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Minutes - April 4, 2007 Approved

April 4, 2007

A meeting of the Salem Historical Commission was held on April 4, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Ms. Bellin, Ms. Herbert, Mr. Desrocher and Mr. Spang and Ms. Guy.  Ms. Diozzi arrived later in the meeting.  Ms. Herbert chaired the meeting.

Ms. Herbert noted that, until Ms. Diozzi arrives later in the meeting, all four votes in favor will be needed to pass on any motion.

268 Lafayette Street

In continuation of a prior meeting, Christine and Keith McClearn presented an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the installation of French doors.  Photographs showing the doors and trim painted, as well as those at 266 Lafayette Street, were provided.

Ms. Herbert stated that she believed there is precedent for approving non-true divided light French doors when they are visible only from a great distance.

Mr. Desrocher stated that the painting helps.

Mr. Spang made a motion to approve the application for the doors as completed.  Mr. Desrocher seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

12-14 Carpenter Street

In continuation of a prior meeting, Neil and MaryJane Hansen presented an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to create a second egress to #14 condominium on the first floor by converting an existing window into a glass paneled door.  

Ms. Guy stated that their contractor e-mailed some Brosco catalog cuts.

Mr. Hansen stated that he spoke to the State Fire Marshall, who was concerned about the door that was sealed and wants to do an inspection.  Mr.  Hansen stated that they may want to wait for the Commission to vote.

Ms. Guy stated that she spoke to Joe Barbeau, the Assistant Building Inspector, who stated that the reason that opening the sealed door will not work is due to the second and third floor being one unit, which the second floor owner uses the hallway for access to the third floor.  He indicated that to enclose the second floor from the first would require a door at the top or bottom of the staircase and that there was not enough room for the door swing by code.  Ms. Guy stated that Mr. Barbeau would permit a second egress from the kitchen.  

Mr. Hansen stated that they do not want to have the second egress from the kitchen, because this is where most fires occur and could be blocked during a fire.

Ms. Guy asked if the Hansen’s were going to sell their unit.

Mr. Hansen stated that they will eventually sell, but do not know when.  He stated he did not want to sell his unit if it is potentially a fire hazard.

Mr. Hansen requested a continuance.

Mr. Spang stated that if there is an occupancy permit as per the plan provided showing the door not sealed, the plan should be enforced.

Ms. Guy suggested that they pursue legal counsel.

Ms. Herbert stated that she felt it was a clear violation of the approved plan and that Thomas St. Pierre, the City’s Building Inspector, should issue a violation.

Ms. Bellin made a motion to continue the application. To the May 2nd meeting.  Mr. Desrocher seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Ms. Diozzi joined the meeting at this time.

6 Chestnut Street

In continuation of a prior meeting, James McLean presented an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace and existing door and window with a two panel, French style door and transom.  

Mr. McLean provided a drawing, noting that at the last meeting the Commission wanted a drawing to illustrate the sense of scale.

Ms. Herbert suggested that the door be shifted over to get it a little away from the bulkhead.

Mr. Spang stated it may require patching a lot of clapboards.

Mr. McLean also provided a drawing of a single door option.

Ms. Diozzi stated that the lower half of the door is not visible from the public way.

Ms. Bellin suggested sealing up the door opening and replacing the window with a door.

Mr. McLean stated that they are hoping to connect the house to the yard better and to bring in more light.

Mr. Desrocher agreed that the door should be moved over several inches in case they later want to add a landing.

Ms. Herbert asked their time frame.

Mr. McLean replied that they want to start soon.

Ms. Diozzi made a motion to replace the existing door and window in rear with a two panel, wood, French style door with one side fixed, painted to match existing. Option to move door to the left a maximum of 12 inches.  

Ms. Herbert suggested having a lintel instead of a transom.

Mr. Spang agreed and suggested that there be a drip edge.

Ms. Diozzi amended her motion to include that instead of transom proposed, the door is to be 15 lights per panel, true divided light door with a lintel with maximum 9” projection.  Mr. Desrocher seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Mr. McLean stated that if the French door turns out to not be feasible, he would like to replace the existing door with a single panel, 15 light door.

Mr. Desrocher made a motion to offer the option to replace the existing door only with wood, 15 light, true divided light door, painted to match existing.  Ms. Bellin seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

34 Chestnut Street

The Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities d/b/a Historic New England submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to erect a sign on the front lawn of the Phillips House.  Written specifications, a sample 3/16” aluminum plate and example photographs were provided.  Margherita Desy, Site Manager, was present.

Mr. Spang asked if the sign will be two-sided.

Ms. Desy replied in the affirmative.

Mr. Spang asked if it will be lit.

Ms. Desy replied in the negative.

Mr. Spang asked if it will have posts.

Ms. Desy stated the post will be 4 x 4 wood, same as the photographs of the Codman Estate sign.  It will also have the same colors.

Mr. Desrocher made a motion to approve the application as submitted.  Ms. Diozzi seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

60 Derby Street

Gina and David Atwood submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace all window over a 4 year period.  Windows facing Derby Street or visible from Derby Street will be wood, 6 over 6, with the exception of two 2 over 2 windows on the second floor and one 4 over 4 on the 1st floor.  The applicants prefer Boston Sash insulated glass true divided lights with 1” muntins, but also provided specification on the JB Sash insulated glass true divided light.  If neither are approved, they would go with the Boston Sash single glaze true divided light.

Ms. Herbert asked if the short window is in the kitchen.

Ms. Atwood replied in the affirmative, noting that there is a counter underneath.

Ms. Herbert suggested using 2 over 2 windows on the sides of the rear addition (1st and 2nd floor on English St. side, facing Derby).

Ms. Atwood stated that the contractor suggested 4 over 4.  She noted that the first priority for window replacement is the second floor rear.  She added that she was not able to get a sample of the Boston Sash window.

Ms. Herbert suggested getting addresses where the windows have been installed and/or getting photographs.

Mr. Spang stated that doing a few replacements at a time may take a long time to realize any energy savings.  He stated that if they can afford to do more windows quicker, they will save more energy.

Mr. Atwood stated that since the windows must be wood, they will eventually need replacement again.  He stated that storm windows might help preserve the wood windows.

Ms. Atwood stated that the insulated windows are very expensive and that they know prefer to go with single glaze.

Mr. Spang made a motion to approve installation, over a period of four years, for the replacement of all windows with wood 6 over 6, true divided lights to replicate existing, with the exception of two windows on the rear addition on the English Street side (one each 1st & 2nd floor facing Derby Street), which will be 4 over 4.  All painted to match existing.

Mr. Desrocher seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

123 Federal Street

Sharon Maquire submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness for replacement of a second egress in the carriage house apartment.  Jay Maguire was present.

Ms. Herbert suggested moving the egress to the other side.  

Mr. Maguire replied that there is a chimney there.

Ms. Herbert stated that the drawing seems kind of busy.

Mr. Maquire stated that the railing will be 36” high and won’t protrude past the building.

Mr. Spang asked if there will be a handrail along the wall.

Mr. Maguire stated that there may be if the Building Inspector requires one.  He stated that there will be a single post at the bottom, that the risers will have a natural stain and the stairs would be deck green.

Mr. Desrocher made a motion to approve the replacement of secondary egress to carriage house second floor per sketch submitted.  One post on top of landing and one at bottom of stairs.  Risers to be painted black, steps to be deck gray and railing to match existing white trim of building.  Railing to be 36” high, 4 x 4 posts not to exceed 39” high with pyramid cap.  Balusters to be 2”, 4” on center with standard Brosco beveled capped rail. Railing design to match photograph submitted including 1 ½” round handrail.  Option for matching 1 ½” round handrail to be installed along building side.  Ms. Bellin seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Mr. Maguire stated that he would also like to add a window on the first floor over the door in the rear in order to square off with the leaded window panel next to it.  It is not visible from the public way.

Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the installation of window above door in rear to match top of leaded window, conditional that the window not be visible from any public way.  Ms. Diozzi seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Other Business

Ms. Guy stated that she received a copy of plans and other materials from the Salem Maritime National Historic Site for the Pedrick Store House project for the Commission to comment.  Mr. Spang stated that it appears that there are site utilities proposed for the façade facing Derby Street and recommended that the unit be placed inside the structure or covered by a simple attached wood shed with doors for access.  Ms. Guy will draft a letter.

Ms. Guy provided Commission members with an Affidavit of Service form to sign when they have missed a meeting on an application but have examined all evidence, including listening to an audio.

Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the minutes of 12/6/07 as amended.  Mr. Desrocher seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

There being no further business, Mr. Desrocher made a motion to adjourn.  Ms. Bellin seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy
Clerk of the Commission