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Minutes - March 21, 2007 Approved

March 21, 2007

A meeting of the Salem Historical Commission was held on March 21, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Ms. Diozzi, Ms. Bellin, Ms. Harper, Mr. Desrocher and Mr. Hart and Ms. Guy.  

12-14 Carpenter Street

Neil and MaryJane Hansen presented an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to create a second egress to #14 condominium on the first floor by converting an existing window into a glass paneled door.

Mr. Hansen stated that they have lived there approximately ten years and thought they had a second egress up until 2 years ago when they learned that the door was sealed up.  The condo owner at #12 refuses to reopen it, as it will lead to the hallway leading to both floors of her unit.  Therefore, they asked the Fire and Building Departments to inspect the building and both stated that the door needed to be reopened, but the condo owner still refuses.  He stated that they attended a magistrate hearing and that the Building Inspector stated that the entry to the hall could not be opened up due to fire code and has ordered a second egress be done within 90 days.

Ms. Hansen noted that they would rather not have to install a second egress, but are required to.

Ms. Diozzi asked if they had a house inspection when they bought the condo.

Mr. Hansen replied in the affirmative.

Ms. Diozzi questioned how the house inspector did not catch the problem at that time.

Mr. Hart suggested that a small hood be placed over the door to protect from snow and ice.

Ms. Hansen stated that she would like the door to look as much like a window as possible.

Mr. Hart made a motion to approve the application as submitted conditional that the applicant come back with a design for a hood, and to continue the application until the next meeting.

Ms. Bellin seconded the motion.

Mr. Desrocher stated that he felt the door was a little contemporary.  He asked if it was true divided light or insulated.  He stated that he felt more detail was needed on the door.

Ms. Bellin withdrew her second.

Mr. Hart withdrew his motion.

Mr. Desrocher stated that he would like to see what the other door on that side of the house looks like.

Mr. Desrocher made a motion to continue the application.

Mr. Hart seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Robert Levins stated that if the code enforcement officer and fire have a problem with having an opening into the hall, it seems that proper plans were not filed when the house was converted to condominiums.

6 Chestnut Street

James McLean presented an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace and existing door and window with a two panel, French style door and transom.  Anderson catalog pages were provided.

Mr. McLean stated that it will be a slider French door with one side fixed.  He stated that the top of the transom will be approximately the same as the top of the existing window/

Ms. Bellin stated that she would like to see exactly what it will look like.

Mr. Hart asked if the door will be true divided lights.

Mr. McLean replied in the affirmative and stated that the door will be 6’ wide and 6’7” high.

Mr. Hart noted that there will need to be a header on top in order to support the wall and that on top of the header will be the trim and transom.

Mr. Desrocher stated that the Commission needs to know what the final will look like and the exact location and dimensions.

Mr. McLean stated that the existing is 7’ across and that with a 6’ wide door, it will stay within the existing width.

Ms. Bellin stated that she was concerned with where the height falls.

Mr. Hart made a motion to continue in order for the applicant to provide additional information.  He stated that they will need documentation that the Anderson window is true divided lights and to know if it is single or double glaze.  Ms. Bellin seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

19 Fowler Street

Charles & Susan Bean presented an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the construction of a 6’ x 24’ addition along the south (rear) side of the house.  One half towards the street will be an open porch (6’ x 12’) and the other half enclosed.  Also present was their contractor Robert Levins.

Mr. Levins stated that the porch will have a square column with a ½ column at the wall beside the door.  There will be a hip roof with an overhang.

Mr. Hart asked how far back the addition will be from the street.

Mr. Bean stated that it will be approximately 25’ back.

Ms. Diozzi asked if they will need Zoning Board of Appeals approval.

Ms. Bean stated that it was the next step.

Mr. Hart asked if there will be an screens for the porch.

Mr. Bean replied in the negative.  He added that the door of the addition will match an existing door on the left hand side of the house.

Mr. Hart asked about the overhang dimensions.

Mr. Levins stated that he preferred it to be 12”.  He stated that it will have molding underneath the soffit.

Mr. Hart asked if it will be 5 pitch.

Mr. Levins replied in the affirmative.

Mr. Bean stated that he preferred to match the top of the house.  

Mr. Hart stated that it does not need to match.

Mr. Desrocher made a motion to approve the construction of a 6’ x 24’ addition along the south (rear) side of the house - one half of which (6’ x 12”) to be an open porch per drawings submitted, to have hip roof with 5/12 slope and 12” overhang. Door on addition to match existing door on the left hand side of house.  Windows to be true divided light, single glaze to match existing size and trim, etc.  Clapboards, trim and paint to match existing.  Ms. Bellin seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Other Business

Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the minutes of 3/7/07.  Mr. Hart seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Ms. Guy stated that she drafted a letter of support for the City’s application for Massachusetts Preservation Projects Funds (MPPF) for rehabilitation of the Coast Guard Barracks on Winter Island.  Ms. Bellin made a motion to send the letter of support.  Mr. Desrocher seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Ms. Guy read a letter from Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) dated 3/14/07 to Preservation of Affordable Housing concerning rehabilitation of units at Fairweather Apartments at 40R Highland Avenue, of which MHC was asking for additional information.

Mr. Hart stated that he feels there is a need to express to applicants what is needed in their applications so that the Commission has all the details.

Ms. Diozzi stated summarized the recent courthouse complex site visit with MHC undertaken to determine the impact on historic resources.  She noted that the Mayor and others present were in support of not mothballing and that the state is fast-tracking the reuse process.  She added that the heating system originates in the probate building.  She also stated that DCAM favors Plan A, which includes removal of the 3 houses.  There will be another meeting on April 10th at 9:00 am at a location to be determined.

Ms. Bellin questioned if the Commission should start taping its meetings and storing them, but suggested that minutes continued to be prepared through notes taken by Ms. Guy.

There being no further business, Mr. Hart made a motion to adjourn.  Ms. Bellin seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy
Clerk of the Commission