spread out.  She suggested seeing it before it goes too far in case the Commission or the architect’s group has some suggestions, but Carol Meeker said no.  She stated that the Commission could still do a letter, but suggested instead that she send a confirmatory email to Ms. Rosenberg.  Ms. Bellin stated that design changes were somewhat encouraging.

There being no further business, Ms. Bellin made a motion to adjourn.  Ms. Herbert seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.  

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy
Clerk of the Commission