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September 15, 2008
Salem Commission on Disability  September 15, 2008

Meeting began at 4pm

Those in attendance: (Didn’t have an opportunity to get names and spelling.  Suggest passing paper around to have each person sign.)

New Members
Jean Harrison.  Resident of Salem.  Oil painting restorer.  Has chronic fatigue syndrome.

Deborah ?.  Commission for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing where she provides training in the field.  Resident of Salem.

Witch House
Funds available for accessible entrance in the rear of the building.
Need to add railings.
Ramp work in progress and in compliance.
Widen doors inside.
Second floor not accessible but booklet available to describe the area.
Jean Levesque suggested visual (DVD/movie) might be a possibility to describe the second floor to visitors with handicaps.
Check on awning on back entrance for use in inclement weather.
Discussed including blue line in brochure to assist disabled visitors with the possibility of attracting more visitors to sites.
Andy will check on Braille material.

Jean Harrison suggested that email addresses be shared and pertinent information be added to web site.

Sidewalks/Curb Cuts
Jason Silva sent a press release regarding locations.
27 Charter Street needs to be relocated.
Barton Square complete.
Other locations include Cambridge St. and 60 Washington Sq.
Concerns raised regarding brick sidewalks, i.e., repairs are expensive and they are high maintenance.  For the most part, brick sidewalks are holding up.
Dave Milton (?) called for suggestions
Jean Levesque mentioned that entrance to Social Security office needs access
Discussed cutting into 10 Federal St. parking lots.  Addition of disabled parking spaces.  Monitor and resolve.
District Court cut has loose bricks and doesn’t have tactile.

High School
Finishing Phase I.  Open to public on Sunday @ 1pm.
Asked school committee to update transition plan but to no avail.
Called to meet with Superintendent to discuss special needs/accessibility issues.
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If city is short handed re transition plan, suggest we get interns from Salem State to do the plan.

Money for Blaney St. parking lot will be available (with disability parking).
No bathrooms because they cannot put in a septic system.
Suggested looking into Charlie Cards for ferry.

3 Hawthorne Blvd.  Handrails up and meet requirements.
Bypass road bicycle path/ walkway variance discussed.  Mass Highway requested. variance but it was denied.  Thought it was a good pick.
Could cost Mass Highway and not City of Salem.
( I was a little confused about this conversation so it might need tweaking)

Jaho Coffeehouse on Derby St.
They would like to open up a second shop or move to 60 Wharf St.
Discussed with building inspector.
Owner trying to bypass city inspection board.
They must apply for correct permits following the suggestions from the city.
Coffeehouse felt discrimination from the building inspector.
Architectural Access Board agrees with the city and the building inspector’s judgment.

New Business
Tom St. Pierre called.  50 Freedom Hallow came to the attention of the building inspector that parking lot and entrance not accessible.  
Commission did a follow-up.
Tom sent letter to management and they will make corrections.

Hawthorne Hotel has automatic door openers which are used mainly for weather purposes but assist disabled persons.  Commission should send letter to hotel to congratulate them on installing the doors.

Audible signals at Bridge St. and St. Peters St. not design expected.  Letter sent to the Commonwealth regarding the design.  Beacon hookup points to crosswalk and is more efficient.
City should not sign off until corrected.
Check with Sue Cranney or highway director.
Central campus and Marlborough Rd. working well.
Loring Ave. needs constant repair.
Keep John Keenan appraised that all are uniform.

Discussed vendors to get web space for meetings/space content on the web. Video clips to help tourists.  Audio tours to map routes. (I was a little confused on this matter)

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The National Park Service has audible tours you can download on computers

Andy mentioned upcoming demonstrations
Glucose test device (diabetes)
Automobile GPS system for blind

Biff Michaud will be invited guest at next meeting.

Printed material about courthouse accessibility distributed.

Meeting ended at 5:40pm

Next meeting scheduled for ?